KotOR III Storyline and Remarks
Another reason why the developers might do what I said above is because it would take much more creativity and time to have events in the unknown region. New planets have to be created, and not only that, storylines and many other issues have to be created for the region, which I would assume would be a big part of the game.
And to be honest, even though I would prefer the developers to allow us to be apart of what happens to revan, exile and the true sith, I think if that is done it would be a little rushed. Also it wouldnt feel as fresh to me, because they would have to include a few characters in your party that were party members in the previous game.
So if they take the route I mentioned in the previous post, we would probably have a fresher set of characters to interact with, as well as new plot and story to be immersed in.
BUT, if the developers do this, then they better have a very good explanation of what took place, as well as tie up most of the loose ends that were left unresloved.
So all in all, it would be nice to be apart of the story involving revan, the exile and everything else, but I wouldn't be upset if they just came up with a good explanation of what took place, and created a new storyline that is obviously a result of what revan and exile did.
EDIT: Also, I know many of you would love to be a part of all the other characters from the previous games, such as bastilla, carth and everyone else... but that would require even more work on the behalf of the developers. And you should know by now that games created today, with the exception of a few, usually sacrifice hard work on story and characters, for gameplay and of course the overrated graphics. I cant stand it when graphics take precedence over story development and gameplay, but to appeal to younger gamers, I would expect developers to focus heavier on graphics and use the easy way for the storyline.
Another reason why the developers might do what I said above is because it would take much more creativity and time to have events in the unknown region. New planets have to be created, and not only that, storylines and many other issues have to be created for the region, which I would assume would be a big part of the game.
And to be honest, even though I would prefer the developers to allow us to be apart of what happens to revan, exile and the true sith, I think if that is done it would be a little rushed. Also it wouldnt feel as fresh to me, because they would have to include a few characters in your party that were party members in the previous game.
So if they take the route I mentioned in the previous post, we would probably have a fresher set of characters to interact with, as well as new plot and story to be immersed in.
BUT, if the developers do this, then they better have a very good explanation of what took place, as well as tie up most of the loose ends that were left unresloved.
So all in all, it would be nice to be apart of the story involving revan, the exile and everything else, but I wouldn't be upset if they just came up with a good explanation of what took place, and created a new storyline that is obviously a result of what revan and exile did.
EDIT: Also, I know many of you would love to be a part of all the other characters from the previous games, such as bastilla, carth and everyone else... but that would require even more work on the behalf of the developers. And you should know by now that games created today, with the exception of a few, usually sacrifice hard work on story and characters, for gameplay and of course the overrated graphics. I cant stand it when graphics take precedence over story development and gameplay, but to appeal to younger gamers, I would expect developers to focus heavier on graphics and use the easy way for the storyline.
I just wanted to say that at the end scene of kotor 2, when u complete the game as dark sider, you don't get killed on Malachor, the machinery isn't connected by the BD's droid and the planet doesn't collapse, you simply inherit the mantle of Dark Lord of the Academy. The planet is consumed and destroyed only if you end the game as a light sider, because Bao-Dur's device is connected when you take off with the Ebon Hawk.Darth Zenemij wrote:Did you not understand, I think thats its pretty obvious, you get consumed by Malachor when your dark side, and you just fly off if your light side, do you want to be just sitting there trying to escape Malachor? It gets destroyed, The Exile is dead, and if your light sided, then you just continue flying, until you decide that you want to help revan.
- Jy Kon Star
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Hi everyone.
I to like many of you came up with many Plots & storys that could be the next Kotor game As I thougt deeper into my idea relized that any thing that was story based contradiced some asspect of the other two titles & just like so many of you coming up with what seams like a good story or plot get shot down by some one who can point out the contradictions like i was doing to my own ideas I relize that the resons be hind why this is a problem is because when Bioware created the story thay cused a story line paradox by nothing less then the two ending resalts of the first game even in kotor 2 you see this in many diffrent ways such as the fact you can simply desides Revans fate by descusing rumers about what mite have happend the only thing the exile should have known is if Revan was Female or Male but the exile simple talking to Atton about what he had herd in his travils about the situation where hear say to the exile. what i am getting at is that if i say Revan saved the Republic for example it contradiced what some one eals may have did in the game exspeicly if thay only played dark side.so i dont go on for ever the game had a lot of story problems I'm impress that Obsidion was able to come up with anything at all with out useing a new story line all to gether.So you can see that it dose not matter if Revan or the Exile or any one eals is in the game is Playable or not or if thay just make a new story line all the to gether the problem will remane because now we have a new story line paradox from the last kotor for the same resons. But any thning siad here about Kotor 3 is erelavent becuse the devlopers will deside all together what the story will be & thay wont even consider your want & desiers I know this simple because I went & read some old post at other sites that were posted by people befor kotor 2 came out one of the post where simuler to many now and that is the debate & hopes of getting to play as Revan agian of course you know Revan is only talked about in the kotor 2. So don't be disapointed if you don't get what you want if this game happens at all. I would post my ideas here put it is pointless. One thing is for sure to me is that who ever mite make kotor 3 has there hands full..
