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Post by ferare »

For some reason, the search function isn't working for me, so I apologize ahead of time if this thread has been made already. I enjoy soloing. I've beaten the game once with a party of three (Two, really.. I dropped my nature mage before Valdis because I hated waiting 30 seconds after every fight for her to get up.), and I want to start from ground zero with a Solo character to play through all stages of difficulty, including secondary quests. I did this in the first Dungeon Siege with an archer, but considering the nature of some of the fights in this game compared to the first one, I don't know if an archer is viable. So my question is this:

Has anyone soloed the game before, and if you have, what did you find was most effective?
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Post by BadBreath »

Nope, never did, just think of how often you would have to go back to sell the loot!

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Post by darkpark »

he could use the nature spell "Transmute" to convert loot that he doesn't plan on keeping to gold.
-darkpark Brap on!
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Post by Tulir »



I played the whole game trough alone, i mean WHOLE game. :p right now i got almost lvl 91 warrior with huge sword. I didnt have any problems with bosses. well in elite, Archmage was really annoying. it took a while to kill him alone. melee char. is meaby easiest way to complete the game alone. i used party members only to their personal quests. Now im just looting and try to find last piece of Undying Warlord set ^^
This was pretty easy game(as warrior) but i have no idea about mages and rangers.
Warrior party member might be very big help for rangers and mages.
(i hope you can understand me, because im not very good at writing ;) )
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Post by sirine »

Try with solo mage b4, die pretty easy... finally give up. 8(
Now playing 5 thunder grand-mage (lvl65). Piece of cake...for all boss. 1 min kill the archmage. He not even touch my hp. (Strange, high lvl mod all lightning resistence, but still die easily. =) I use only "static charge." the entire game.
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Post by my6kato »'s the thing...!

basicly you can finish solo game with ANY type of character, the point is ARE YOU NOT GOING TO GET SICK OF DYING A LOT during your attempt... because the EASIEST (if there is easy way to do this at all) ... is to be melee character! WHY? Because you have enough can survive in huge battles with lots of dont have HUGE dmg but with proper equipment you can bring down EVERYTHING fast enough... I dont know about you guys but i play BW and my favorite TYPE of hero is ASSASSIN... ravaging strike have no match in this game... SO mighty power + stunt...what else u can ask for other than that u have TAKE AIM, but assassin is good for 2nd (if not 3rd) party member, alone he doesnt stand well in 1vsALL ... even though u pump up ur resistanse and ur health level is high... you cant fight alone with ranger/assassin .... about the mages - there's no need to talk they are very weak when its up to health... well yeah CM does serious damage but CAN HE DO IT before he die? My point is... YOU CAN accomplish the game with any type of char in SOLO but it will take MONTHS if not years LOL... prepare yourself to die a lot, for me this is kinda boring... but everybody have his own style and own vision of the game... anyway if u wanna try this... GO WITH MELEE ... dual wielder (coz of the damage) .... good luck!
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Post by Ror »

my6kato wrote:well yeah CM does serious damage but CAN HE DO IT before he die?
Have 3 CM's in late 30's, one of each school, no major problems with any with maybe 6-8 deaths or so, as you see it can be done.
One on one is easy due to sheer dps and large packs you can break up - use terrain, line-of-sight, corners, slopes etc, pretty basic kiting as the AI is not that smart really :D Best defence, no be there :p

