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What Do You Want in KotOR III?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to LucasArts and BioWare's Star Wars: The Old Republic MMORPG.
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Post by DesR85 »

Greg. wrote:To be honest, as Revan and the Exile were you, they are fairly undefined characters. I would prefer a new (fairly anonymous) character.
Well, the developers could make both Revan and the Exile set (gender, face, etc.) rather than being customisable should they be brought back in the next game. At least it makes things a lot easier and less troublesome for the developer. Sometimes less is better than more in some circumstances.
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it someone to light the match" - Captain Price
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Post by bigredpanda »

Revans mask wrote:
When Kotor 3 comes out, I would most likely play as Revan agian.
Who dosent.

In kotor 1 you play as Revan. Kotor 3, we all want to be Revan again.

We dont have any interest in playing Exile again.
Cheers for clearing that up, Revans Mask.

When you ask who doesn't want to play as Revan... well, I certainly don't, as I've made clear a few times. I know I'm in the minority in preferring the Exile, but it seemed to be a much deeper and more complex character (for the purposes of RPG, perhaps more than the storyline itself).

Get real. Kotor 1, every one knows Revan.
True - but they usually don't know that you are Revan... not even on Korriban. I would say there's much the same recognition in both games.
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Post by Tovec »

bigredpanda wrote:Cheers for clearing that up, Revans Mask.

When you ask who doesn't want to play as Revan... well, I certainly don't, as I've made clear a few times. I know I'm in the minority in preferring the Exile, but it seemed to be a much deeper and more complex character (for the purposes of RPG, perhaps more than the storyline itself).

True - but they usually don't know that you are Revan... not even on Korriban. I would say there's much the same recognition in both games.
Well I'm not going to chastise you for liking Exile more than Revan but I can't say I understand it.
That being said I think it would be crazy to play as either again. Not just for the feat selection but for the fact that the game designers Will put us back on Tatooine and Korriban and all those nice places where a Revan or Exile would be noticed and where they would have nothing left to gain from being there.
I think they will do a new person, I just hope that when they do they make them better than the Exile, the Exile seemed very un-developed. Sure, everyone else had background stories but all the Exile had was going off to war with Revan then returning later. Big woop.

No matter what they have to have at least 1 return from the place that few return. I would prefer Revan because I like Revan but more then that because in story terms it would make more sense. I've proposed this idea before but it makes the most sense to me that Exile goes out and 'rescues' Revan from the big bad True Sith. Revan returns to the known regions and collects all he can to battle the big bads as they come to reclaim the galaxy. Revan would be Neutral not because he doesn't feel the Evil or Good but because of the experiences - for me - he had in the True Sith Empire. Revan would always keep the visor up so the game designers don't have to worry about what Revan looked like. You could still pick gender in questions as you would learn about the force Before Revan returns.

Game play: Recruited by Revan because trained initially, you work with Revan to recreate the orders for both Sith and Jedi to battle the bigger threat - Revan has always known that both needed to exist and always could harness the power of both. Eventually after some initial recruiting the TS show up. The first battles are lost, and the new forces of the Republic and Sith try to rally to fend of the superior forces. You hear about a super-weapon that the TS have that sucks the force out of the enemy and maybe feeds it to the allies. You act as one the Commanders or Generals in the fight against the TS under Revan. For some reason Revan gets captured at the best last stand of the combined forces. The remaining leaders send you in to go get him, Revan is being held on the flagship. During a small fight around the flagship's fleet, you find and free Revan where he joins up with your party as you try to disable the super-weapon. You make your way to the core of the ship to find the Exile in some kind of machine being used to suck the force right out of the enemy, against his will. You free/kill him and move onto the boss.

Now this could either be a half-way point or the final. If half-way you fight him but he is able to run away and that turns a bit of the tide in the war so that the republic actually starts to stand a chance against the TS. Eventually you find the leader and kill him. If end of game then you go and confront him and kill him and the big ends happen.

I think this could work because it incorporates the following aspects that people have wanted to see in the game: returns of Exile and Revan, one of those as party members, a war, times when splitting up could happen (when recruiting during a war) and more.
I suppose it could work almost as well if the roles of Revan and Exile were reversed but most of what I wrote would go out the window.
Bao-Dur: I think he wanted us to give up the Genreal to his poorly trained collection of bounty hunters.

Atton: Ah. well that would explain it. Which one do you want?

Bao-Dur: I'll take the stupid one who decided to threaten us rather than shoot us when he had the chance.
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Post by Revans mask »

Tovec wrote:Well I'm not going to chastise you for liking Exile more than Revan but I can't say I understand it.
That being said I think it would be crazy to play as either again. Not just for the feat selection but for the fact that the game designers Will put us back on Tatooine and Korriban and all those nice places where a Revan or Exile would be noticed and where they would have nothing left to gain from being there.
I think they will do a new person, I just hope that when they do they make them better than the Exile, the Exile seemed very un-developed. Sure, everyone else had background stories but all the Exile had was going off to war with Revan then returning later. Big woop.

