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The Main Villain in KotOR III

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to LucasArts and BioWare's Star Wars: The Old Republic MMORPG.
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Post by gonin »

ztemplarz wrote:I really like your idea Irish. Maybe when they release the game in another 2 years, they'll actually make use of it. I think the cold, passionless character of him is perfect! Jedi are like Buddhists, that try to remove all emotion through contemplation of nature (the force). Sith are Darwinian Romantics that embrace and revel in emotion as a tool to increase the potency of the force.

It would make sense that the true sith would be completely emotionless, just coldy calculating- in other words, true psychopaths. Unlike the jedi, they wouldn't deny their emotions because they are afraid of acting impartially, but because they aren't willing to surrender their judgement to anything outside themselves. Motivated purely by the drive for perfection and power. Not FEELING hate, because they NATURALLY hate everything besides themselves. Not feeling LUST, because all they care about are themselves.

I also like the idea of them NOT using lightsabers, since that would certainly help distinguish them, but I've got an alternative option. If any of you have played Planescape: Torment, then you know all about Dakkon's magical sword that is formed by will. I think it would be awesome if the True Sith all used these weapons. They could go from fighting you with a single-bladed weapon, then transition to a double-bladed one, then maybe a spear-type one. An additional feature would be that YOU wouldn't be able to wield these weapons unless you went dark side.

I don't agree with the whole "2 true sith" thing though. That would just be pretty ridiculous if the grand threat was encompassed in the body of two individuals (regardless of however powerful). On the other hand, I don't want to see "true sith shock troopers". The True Sith should ONLY be force users, and they should be relatively few in number- meaning maybe one planet.

They sound like evil narcicist lol

Also the rule of 2 within the sith was imposed about 1500 years later by darth bane
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Post by 11Revan26 »

My Villian

Name :D arth Calsay (Namus Accoral)

Status:Leader of the sith and empire




Eyes dark yellow sith eyes

Hair:black gotee, always weres hood

Skin:whight/tan, no tatoos

Weapon:dark red single bladed, siver and black hilt

Attitude:extrimly mean

Force abilities:every power dark and light

History:Traned as a jedi he followed the light side but wanted more. When Revan was of the jedi Namus follow him to the Sith as did malak. He was one of the first followers of Revan and gitting ranked higher and higher then he was later Darth Malaks apprenes. But he was not obidiet and so he was repaced by dath Banden and kicked out. When malak had died he went back and over many years was made sith lord.
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Post by Kyp Torvyn »

I believe the true villian obviously is connected to the True Sith. The True Sith in essence are a serioues of followers of King Adas of the Sith species, who have evolved because of breeding with the Dark Jedi who have moved into the unknown Regions away from Korriban and Ziost. This force should in my eyes be quite large holding empire over the unknown Regions. Their customs and appearance are much like the traditional Sith, yet no shock troopers or the such.
They attack from the shadows fueling others to do their work, and tend to rmeain out of teh picture. I agree they should have a different outlook of the force. They should not be like the mood swingy sith of the galaxy but instead hold no emotions bringing darkness to teh force by naturally hating, naturally having only self interest. Their presence should be short lived an only to ensure dakrness will remain in teh galaxy. The True Sith truly should be the inner demons of all people, and it is this inner strife that the embodiment of the true Sith feed off of.

Their leaders should include a Sith Master who trains the true sith in their ultra dark ways, another who appears as the true Leader, a Dark Overlord who I will name Vaalor Raknor, and finally a familiar face from TSL. Yes Darth Nihilus. His death in TLS was anti-climactic and too me seemed to quick and easy for one who could feed off the force so easily. He is not an angry character, but instead a cool calm character who simply is hate and does not have hate. Nihilus is the perfect major nemeses, and would make for quite the epic battle with the Exile, Revan, Bastilla, and the Character you are in the new game, provided they allow four characters instead.
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Post by intombed »

