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Post by DesR85 »

wombat888 wrote:Matter of opinion. I think the storyline in KOTOR I was pretty basic, and that the storyline in KOTOR II was way better.
I admit that it was the same type of story but to be honest, it doesn't really matter if the story and plotline are what you always see in every game or movie. Just as long as the story and the plotline is interesting, that's what really matters. Bioware pulled it off really well for a cliched story and I applaud them for that. As for KOTOR 2, on the other hand, you get the point that they're trying to add more complexity to the plotline but due to time constraints, the story was left hanging and that was a letdown to most who've played the game, including me as well.
wombat888 wrote: But anyway - I think people want to play as Revan because he's presented in both games as being, probably, the most powerful individual in the galaxy of his era. He has a lot of positive PR.
Not exactly. The events of KOTOR 2 have some relevance to Revan and at the end of KOTOR 2, the Exile left to join Revan in whatever task that Revan set out to accomplish. For a sequel, most people, if not all, would want to know how the story of both Revan and the Exile unfolds since KOTOR 2 ended in a way that screams for a sequel and people wanting to know what happened to both Revan and the Exile.
wombat888 wrote: He can't be the main character in KOTOR III for exactly that reason. What are you going to do? Start off as a level 20 or higher jedi, and play your way up to level 40 or 50 while toppling empires every other day? Or alternately, did your memory get wiped AGAIN? A bit strange, wouldn't that be?
This, I agree. However, you don't need to go through the memory wipe method again. It will be very repetitive. If you are given a conversation option to say that Revan and the Exile are LS, as an example, their actions would have been linear from there and I much prefer that for them. Should they introduce a new main character, he/she then will be able to pursue his/her course, be it LS or DS. I'd much prefer it that way, rather than all 3 being able to go either alignment.
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it someone to light the match" - Captain Price
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Post by wombat888 »

Revan's mission

The thing is - the mission that Revan and the Exile have is the type you don't spell out. It's best left mysterious. This is also why KOTOR II's ending didn't leave anything hanging.

I actually took KOTOR II to imply that Revan will be out there for eons ... like some galactic Charlemagne who may step in one day (maybe even after the time of the movies) for some big purpose.

I don't think they just went to kill guys in silver armor on a planet a little further out. Revan may not even still exist as a physical person.
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Post by DesR85 »

wombat888 wrote:The thing is - the mission that Revan and the Exile have is the type you don't spell out. It's best left mysterious. This is also why KOTOR II's ending didn't leave anything hanging.

I actually took KOTOR II to imply that Revan will be out there for eons ... like some galactic Charlemagne who may step in one day (maybe even after the time of the movies) for some big purpose.
I remember that in KOTOR 2, if you choose Revan as LS, at the end of the game, Revan went off to find the True Sith (must've been to fight them). Never played DS but it will still be similar nonetheless. The Exile chose to join Revan on this quest. That's what I perceive. And about leaving Revan and the Exile's purpose mysterious in the next sequel, I can't agree with this point. I don't like to have a sequel that doesn't countinue from the events of KOTOR 2 and starts fresh with new characters and a setting that has no relation to the previous events in KOTORs 1&2. I would much prefer if they (the developers) countinue from where they left off at KOTOR 2 and close the chapters once and for all in KOTOR 3.
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it someone to light the match" - Captain Price
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Post by User45701 »

Chimaera182 wrote:LoL Speaking as someone who does *not* want to be Revan in the third game, I can honestly say I shouldn't even bother responding to this thread.........

Okay, now that I've said that, I don't see the appeal. Maybe you can get Revan later, but frankly I think Revan's dead. I'm just considering HK-47 now (I was talking to him earlier today and it got me thinking), and HK-47 will move heaven and earth to find his master again, but doesn't seem to care to try in KotOR II. Also, he mentions repeatedly in KotOR I that he shuts down after his master is killed, and I find it entirely hard to believe--although it is possible, like if he got ambushed--that HK-47 would allow himself to be scavenged for parts and have his schematics taken so he can be cloned in the form of the HK-50s. I think that HK-47 was with Revan and Revan died, and when HK-47 saw this, he shut down. Kreia probably found HK-47 during her quest to find Revan again, before or after he was ripped apart and copied, but since he couldn't be made operational, she brought him with her in hopes of one day repairing him to see if he knew what happened to Revan. You might wonder if Bastila would be able to sense if Revan had died, but after she turned to the dark side, whatever Force bond they had had would've been severed, like the link between the exile and Kreia. So she probably wouldn't have known if Revan were standing next to her incognito. Or else KotOR III will solve the solution of all the possible choices you could make in I and II and just kill her off so they don't have to make the story any more intricate.