I to like many of you came up with many Plots & storys that could be the next Kotor game As I thougt deeper into my idea relized that any thing that was story based contradiced some asspect of the other two titles & just like so many of you coming up with what seams like a good story or plot get shot down by some one who can point out the contradictions like i was doing to my own ideas I relize that the resons be hind why this is a problem is because when Bioware created the story thay cused a story line paradox by nothing less then the two ending resalts of the first game even in kotor 2 you see this in many diffrent ways such as the fact you can simply desides Revans fate by descusing rumers about what mite have happend the only thing the exile should have known is if Revan was Female or Male but the exile simple talking to Atton about what he had herd in his travils about the situation where hear say to the exile. what i am getting at is that if i say Revan saved the Republic for example it contradiced what some one eals may have did in the game exspeicly if thay only played dark side.so i dont go on for ever the game had a lot of story problems I'm impress that Obsidion was able to come up with anything at all with out useing a new story line all to gether.So you can see that it dose not matter if Revan or the Exile or any one eals is in the game is Playable or not or if thay just make a new story line all the to gether the problem will remane because now we have a new story line paradox from the last kotor for the same resons. But any thning siad here about Kotor 3 is erelavent becuse the devlopers will deside all together what the story will be & thay wont even consider your want & desiers I know this simple because I went & read some old post at other sites that were posted by people befor kotor 2 came out one of the post where simuler to many now and that is the debate & hopes of getting to play as Revan agian of course you know Revan is only talked about in the kotor 2. So don't be disapointed if you don't get what you want if this game happens at all. I would post my ideas here put it is pointless. One thing is for sure to me is that who ever mite make kotor 3 has there hands full..
- Darth Valthri
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big post incoming (possibly 2 posts)... you've been warned!
The Main Character
PLEASE not the exile. After playing KotOR 1, the Exile seemed too insignificant of a character in comparison to playing Revan. Either play Revan, or a new character who will have a bigger (than the Exile) role. For talking, some actual talking would be nice. You'll still choose what the PC says, but after you do, (s)he actually says what you chose.
Starting the Game
Customization of the character. i'm thinking a new twist: you design not only the playable character, but also your "rival" so to speak (eg. if you're the savior of the republic, you design the sith lord, but (s)he still has a name given by the story though). in terms of actual customization of looks, more options is good, and i don't mean more heads. basically, let us choose length of hair, maybe it's colour, allow the selection of facial features (such as scars). also, although this isn't in customization, if you're going dark side, don't do just a darkening face. i've noticed that even as DS in kotor 1, there wasn't a mean-person look to the character. they still looked like they could be a nice person. give them angrier-looking eyes, it's more convincing to me that way. Finally, when you name your character, I'd like there to be a "Pronunciation" field that allows you to type out how the character's name is pronounced, that way the PC's name is actually said throughout the game, unlike in KotOR 1 where the only time you were called by your name was when you were called Revan or your actual name in alien speak. For example, say your character name is Jarag. You type in how you want it pronounced (I would put Jarag as something like this: Jare-eg)
Party Members
Bring back some party members from KotOR 1. I thought Canderous, Mission, Carth, Bastila, and Jolee were good characters (most ppl would probably agree with me for Bastila, maybe Carth). Mission because she was pretty light-hearted and made the game seem a bit cheerier (i also need a reason to bring Griff back to the game so i can kick his ass), Canderous because Mandalorians kick ass, or at least he does, and Jolee because he kinda became a nice guy as you got to the end of his storyline. Only real problem with Jolee is that he might be dead of old age by the time the story of KotOR 3 picks up. Carth and Bastila obviously because they were important to the plot. Maybe toss in a Wookiee with a nicer attitude: Zaalbar seemed to have a bit of attitude at points, and not just to slavers. May as well have HK-47 and T3-M4 in, since they were in the last two games, but i'd like to be able to train HK-47 as a "Jedi" similar to Dooku and Grievous (no 4 arms though, still 2). This would mean no Force powers, but he'd have to make up in that lacking somehow. I'm thinking have another alien party member (maybe male twilek to be Mission's boyfriend? She seemed to want to be mature in KotOR 1, imo), but no Cathar. Juhani annoyed me. Gonna need a massive ship, which brings me to the next point.