No matter what they have to have at least 1 return from the place that few return. I would prefer Revan because I like Revan but more then that because in story terms it would make more sense. I've proposed this idea before but it makes the most sense to me that Exile goes out and 'rescues' Revan from the big bad True Sith. Revan returns to the known regions and collects all he can to battle the big bads as they come to reclaim the galaxy. Revan would be Neutral not because he doesn't feel the Evil or Good but because of the experiences - for me - he had in the True Sith Empire. Revan would always keep the visor up so the game designers don't have to worry about what Revan looked like. You could still pick gender in questions as you would learn about the force Before Revan returns.

Game play: Recruited by Revan because trained initially, you work with Revan to recreate the orders for both Sith and Jedi to battle the bigger threat - Revan has always known that both needed to exist and always could harness the power of both. Eventually after some initial recruiting the TS show up. The first battles are lost, and the new forces of the Republic and Sith try to rally to fend of the superior forces. You hear about a super-weapon that the TS have that sucks the force out of the enemy and maybe feeds it to the allies. You act as one the Commanders or Generals in the fight against the TS under Revan. For some reason Revan gets captured at the best last stand of the combined forces. The remaining leaders send you in to go get him, Revan is being held on the flagship. During a small fight around the flagship's fleet, you find and free Revan where he joins up with your party as you try to disable the super-weapon. You make your way to the core of the ship to find the Exile in some kind of machine being used to suck the force right out of the enemy, against his will. You free/kill him and move onto the boss.

Now this could either be a half-way point or the final. If half-way you fight him but he is able to run away and that turns a bit of the tide in the war so that the republic actually starts to stand a chance against the TS. Eventually you find the leader and kill him. If end of game then you go and confront him and kill him and the big ends happen.

I think this could work because it incorporates the following aspects that people have wanted to see in the game: returns of Exile and Revan, one of those as party members, a war, times when splitting up could happen (when recruiting during a war) and more.
I suppose it could work almost as well if the roles of Revan and Exile were reversed but most of what I wrote would go out the window.

I can tell where your going with this.
Kotor III, we should be able to pull the hood on are jedi robes up, use the force to do flight.

You know, like on Smallvill.

The name for this force, force flight
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Post by Jedi Guardian »

bigredpanda wrote:Not to sound like a scratched record, but what about the people who haven't played 1+2, given there'll be what, four or five years between the games release? Which is quite alot of time in gaming terms... Will they be asked to define a character they have no idea about? That doesn't sound all that fun.
I'm not saying its impossible, of course, just interested how you'd implement it with that in mind.
yeah a friend at my school bought Kotor II first and was completley lost,But thats where I say Go and buy or borrow the games ;) Kotor I is cheap at Gamestop and Kotor II is way cheaper then it was.and I don't mean to sound mean or rude but it's kinda stupid to play the third game before the other two.

And I agree about the hood thing
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Post by Tribblemaker »

I wouldn't mind romancing whoever I want in k3.......

I mean, in k1 i thought it would be interesting to try Canderous :rolleyes: ..but NO. had to be Carth.

k2- why not Bao-Dur or Mandalore? (just for kicks):laugh:

That might sound odd......but 'twould be an improvement over the first two.
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Post by bigredpanda »

Tribblemaker wrote: k2- why not Bao-Dur or Mandalore? (just for kicks):laugh:
Heh heh, why can't I imagine Bau-Dur as a casanova? That arm could cause some discomfort in certain situations...

@Jedi Guardian - I completely agree that it wouldn't make much sense to start playing the series at the end, but I guess I was thinking about it more from a marketing point of view. They won't just be making it for us who played I & II, so they'll need to be some way within the game of telling the story without any prior knowledge.
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Post by Jedi Guardian »

@ bigredpanda - yeah I guess your right they kinda have too but I still think "why play the third one first?" but I guess some people like to be throne into the mix :p :o :rolleyes: or they want to play like the Star Wars Saga?! last three first and first three last?

But I would like to see Star Ship upgrades and Lightsaber Hilt modifications (I know I read somewhere someone put that up) like you gotta personalize your lightsaber gotta be doin' the Jedi thing in style :D :p :cool:

P.S.- And I want Revan and Bastilla in the IIIrd one :)
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Post by Master Kinrath »

something u all forgot

the 1 planet i think that should be in kotor 3 is Zonama Sekot. :D
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Post by Jedi Guardian »

for those who don't know what planet Zonama Sekot is click here Zonama Sekot - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki is there anything wookieepedia dosen't have? but Zonama Sekot the original World to the Yuuzhan Vong.
i never thought of that planet
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Post by Master Kinrath »


characters ( playable)

Mandalor ( Canderous)
Atton Jedi
Mira Jedi
the exile
Handmaiden/ Disciple jedi
Big Z


Zonama Skelot

customizable weapons and armor
able to change species of main character ( I really want to be a Barabel)
customizable ship
more lightsaber colors
maximum of 6 party members at a time
more force powers
more feats
more jedi class
more training abilities
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Post by Era Himura »