LOL u aren't watching the main story. Come on look kreia also known as darth traya or something had 2 main students the Exile and Revan. Now think what did she see in Revan, she saw the life of the force she saw its power. And in the Exile, she saw the death of the force its ender so number three would be one or the other or both u might probly be able to pic the exile or revan. And than it would probly be the other for the other side. And probly pick bastilla if u are a guy revan and handmaiden or the redhead for the exile. And atton or diciple for female Exile and Carth for the female Revan.:mischief:
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Post by Kyp Torvyn »

You cannot have the main characters be either of those people. Their stories are already developed, we know them to well. The enemy must be something darker, something far more powerful and sinister than ever seen before. Revan and Exile have already served their purposes they simply wait to seal their fates with their plans. It is a new character that must implement and finish what they started.
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Post by Darth Spawn »

HOW about the villion is nothing but a masked shade kinda like the other bad guy buts hes not good or bad but grey and if he dies the force will die with him
Name :D arth Rathmata AKA the life giver
Age: since the biginning of time
Race: force god
Wepons:God light saber
Force powers: Force manipulation,Force lightning, Force crush,Force gift(after you Beat him it lets u choose the meaning of how he created the force or you save the universe or he clenses the universe of the force
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Post by obrad »

Darth Spawn wrote:HOW about the villion is nothing but a masked shade kinda like the other bad guy buts hes not good or bad but grey and if he dies the force will die with him
Name :D arth Rathmata AKA the life giver
Age: since the biginning of time
Race: force god
Wepons:God light saber
Force powers: Force manipulation,Force lightning, Force crush,Force gift(after you Beat him it lets u choose the meaning of how he created the force or you save the universe or he clenses the universe of the force
And what exactly would you do with that guy?No one (including you) can kill him and no one needs to protect him either, because if someone kill him the galaxy is dead.And why would anyone want to hurt him anyway?

Here comes another one of my ideas: A villian that is not that strong(neiter in Force nor body)but is very smart. Not like Traya, since she is actually a lunatic, but a really smart dude who uses stealth and mines and grenades and sneak atacks and basicaly all of the "hit and run" strategy.He could even use the tehniques that HK-47 described in K2.I mean, in both K1 and K2 you could kill anybody just by runing away and occasionaly turning around to shoot once and start runing again.And they were all just chasing you without the chance to catch you, as if they were retarded.I WANT SMART BAD GUYS!
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Post by Kyp Torvyn »

For the force god idea it doesn't work. The force has no gods. The force is less of an entity and more of a presence. Villains must have some kind of humanity to who they are. Same as heroes.

Now a smart Bad Guy yes. Very good to have one that has brains as well. However for three I think the force must still play a role. The trick is add some good AI into the game. Make the enemy Sith have wit as well as honour and the force.
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Post by Darth Spawn »

Yeah i no what you mean but to have the force and i except that critasisem but what if there was a force god that was corrupt by watching the jedi and sith fighting and thats were revan was heading to stop this god and what corrupted him

also it would make the meaning of the game equal because this gods trying to remove the foorce and life form not only the galexy but the unizerse soi the sith and jedi hav to join together(but there will still be bad blood)
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Post by Kyp Torvyn »

Interesting Idea, but I do not believe this would be the time for SIth and Jedi to join as one. The true unifying force has not been discovered yet meaning that such an alliance would be futile.
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Post by Darth Spawn »

yes but remember in the star wars move episode 1 there were no sith for many years it could be becase the joined togther but i hav other ideas
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Post by Kyp Torvyn »

No that was because 2000 or so years after KOTOR II Their Was another war, huge called the New Sith Wars. Lasted for nearly a 1000 or more years. Started by Dark Underlord and ended by Kaan and his Brotherhood of Darkness, a sith empire where all Dark Lords were equal. At the end of the war on the a planet called Ruusan the Army of the Light led by Jedi Master Lord Hoth was obliterated along with the Army of the Sith by a power called force bomb. Few survived, one being a Jedi named Rain and the other the last remaining Sith Lord Darth Bane. Darth bane than instituted the Rule of Two, which stated- "Two there should be; no more, no less. One to embody the power; the other to crave it." Thus why Sidious and Maul are the only two Sith in Episode 1. Now their are others in hiding and such but they are not considered the Sith. The Sith were in hiding learning, growing, developing plans to destroy the jedi and retake the galaxy. It was simply facade that their were no more Sith.
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Post by Darth Spawn »

i see thank you for clearing that up
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Post by Kyp Torvyn »