After the last two games, the Ebon Hawk has a familiar layout, possibly too familiar. I'm thinking that you should be given the option of a ship. Maybe go to a ship store on the first planet and you choose a ship, possibly actually go ON the ship to decide if you like the ship. Plot hole, though, if you want the Ebon Hawk (assuming the PC isn't the Exile), so maybe have another similar model of the Ebon Hawk.
Storyline and additional ideas on my next post...
The Main Character
PLEASE not the exile. After playing KotOR 1, the Exile seemed too insignificant of a character in comparison to playing Revan. Either play Revan, or a new character who will have a bigger (than the Exile) role. For talking, some actual talking would be nice. You'll still choose what the PC says, but after you do, (s)he actually says what you chose.
Starting the Game
Customization of the character. i'm thinking a new twist: you design not only the playable character, but also your "rival" so to speak (eg. if you're the savior of the republic, you design the sith lord, but (s)he still has a name given by the story though). in terms of actual customization of looks, more options is good, and i don't mean more heads. basically, let us choose length of hair, maybe it's colour, allow the selection of facial features (such as scars). also, although this isn't in customization, if you're going dark side, don't do just a darkening face. i've noticed that even as DS in kotor 1, there wasn't a mean-person look to the character. they still looked like they could be a nice person. give them angrier-looking eyes, it's more convincing to me that way. Finally, when you name your character, I'd like there to be a "Pronunciation" field that allows you to type out how the character's name is pronounced, that way the PC's name is actually said throughout the game, unlike in KotOR 1 where the only time you were called by your name was when you were called Revan or your actual name in alien speak. For example, say your character name is Jarag. You type in how you want it pronounced (I would put Jarag as something like this: Jare-eg)
Party Members
Bring back some party members from KotOR 1. I thought Canderous, Mission, Carth, Bastila, and Jolee were good characters (most ppl would probably agree with me for Bastila, maybe Carth). Mission because she was pretty light-hearted and made the game seem a bit cheerier (i also need a reason to bring Griff back to the game so i can kick his ass), Canderous because Mandalorians kick ass, or at least he does, and Jolee because he kinda became a nice guy as you got to the end of his storyline. Only real problem with Jolee is that he might be dead of old age by the time the story of KotOR 3 picks up. Carth and Bastila obviously because they were important to the plot. Maybe toss in a Wookiee with a nicer attitude: Zaalbar seemed to have a bit of attitude at points, and not just to slavers. May as well have HK-47 and T3-M4 in, since they were in the last two games, but i'd like to be able to train HK-47 as a "Jedi" similar to Dooku and Grievous (no 4 arms though, still 2). This would mean no Force powers, but he'd have to make up in that lacking somehow. I'm thinking have another alien party member (maybe male twilek to be Mission's boyfriend? She seemed to want to be mature in KotOR 1, imo), but no Cathar. Juhani annoyed me. Gonna need a massive ship, which brings me to the next point.
After the last two games, the Ebon Hawk has a familiar layout, possibly too familiar. I'm thinking that you should be given the option of a ship. Maybe go to a ship store on the first planet and you choose a ship, possibly actually go ON the ship to decide if you like the ship. Plot hole, though, if you want the Ebon Hawk (assuming the PC isn't the Exile), so maybe have another similar model of the Ebon Hawk.
Storyline and additional ideas on my next post...