Training Abilities

As far as Master Kinrath said about training abilities (which I told him about) here is what I was thinking, and please, bear with me. The first thing would be to have what Kinrath said, have more Jedi classes. This is where the training abilities would come into play. Let's say, for example, one of the classes is a Jedi Guardian, now this classes ability list would differ then that of a Sentinel. So, the Guardian classes ability list could be like, advanced saber through among other abilitys. Now the advanced saber through would be able to be performed without any exp. in using this ability, but would not be very effective or powerful. Now the training part comes into play. In order for you to use the ability to a repetively useful level you would have to use that ability and gain exp. for it. So you use it a lot and gain enough exp. for that ability to be lv 5, now it's able to be used more effectively and is more powerful, but the fun doesn't stop there. You would be able to continue to use it and let it grow in power and effectiveness, thus helping you gain the advantages needed for those characters who have the ability lv raised and who are fighting against you. Also, it would have to be logical in that, if you were to switch your class to Sentinel or Consular, you would still have and be able to use the abilitys that you aquired during your training as a Guardian.
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Post by Tribblemaker »

How about..... you're an insignificant jedi member of some random ship. The bad guys are out to get one of the important jedi and you have to protect him/her. You're one jedi of many accompanying her on a quest to save whatever. (sort of like k1-i liked it better when they were after Bastila, not me...and k2 was just annoying how everybody was out to get you and no one else)

Then--- you end up saving the day. :rolleyes:

You begin in a beautiful jedi academy... evening sun streaming through a half-open window.
A master comes and asks you to deliver a letter to an old hermit that lives on a nearby mountain.
You head up, and a sky attack destroys the academy behind you. You're the only survivor!
You take off in an old, dingy ship with the hermit (who happens to be a powerful force-user) and escape the planet just in time, because the big boss comes along in his ship and rips the planet to shreds.
You take refuge on a quiet, forested planet and await news.
News comes in the form of a ridiculously handsome/beautiful man/woman (depending on your character's gender) who says that he or she was sent to find you. He/she isn't quite human.....with blue skin, horns and bright green eyes. Very wild-looking. He/she comes to tell you that the galaxy is in grave danger.... and that he/she will take you to a secret gathering of jedi on a distant planet.
You go along to see what these jedi are planning........and i guess at this point the two ideas could mesh together. And that's my idea so far :)
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Post by Master Kinrath »

cool new force powers

one :cool: new force power is elimenltal storm (like force wave but much more powerful. look and damage differs per planet like if you are on Hoth it's a hail storm, but if you are on Ryloth it coud be three things a blizzerd, a rock slide, or a volcanic eruption :cool: . Orthat force power Jacen Solo used to reflect the Chiss maser beems back at the Chiss ships :cool:
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Post by Darth Revan 07 »

Playable characters...

Atton (Jedi)
HK - 47
Mira (Jedi)
A Jedi and a Sith (It would be interesting to see them argue.:devil :)
Some new guys.

Other things I would like to see...

Larger cities

More planets

Light Sabers doing more damage (in the SW movies they kill you in one hit but in the game it takes a bunch.)

Romance among characters (actually seeing your character get to kiss another one. :o )

Paying Mercenaries to fight along side you.

Easy to make credits

A huge Space / Land battle
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Post by Ugipse2031 »


Ithink due to the events in kotor 2 it would be quite hard without being cheesy -(massive sith force from outta space, blah blah)

however there are still some unresuloved parts of kotor - the HK-50's some one who is not known is hunting the jedi unlike GOTO - wanting him/her alive the leader of the HK-50's wants the jedi dead.

in kotor 2 reven "broke" jedi to the dark side - it is unkown whre he learnt this power.

Revans home world clearly will have something to do with kotor 3 as Revans leaves because of the "call of home"

+ the mandolorians reason for starting war

I cant think of any more major points to base a new game on + no other great jedi is mentioned to base the game on
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Post by OftheRepublic »

Nevermind need to make new post
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Post by Ugipse2031 »

I no its completely unusualbut instead of a plot where u go to the los land to find revan maybe a different storyline-

darkness nce again fills the galexy; the republic is all but destroyed coresaunt has fallen Revan has returned with fleets of sith they are taking 1 planet by 1. carth onasi has gathered the last of the republic ships - who are now much in the state of the rebel allience and u - some other surviving jedi or sith - must stop revan by finding why revan turned to the dark side. aid planets + save them from sith assult whilst learning the location of revans home planet. as well as the reasons why the HK-50's protect u above all else- they are your army. stop the demon behind revan and all of the sith with the help of bastilla and another lost jedi -the miriluka
then save revan from the dakness and learn of the exiles path

its basicv & strange but its from a completly unthought perspective
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Post by OftheRepublic »

its a good idea and a completely different approach- i dont think ive read such an idea yet- lots of questions to be answered which would make for a long game, however the only snag seems to be that going planet to planet to protect them from Revan sounds a bit tedious
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Post by JFSOCC »

I want to say a 16/18+ rating. (violence/gore/nudity) I don't want them to hold back because of these ratings. no child bothers to look at it anyway.