Things are also helped in that as solo, you level faster so you are typically a bit above the median level for that act.
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Post by my6kato »

its about SOLO, not TRIO

Ror, dude.... no offence but we are talking about SOLO and you said you have 3 CM... anything MORE than 1 char is EASY, but if its 1 char u need to have a TANK to get lots of dmg, coz where you think will go all the damage that the mobs do... in your ONLY character...if you have party... 1 mob hit this guy 1 mob hit that guy... if you have summon they hit the summon as well... soooo for SOLO with ONLY 1 CM (maybe + summon) its kinda HARD... but i remember a guy who said in another thread that he have FULL CM PARTY and all lightning magic... and the game was very very easy with that party.... so again i tell ya... we talk about SOLO ... so your 3 CMs ... yeah they are POWERFULL and you bring down the mobs 3 times faster than a SOLO COMBAT MAGICIAN... true right? :) :angel: :cool:
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Post by Ror »

my6kato wrote:Ror, dude.... no offence but we are talking about SOLO and you said you have 3 CM...
I *am* talking about solo - all 3 mages are solo as I wanted to try each primary CM damage school solo to decide which one to complete with (looking like the death mage atm though the static bolt mage is awesome as well.)

To repeat, all 3 CM's were, and are, levelled *solo* :p
(and by that I mean no summons or pets ever.)

I dont need a tank to take damage as I dont take much damage anyway as I'm always moving. Once you learn the attack animations and mob hit/cast timings, then you dont get hit much - hence the Mr Miyagi quote :D
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Post by killerbungo »

Can you consider having pets with my main character as solo?

If so, I have finished the mercenary level with my melee character with one packmule and one "nature mage" pet - one for storage, one for healing.

With the pack mule, I didn't have to break open all the crates - it automatically does them as long he is fully grown.

Unfortunately, I died several times in the course of the game. Finally, I just went experience levelling by returning to the maps I have already passed through. When I was like 5 levels above all the monsters I encountered, it was a breeze.

But it took a really, really long time. :(
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Post by czarchon »

Not really liking melee so far :(

Well, I'm soloing now with a melee character and I must say that to be honest it's MUCH harder than it was with my ranger. I'm playing 2.0 cause I'm can't seem to be able to patch period. My ranger made it till like the middle of act 2 np without dying but my melee character didn't even make it past the beginning towers without having MAJOR problems. I hope melee gets easier and it appears that dualwielding is the only way to go but already I'm sick of either dying or moving sooooo slow that I must pull one or 2 mobs max at a time. I used a mod to make it easier by getting the healing pet right off the bat but to be honest still I sometimes have problems. Not much but it does happen. I'm getting the Dire Wolf next and feed it all my items till I get the perma 60% relect physical :)
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Post by my6kato »

Solo mean only main character

Hi guys, nobody wrote anything this past month and the forum dies slowly. Lets talk about Solo and i mean SOLO-SOLO...only main character, no pets no Deru, no Eva...nobody else!... I just finished a solo game with Melee char and it wasnt so hard as some people claim. Yeah in the begining is realy hard coz you have no items and no powers and not enough health to jump in the battle, so u need to be careful and pull monsters 1by1. But later in the game (as melee) when u improve ur whirling strike (i think this power was most effective specialy on solo) ... the game getting well ballanced. In solo you need to focus on some particular aspecst you dont need to be MASTER and to be able to fight as a knight and ranger and magician, just stick to a class! As a solo-fighter i chose sword+shield (i never use the bug with 2h weapon+shield, i preffer fast weapons) to reduce the strikes that comes in my head and to increase the armor, the damage that i cause is also very important but not so as the armor - WHY? Coz you have buffs you have life steal, which allows you to take some damage and with lifesteal to recover, the good thing is when u use power usualy u cause BIG DAMAGE and respectively ur health steal will recover ur full energy, thats why is important to increase the lvl of ur most used powers as fast is possible, later in the game you can develop in another sphere. As a melee solo with shield you need to work for % faster power recovery, %health steal, magic resist, physical resist .... and you gonna make it doesnt matter is gona be the slow way.... there is something else that helps a lot, CHANTS. There is (as you know) chants for instant power recovery...its for a seconds but it works pretty amazing...
Well guys i can keep writing and explaining my view for SOLO gaming but i want to see that other people also play my style of gaming and... we can revive this forum, coz realy the game is tooo easy if you play it in the way it was design to play! :)
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