"You see, the war, the true war, has never been one waged by droids, warships, or soldiers. They are but crude matter, obstacles against which we test ourselves." -Kreia, 3,951 BBY
- Darth Valthri
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If we're going to have influence brought through to the third game, at least give us an influence meter for the party members, similar to the Light/Dark Meter on the Character page. This way we know how much more influence we need before we can train the characters to be Jedi. An idea I got relating to influence came to me the other day in KotOR 1 (killing Dia with Carth in the party). If a character is regularly light side, then you kill someone simply for credits, they get pissed at you for doing it, but they still help. However, my idea is that if you have a low influence with another person (let's say the influence meter is a 0%-100% idea, and the 0% would be an entirely DS equivalent) such as 0-25, then that person of your party will actually attack you in objection. If you win the fight against them, you don't kill them, but you've taught them a lesson, I guess you could say. For losing the fight, they don't kill you, but try to teach you a lesson. If you tell them to stuff it, then they proceed to try and kill you (if you lose the 2nd time, you die, if you win, it's the same as if you won the first time). This way it makes more sense if they object to your actions, as opposed to helping you do what they object to. However, if they would regularly have an objection to you killing someone for credits, but you get a high influence with them (75-100%) then they change their ways and they'll agree with your methods. Anywhere between 25 and 50 they object, but won't do anything (to you or the person you're about to kill), and between 50 and 75 they kind of agree with you but aren't sure enough of what to do and also don't do anything.
Storyline (Finally...)
As stated earlier in the customization of characters, you design your enemy. At the start of the game, you basically decide if you want to start off as a Sith or a member of the Republic (I'd prefer to work a bit to become a Jedi and get my lightsaber in 1 piece rather than work for the lightsaber but get the Jedi-ness right away). Not sure what the main questline will be (such as the quest for the Star Forge and the missing Jedi), but the finale will depend on who you you eventually side with in the end.
If you start as a Sith, then you are the apprentice to a master of a Sith Enclave (like the one on Korriban). You eventually progress to being apprentice to THE Sith Lord.
If you finish (up until the last fight) as a Sith, then you fight your master to become the Sith Lord. When you win, he is severely weakened (the PC thinks he's dead). Your rival shows up and you try to persuade him to join the DS.
If you succeed in persuading him, then a Dark Jedi runs in, apparently in pursuit of your rival, thinking (s)he is still a Jedi, not a Sith. Your master uses the Force to drain the health of the Dark Jedi, becoming fully healed. You and your former rival tag-team him (in short cut-scenes the Sith Lord will knock you or your former rival out and you fight him as the other character). You become Sith Lord when you two kill your master. If you don't kill him, then he kills you
If you failed in persuading your rival to join you, then you fight him/her and your master (weakened to the point from the previous fight that if you hit him, one attack will finish him). You then fight your rival in a final duel. Upon winning, you're the Sith Lord. Feel free to figure out how you got an apprentice in this scenario.
If you finish as a Jedi, you find out before the last duel that your rival joined the Sith and became the Sith Lord's apprentice. Similar to DS, you can try to persuade him/her to the light.
If you succeed, then you fight the Sith Lord together. The fight pauses and two Dark Jedi come in, having heard the battle going on. Sith Lord drains the life of one and fights you again, while the other Dark Jedi fights your new buddy. When you beat the Sith Lord, a cutscene shows the Dark Jedi cut off your friend's hand (or a limb or injured him/her in some way), then uses the Force to launch him/her away. Sith Lord drains Dark Jedi's health, recovering him to full health. This leaves just you and Sith Lord conscious/alive for a true final duel. After you win the fight, you carry your buddy away to your ship to fly away to safety (assuming the final duel takes place on some space station of sorts, just like almsot every Star Wars game and movie.)
If you failed in persuasion, then you fight your rival alone. The fight ends when (s)he's at near-death. You proceed to fight Sith Lord. After beating him, you retry persuasion on your rival. If succeed, then you both leave for safety, leaving Sith Lord to blow up on space station or die in someway that there's no way for him to survive. If you fail, then (s)he drains the remaining health of the Sith Lord to fight you one last time (this time resulting in the death of the rival).
Ok, that's starting as a Sith out of the way. Starting as a Jedi is all the same in the finale. The difference is the story up until the last fight.
To your relief, my main idea post is over. Will still post after, but in reply to other ideas, or to add some small ideas to this. *Cue members to comment, add on, and/or take away from my idea
If we're going to have influence brought through to the third game, at least give us an influence meter for the party members, similar to the Light/Dark Meter on the Character page. This way we know how much more influence we need before we can train the characters to be Jedi. An idea I got relating to influence came to me the other day in KotOR 1 (killing Dia with Carth in the party). If a character is regularly light side, then you kill someone simply for credits, they get pissed at you for doing it, but they still help. However, my idea is that if you have a low influence with another person (let's say the influence meter is a 0%-100% idea, and the 0% would be an entirely DS equivalent) such as 0-25, then that person of your party will actually attack you in objection. If you win the fight against them, you don't kill them, but you've taught them a lesson, I guess you could say. For losing the fight, they don't kill you, but try to teach you a lesson. If you tell them to stuff it, then they proceed to try and kill you (if you lose the 2nd time, you die, if you win, it's the same as if you won the first time). This way it makes more sense if they object to your actions, as opposed to helping you do what they object to. However, if they would regularly have an objection to you killing someone for credits, but you get a high influence with them (75-100%) then they change their ways and they'll agree with your methods. Anywhere between 25 and 50 they object, but won't do anything (to you or the person you're about to kill), and between 50 and 75 they kind of agree with you but aren't sure enough of what to do and also don't do anything.