No prob, I have an extensive knowledge in Star Wars History so I am attempting to bring that into the new KOTOR
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Post by intombed »


the exile or revan or someone close to them will be the villian i would also have malak come back and train him bach as a jedi or if your dark have him as a commarade again
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Post by Darth Spawn »

how about some slim pale dude whos a true sith who can use the force like necromancery

name: darth zakuras

skin: pale grey

eyes: red

hair: grey

wepon: red light tonfa with a black ripple like a flame around it

force powers: dark reserection( he reserecs ajuntaa pall, naga sadow etc)
force lightning fully upgraded ,throw lightsaber, life drain, force push fully upgraded and insanity
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Post by sith4life »

DesR85 wrote:Interesting topic, Irish07slasher. :) Oh, and about the main villain, what about a cyborg similar to General Grevious? I think it would be cool to meet a lightsaber wielding cyborg as either the main villain or as one of the bosses in the game. ;)
you mean darth vader in the old republic? lol good idea though
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Post by GregoryHitokiri »

Darth Lucifer

NAME: Darth Lucifer
AGE: 10,000 (yet still looks like a 50 year old)
Status: Dark Lord of The True Sith
Race: True Sith
Eyes: demonic red
Hair: black
Skin: red
Weapon: Single Saber classical Hilt like Count Dooku’s Red Color Crystal( use Makashi same as Count Dooku)

Attitude strategist, patient, cold calculator, emotionless, womanizing.

Abilities Force Sight, Force Lightning, Grip, Force Creation (similar to the technique used by Plaugiues to create Anakin), Create Force Storms (this could be the single most destructive Force power known. With this power, the Dark Jedi can rend the space-time continuum to trigger mighty storms of Force energy. The user of this power must focus his/her hate and anger to a nearly palpable degree, which can be dangerous. If he/she loses concentration, the storm could consume him/her. This power can destroy hole fleets and if used by a powerful enough force user it cored destroy hole star systems.) Dark Familiar (This power allows a force user to bind another a person to his own will, creating an ever-submissive servant bound by the Dark Side to his master) dark channel (channels the spirits of deceased True Sith and false Sith lords in including but not limited to Tulak Hord, Marka Ragnos, Naga Sadow, Freedon Nadd, Exar Kun, Darth Malak, Darth Nihilus, and Darth Traya tempera being able to use their power and Knowledge for him self. He use this power in the final fight of the game) Drain Knowledge( tempera gains all the knowledge of his opponent, Battle Meditation, dark Clones( Crates 4 Clones of himself that have all the powers he has and can use a light saber but each of them is only 1/8th as strong as him. They only exist for a short will before designating (you must fight all 4 at the same time and kill them be for facing him in the final fight of the game.))

History: Very little is know about his history pier to now. He has ruled the true sith for over 900 years. He has one or trice hide amongst the false sith in order to manipulate them. He has very many disanoints because of his womanizing including but not limited to Marka Ragnos ,Naga Sadow, Freedon Nadd, Darth Sidious, Darth vader. He now relies his armies upon the galaxy only Raven and the Exile can stop him but Raven is imprisoned in his dungeon.
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Post by DesR85 »

sith4life wrote:you mean darth vader in the old republic? lol good idea though
Erm, not exactly what I had in mind. More like someone with 2 pairs of arms and 4 lightsabers but a Darth Vader look-alike would be cool. :)
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it someone to light the match" - Captain Price
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Post by Darth_Juro »

Name: Unknown
Race: Original Sith(not true sith)
Age: 5000+
Face: hidden behind a shroud
Hair: greyish silver

Weapon: Single hilt lightsaber with dark purple color crystal
Armor: Unknown robe made from Unknown materials

Force Powers: All force powers, a true master of the force

History: Not much is known about this Unknown force user, all that is known is that his use of the force has never been mentioned before, a master of manipulation, a master of torture, living in true suffering. Has killed thousands of force users, able to sense what will happen before actual events occur. Believed to be one of the first force users in the galaxy.
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