I don't want Revan back, but if they bring him/her back, I'd prefer not to play with Revan. Make him/her an NPC or something that you can get quests from, maybe, but bring him/her back in a way that won't be so completely stupid. There's no fun at all starting out with someone who would be all-powerful, or even starting out with someone in your party who will be all-powerful. And it'd kinda suck to wind up getting Revan close to the end of the game to nullify having someone uber-powerful in your party, cuz then you'd have so little to do with Revan. So I think Revan's dead. There, I rained on their parade, sue me. :p

Oh, but I do want Revan back, cuz R3vaN is c001 and has l337 powers! (just messing with ya now, Zen) :p
Interesting , good logic with the whole HK-47 and his master Revan but there is one question that you didnt answer who or what is powerfull enough to destroy revan?

Still i agree you being reven again is not a good idia

him being in your party is just stupid hwy would reven serve you and go where you want to go the idia is crazy

Revan as a NPC is the way to go mabe he is your master in the dark side campaign or something and mabe while you are off training the sith accademy is attacked from orbit and reven is "among those missing and assumed dead" and the stroy line for DS is you find out everything about revens past and go to every planet he ever went to to try to find who attacked and killed him, mabe the exile as a Dark lord tie up both the story lines.....
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Post by Darth Turik »

your'e facing the true sith
wombat888 wrote:Matter of opinion. I think the storyline in KOTOR I was pretty basic, and that the storyline in KOTOR II was way better. I also think Kreia is about 10 times cooler than Malak.

But anyway - I think people want to play as Revan because he's presented in both games as being, probably, the most powerful individual in the galaxy of his era. He has a lot of positive PR.

He can't be the main character in KOTOR III for exactly that reason. What are you going to do? Start off as a level 20 or higher jedi, and play your way up to level 40 or 50 while toppling empires every other day? Or alternately, did your memory get wiped AGAIN? A bit strange, wouldn't that be?
I think your right wombat888 about revan because i do wanna play as him in the next installment. But i think he should be the main character again because you're not facing normal jedi/sith,you're facing the True sith and no one knows how powerful they revan could be the strongest in the Known regions of the galaxy and could be looked at as a jedi/sith knight compared to them in the outer Regions. tell me what you think.
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Post by UnitedEire »

LostJedi wrote:I also don't want to play as Revan, but I certainly want him/her back in the game. I don't believe he/she is dead, if only because T3-M4 practically tells you that he brought back the Ebon Hawk to the Exile because he was looking for somebody to help Revan, who wouldn't need any help if dead. As for HK-47, I think it may have been Revan himself who shut him down as he/she didn't want him to be set loose on the galaxy without a master.

But why do I want Revan back?

IMO, Revan is such an interesting character because his/her ambivalence. In many games, or books, the hero is trying to save the world/galaxy/whatever from some super-villain. In KOTOR 1, you found out that you, the hero, actually were/had been the super-villain yourself, and that all you were doing was mostly undoing the evil you had wrought yourself (I'm presuming that Revan was lightside at the end as that's how I see him/her). At the Star Forge, during the final fight, you were remembered that the presumed super-villain had actually been your best friend and quite a good guy once, and it had been you who had led him on his present course.
One of the best things in KOTOR 1 was that it made you realize that the best Jedi are not those who have always steered clear of the dark side, but those who have fallen to the dark side themselves and come back from it, like Juhani, or Bastila after the Star Forge. I always thought it was sad that Anakin Skywalker died so soon after turning back to the light; he could probably have taught Luke and his apprentices quite a bit about the Force. Revan is like an Anakin who survived. He/she knows about both sides, and is now trying to find his/her way between what he/she was, and is now; and I would sure like to see how this way turns out in the end.
And in the movies all the ships look like those of the made by the starforge in kotorI so it looks like Revan was good after all but who knows maybe some else took over the starforge or found a away to build more of the same ships but i do agree it would of been cool if Anakin didnt die after turning back. And for playin as Revan or not playin as Revan I could care less but I do wonder if it could be possible to play as a third party like not as a jedi/sith like a soldier, scout or something like how you start in the begining of KotorI soooo...yea there's my 2cents
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Post by triline beta »

...You only played as revan in the first kotor, so I dont want to play as him/her in the third. However, I do want to know what happened to rean when s/he went to join the true sith, so the story should follow that.
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Post by DesR85 »

triline beta wrote:...You only played as revan in the first kotor, so I dont want to play as him/her in the third. However, I do want to know what happened to rean when s/he went to join the true sith, so the story should follow that.
Even if either Revan or the Exile will not be playable in the next KOTOR, I really want them to appear in person in the next game, either as cameo appearance or as part of the storyline.
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it someone to light the match" - Captain Price
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Post by Darth Chef »