Storyline (Finally...)
As stated earlier in the customization of characters, you design your enemy. At the start of the game, you basically decide if you want to start off as a Sith or a member of the Republic (I'd prefer to work a bit to become a Jedi and get my lightsaber in 1 piece rather than work for the lightsaber but get the Jedi-ness right away). Not sure what the main questline will be (such as the quest for the Star Forge and the missing Jedi), but the finale will depend on who you you eventually side with in the end.
If you start as a Sith, then you are the apprentice to a master of a Sith Enclave (like the one on Korriban). You eventually progress to being apprentice to THE Sith Lord.
If you finish (up until the last fight) as a Sith, then you fight your master to become the Sith Lord. When you win, he is severely weakened (the PC thinks he's dead). Your rival shows up and you try to persuade him to join the DS.
If you succeed in persuading him, then a Dark Jedi runs in, apparently in pursuit of your rival, thinking (s)he is still a Jedi, not a Sith. Your master uses the Force to drain the health of the Dark Jedi, becoming fully healed. You and your former rival tag-team him (in short cut-scenes the Sith Lord will knock you or your former rival out and you fight him as the other character). You become Sith Lord when you two kill your master. If you don't kill him, then he kills you
If you failed in persuading your rival to join you, then you fight him/her and your master (weakened to the point from the previous fight that if you hit him, one attack will finish him). You then fight your rival in a final duel. Upon winning, you're the Sith Lord. Feel free to figure out how you got an apprentice in this scenario.
If you finish as a Jedi, you find out before the last duel that your rival joined the Sith and became the Sith Lord's apprentice. Similar to DS, you can try to persuade him/her to the light.
If you succeed, then you fight the Sith Lord together. The fight pauses and two Dark Jedi come in, having heard the battle going on. Sith Lord drains the life of one and fights you again, while the other Dark Jedi fights your new buddy. When you beat the Sith Lord, a cutscene shows the Dark Jedi cut off your friend's hand (or a limb or injured him/her in some way), then uses the Force to launch him/her away. Sith Lord drains Dark Jedi's health, recovering him to full health. This leaves just you and Sith Lord conscious/alive for a true final duel. After you win the fight, you carry your buddy away to your ship to fly away to safety (assuming the final duel takes place on some space station of sorts, just like almsot every Star Wars game and movie.)
If you failed in persuasion, then you fight your rival alone. The fight ends when (s)he's at near-death. You proceed to fight Sith Lord. After beating him, you retry persuasion on your rival. If succeed, then you both leave for safety, leaving Sith Lord to blow up on space station or die in someway that there's no way for him to survive. If you fail, then (s)he drains the remaining health of the Sith Lord to fight you one last time (this time resulting in the death of the rival).
Ok, that's starting as a Sith out of the way. Starting as a Jedi is all the same in the finale. The difference is the story up until the last fight.
To your relief, my main idea post is over. Will still post after, but in reply to other ideas, or to add some small ideas to this. *Cue members to comment, add on, and/or take away from my idea
"You see, the war, the true war, has never been one waged by droids, warships, or soldiers. They are but crude matter, obstacles against which we test ourselves." -Kreia, 3,951 BBY
- Darth_Juro
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I really don't care about story line in that big of a detail, all I really care about and I'm sure most darksiders would agree with me is from the beginning of the game your able to chose what side you want to fight on, I mean seriously after the first two games your story line is the same good or evil, If I choose to be darkside I want a storyline and comrades that reflect that and vice versa for lightside. And also if you notice the loading screens from both games it will tell you that the "true" sith died out a millenia ago, and if I'm not mistaken it's mentioned that Revan went to fight the true threat not true sith...could be wrong but why would the loading screens and jedi history say true sith died out many many years before kotor series and the sith of now are not true sith but those who follow an ideal and yet Revan goes off to fight the true sith....which are suppose to be dead. I'm thinking of a really good story but as of now it's mainly focused for darkside, haven't thought of lightside yet because being good is just too boring ^_-
Fear is the emptiness inside your heart. Never underestimate the capablities of someone's actions towards you.
Story Changes
Perhaps you could start of as a child (like Fable) and see your town destroyed and parents murdered (like Fable). Then you are offered to join a jedi or sith academy, and grow up in the academy. At various points you have to do small jobs, and are constsntly meeting guys from rival academies who try to persuade you to join them. When you graduate you start the actual story, which is different (as is your party) depending on whehter you graduated from the light or dark sided academy.
Perhaps you could start of as a child (like Fable) and see your town destroyed and parents murdered (like Fable). Then you are offered to join a jedi or sith academy, and grow up in the academy. At various points you have to do small jobs, and are constsntly meeting guys from rival academies who try to persuade you to join them. When you graduate you start the actual story, which is different (as is your party) depending on whehter you graduated from the light or dark sided academy.
- bigredpanda
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There's been a few suggestions like this, about starting off young and growing older. It's an interesting idea, but I wonder how much it would mean putting off the "real" story... I've also seen a lot of complaints with KOTOR2 that the opening stages took too long to get through.magic80 wrote:Perhaps you could start of as a child (like Fable) and see your town destroyed and parents murdered (like Fable). Then you are offered to join a jedi or sith academy, and grow up in the academy. At various points you have to do small jobs, and are constsntly meeting guys from rival academies who try to persuade you to join them. When you graduate you start the actual story, which is different (as is your party) depending on whehter you graduated from the light or dark sided academy.
Though I suppose if you were a child, you could be young when the K1+2 stories are bing played out, thus informing new gamers of the backstory, and letting old gamers fill in their own.
- manmanster
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Kotor 3 will take an ever further step backwards in storyline
Here's how I see it. The reason why Kotor is so fascinating, and eirgo successful, is because it delves entirely in the mythos from Dark Horse Comics and other fiction. I think that if they go back to the time of Exar Kun, or even better, back when the first sith were branching off from the Jedi, they'd have a solid release without extending Kotor 1 and 2's storyline.
With that said, there could easily be a direct sequel to kotor 2, Kreia talked about how there is a powerful sith force operating outside of know space, and that's where Revan went off to fight. The exile, if light sided, presumably went there as well, as it was one of the choices Kreia spoke about. There could be a third party, completing the neccessary amount of key jedi, to combat this huge sith force.
Or they could go many years into the future, much further from the events of kotor 1 and 2, but still many centuries before the events of the original star wars. Either way, I'm really stoked for this sequel, and I hope it comes out soon.
Here's how I see it. The reason why Kotor is so fascinating, and eirgo successful, is because it delves entirely in the mythos from Dark Horse Comics and other fiction. I think that if they go back to the time of Exar Kun, or even better, back when the first sith were branching off from the Jedi, they'd have a solid release without extending Kotor 1 and 2's storyline.
With that said, there could easily be a direct sequel to kotor 2, Kreia talked about how there is a powerful sith force operating outside of know space, and that's where Revan went off to fight. The exile, if light sided, presumably went there as well, as it was one of the choices Kreia spoke about. There could be a third party, completing the neccessary amount of key jedi, to combat this huge sith force.
Or they could go many years into the future, much further from the events of kotor 1 and 2, but still many centuries before the events of the original star wars. Either way, I'm really stoked for this sequel, and I hope it comes out soon.
- manmanster
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- Joined: Fri Jul 13, 2007 12:24 am
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The game could also hypothetically take place during the new sith wars:
New Sith Wars - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki
Which would provide for an incredibly interesting storyline. Also, if it occured during this time, the people wishing for a connection to the anakin skywalker/clone wars era, this could be possible.
The game could also hypothetically take place during the new sith wars:
New Sith Wars - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki
Which would provide for an incredibly interesting storyline. Also, if it occured during this time, the people wishing for a connection to the anakin skywalker/clone wars era, this could be possible.
- Darth turd
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A Good Story line
You no what a good story line would be?
A:you here a faint voice and then you wake up to see atton rand and the handmadien right beside you in the medical bay saying they found you unconcouis but you feel strange like you lost somthing and you lose the will to use the force. But! a full days rest you get back on your feet and you get a transmission i no your here im coming to find you and you do not reconize the voice but then you here a faint voice outside the ship you start to walk there and you go off the loading ramp to see a hooded man in bron robes takes off his hood and everyone behind you and mandalore then goes "no could it be? and starts to kneel and the man goes arrise mandalorien the you say "who are you" the man answers "it is I Revan once to be the dark lord! that would be a good begenning eh?