DesR85 wrote:Even if either Revan or the Exile will not be playable in the next KOTOR, I really want them to appear in person in the next game, either as cameo appearance or as part of the storyline.
I agree, it would not be Star Wars like if they introduced Revan and the Exile as main characters and then throw them away after only two games... After all, we followed Anakins rise, fall, and death. They wouldn't just say "That was fun, now lets get rid of him and make new characters" after two movies. What I'm getting at is, if they finished Anakins story, then Revan and the Exiles story can be too.
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Post by DarthZ »

Darth Chef wrote:I agree, it would not be Star Wars like if they introduced Revan and the Exile as main characters and then throw them away after only two games... After all, we followed Anakins rise, fall, and death. They wouldn't just say "That was fun, now lets get rid of him and make new characters" after two movies. What I'm getting at is, if they finished Anakins story, then Revan and the Exiles story can be too.
I agree completley with you guys.
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Post by xxVintersorgxx »


This thread is VERY old D=

there is an official discussion on obsidian entertainment's forums i believe. Im not sure if they actually plan on making the game or not.. but they have a stickied thread there
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Post by DarthZ »

xxVintersorgxx wrote:This thread is VERY old D=

there is an official discussion on obsidian entertainment's forums i believe. Im not sure if they actually plan on making the game or not.. but they have a stickied thread there
So what? :confused:
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Post by xxVintersorgxx »

so if you want your opinions to matter you could start this thread there, and hopefully if whenever they decide to make it, they can consider your opinion? i dunno just putting it out there
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Post by DarthZ »

Really, we know that theres an Obsidian forum and I'm pretty sure most people wants to stay here. They will consider the opinions posted here also; since I'm pretty sure they surf the internet too. :o
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Post by Sparx »

The reason that Raven is so popular is because, simply put, he was a great character, had a fantastic storyline about his life, and his responses, unlike the exile.. were pretty good, but everything regarding Raven was absolutely fantastic, thats why we all love the game!

However, like many have already said, it would not work with Raven back. It just is not possible because everyone has their own version of what Raven looks like etc. The only way we would be able to play as Raven is if they released an updated version of KOTOR I (similar to Fable: The Lost Chapters) but that is not going to happen.

I think a good way to manage this problem is to have the backdrop of the story where the exile had joined up with Revan in the outer rims. They discovered a dark force, more powerful than both of them together. Raven was killed, but the exile managed to escape, though his face was disfigured. He never recovers from the fight, so instead he decides to return to Dantooine to rebuild the Jedi Academy and pass on his teachings. (you can swap the exile for Revan if you want, but I personally wouldn't because it makes the dark force seem much stronger). Now you are able to create a brand new character, problem sorted!
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Post by bigredpanda »

Sparx wrote: but everything regarding Raven was absolutely fantastic, thats why we all love the game!
I think I must be the only person on here who, in many respects, preferred the Exile because they were much more of a blank canvas on which to create a character. You had to bring your own backstories. Sometimes it seems to me that some people prefer Revan just because that character was much more of a cut and dried "hero" (good or bad), while the Exile's powers were slightly subtler.
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Post by DarthZ »

bigredpanda wrote:I think I must be the only person on here who, in many respects, preferred the Exile because they were much more of a blank canvas on which to create a character. You had to bring your own backstories. Sometimes it seems to me that some people prefer Revan just because that character was much more of a cut and dried "hero" (good or bad), while the Exile's powers were slightly subtler.
Well, I don't really prefer any of them over another. I don't want to play as any of them.
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Post by Darth_Juro »

I think Revan was far greater than the exile due to his willingness to fight mandalore when the other jedi wanted to wait and find the true threat. Also I think he is far greater due to the fact that he was both brilliant and strong in the force as with the exile he was only capable of leadership and wasn't really as adept in the force as revan was. He only became strong in the force due to the fact that he was a wound in the force and everything he did affected everyone and everything around him and he also had a link with Kreia which her being the dark lord she was, she had power therefor he had power(if that makes sense)
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Post by Darth Turik »

I wanna play as Revan!

I quote

"You Revan,are the single greatest warrior of this age."

Canderous Ordo. Kotor I

plus revan has the coolest armor and helmet ever.

but honestly if you really wanna know why i want revan back check out

(What Do You Want In KOTOR III) thread and I expained everything there because i don't know if you could post the samething in different threads.

tell me what you think.
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Post by bigredpanda »

DarthZ wrote:Well, I don't really prefer any of them over another. I don't want to play as any of them.
Quite right, I completely agree, for the third game (if it happens).
But I've already said that in another thread - I'm competely against the idea of bringing either back in a playable form.
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