You no what a good story line would be?
A:you here a faint voice and then you wake up to see atton rand and the handmadien right beside you in the medical bay saying they found you unconcouis but you feel strange like you lost somthing and you lose the will to use the force. But! a full days rest you get back on your feet and you get a transmission i no your here im coming to find you and you do not reconize the voice but then you here a faint voice outside the ship you start to walk there and you go off the loading ramp to see a hooded man in bron robes takes off his hood and everyone behind you and mandalore then goes "no could it be? and starts to kneel and the man goes arrise mandalorien the you say "who are you" the man answers "it is I Revan once to be the dark lord! that would be a good begenning eh?
- DarthSpiden
- Posts: 65
- Joined: Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:16 am
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- Jedi Revan
- Posts: 34
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Here's my idea on how it starts.
A small lurch in a ship wakes you up and you fall off a small bed. You look around to see that you are inside a Sith Containment Cell with several other people in it. A man to your side says, "Hey, new recruit, you okay?" You tell him your answer and he responds, "Well you got knocked out once the first bomb hit the ground. It was so close to you I'm surprised you're even alive... my name is Jarard Elthin. You?" You answer and you talk to him about Revan's and the Exile's gender and alignment. He also explains how the True Sith attcked and captured all the planets but the Core planets in a week. A person in the corner asks to talk to you, saying that they've not been paying attention to many recent events, they ask you which of the wanted pictures on the wall out side the cell is Revan and the Exile. This is where you pick what they look like. The person as all of them hidden beneath a robe. The person suggests to break out of the cell, saying that there is little security on this prisoner ship. Together, you, Jarard, and the person break out. You take the weapons from the guards and then split up. You fight your way through the ship soon meeting up with Jarard again. You fight your way to the bridge where you find that the person has already secured it. He says that they already sent for reinforcements to come and resecure the ship. So the three of you head out and steal a captured shuttle. The Prisoner ship follows your's as you attempt to escape. The Prisoner ship's guns shoot your shuttle down into the middle of the battlefield on the planet Juxin 7. Jarard dies in the crash. You and the Stranger(the robed person) fight part of a few waves of enemies and then retreat back to the Republic lines. There you meet back with the squadron you were with before you were taken prisoner. There you fall back with the troops to Archanon 9's moon, Hailina. There (in the 24 hours estimated by the commanders that they have before attack), the stranger talks to the Republic general there. You are asked to do a few things to set up for the attack. You and the stranger then do an assortment of missions to prepare. When the battle commences, the general offers you and the Stranger a shuttle to Corusaunt as well as the aid of one of his best men, Darius Collins. You are forced to take the offer by the stranger and leave. On the shuttle, the Stranger reveal's that the person is Revan, gender(I'll refer to Revan as a he since it's the canon) and slight personallity difference (after regaining his memories his personality changed to become more neutral). He explains that you are like him, strong in the force, and that he feels that you could help many in this war by learning it (Revan's light side) or that you could use it to be a dominate power in this war (Revan's dark side). You accepted, gaining the class of Jedi Apprentice (at level 10, you can become a normal Jedi class). On Corusaunt, Revan explains his plan to the Republic Senate. He believes that if the Republic can capture 8 specific planets, they can create a extremely effective counter attack against them, forcing the True Sith out of the galaxy. The planets are Dantooine, Manaan, Archanon 9, Hoth, etc.. You, Revan and company are not offered a ship because a Republic sanctioned ship would be too easy to find and attack. You must get one on your own.
A small lurch in a ship wakes you up and you fall off a small bed. You look around to see that you are inside a Sith Containment Cell with several other people in it. A man to your side says, "Hey, new recruit, you okay?" You tell him your answer and he responds, "Well you got knocked out once the first bomb hit the ground. It was so close to you I'm surprised you're even alive... my name is Jarard Elthin. You?" You answer and you talk to him about Revan's and the Exile's gender and alignment. He also explains how the True Sith attcked and captured all the planets but the Core planets in a week. A person in the corner asks to talk to you, saying that they've not been paying attention to many recent events, they ask you which of the wanted pictures on the wall out side the cell is Revan and the Exile. This is where you pick what they look like. The person as all of them hidden beneath a robe. The person suggests to break out of the cell, saying that there is little security on this prisoner ship. Together, you, Jarard, and the person break out. You take the weapons from the guards and then split up. You fight your way through the ship soon meeting up with Jarard again. You fight your way to the bridge where you find that the person has already secured it. He says that they already sent for reinforcements to come and resecure the ship. So the three of you head out and steal a captured shuttle. The Prisoner ship follows your's as you attempt to escape. The Prisoner ship's guns shoot your shuttle down into the middle of the battlefield on the planet Juxin 7. Jarard dies in the crash. You and the Stranger(the robed person) fight part of a few waves of enemies and then retreat back to the Republic lines. There you meet back with the squadron you were with before you were taken prisoner. There you fall back with the troops to Archanon 9's moon, Hailina. There (in the 24 hours estimated by the commanders that they have before attack), the stranger talks to the Republic general there. You are asked to do a few things to set up for the attack. You and the stranger then do an assortment of missions to prepare. When the battle commences, the general offers you and the Stranger a shuttle to Corusaunt as well as the aid of one of his best men, Darius Collins. You are forced to take the offer by the stranger and leave. On the shuttle, the Stranger reveal's that the person is Revan, gender(I'll refer to Revan as a he since it's the canon) and slight personallity difference (after regaining his memories his personality changed to become more neutral). He explains that you are like him, strong in the force, and that he feels that you could help many in this war by learning it (Revan's light side) or that you could use it to be a dominate power in this war (Revan's dark side). You accepted, gaining the class of Jedi Apprentice (at level 10, you can become a normal Jedi class). On Corusaunt, Revan explains his plan to the Republic Senate. He believes that if the Republic can capture 8 specific planets, they can create a extremely effective counter attack against them, forcing the True Sith out of the galaxy. The planets are Dantooine, Manaan, Archanon 9, Hoth, etc.. You, Revan and company are not offered a ship because a Republic sanctioned ship would be too easy to find and attack. You must get one on your own.
- DarthSpiden
- Posts: 65
- Joined: Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:16 am
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That is a good storyline, except I think the player's time would revolve around Revan and less time on the main character. But besides that, the storyline is good, yet I think you should be a different race like Yuuzhan Vong:Star Wars: Databank | Yuuzhan Vong
EDIT: I think you shouldalso start out as kid, but the beggining would be a little long.
EDIT: I think you shouldalso start out as kid, but the beggining would be a little long.
KOTOR III will be coming out in 2008 on 360!! I saw it posted on a magazine!!
- Darth Mason
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- Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2006 7:15 am
- Location: a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
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EDIT: I think you shouldalso start out as kid, but the beggining would be a little long.
I agree with the starting out as a kid, but it doesn't bother me that it would make the beginning long. If KotOR III is going to be the conclusion to the KotOR series then i want a realy long game so it can be a fitting conclusion to it. I don't know about KotOR I, but i usually finish KotOR II in about 24 hours - ish which, in RPG terms, isn't a great deal of time.
Hmm. Much fear i sense in you. Be mindful of your feelings. Fear is a path to the Dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering ...
- DarthSpiden
- Posts: 65
- Joined: Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:16 am
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- Jedi Revan
- Posts: 34
- Joined: Wed Jan 31, 2007 4:38 pm
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One way they can make it long like that is too make it so that it has like 10 planets, with several areas on each, each area as big or bigger than one planet area in the old gamesDarthSpiden wrote:True I would like KOTOR 3 to be like as long as Morrowind or oblivion, with like a zillion side quests, just to improve your level and skill.
And for my storyline idea, that would just be the beginning, by the end, it would revolve much more around you (Like Revan sacrifices himself at some point.)
- heaiiyasha
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Wed Aug 08, 2007 1:20 am
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PLOT And such
I think that you should be able to go here
*Yavin IV
with these guys
Character Returning
Carth Ornasi - Republic Admiral (Non Controlled)
Bastilla - Jedi Master -(Council Member)
Revan - Jedi Master - (Sith Lord)
bao dur
Plot you start off in the far regions on a mission from the jedi council looking for revan with bastilla atton carth and the handmaiden (all force sensitive) when you find out that revan has gone to the dark side again to the councils worst fears you fight revan midway through 1st time battling you get to choose to join revan or say never i wont join you stay loyal to the council etc. you go on and From there the story changes from that desission if you choose to join him you get him in your party replacing bastilla and teaches you how to master the dark side (getting some npc sith lackies to help out in your battles till you make the jedi crumble plus get mandalore to later find out he is canderous ) Choose the light side you take the ebon hawk back to the coucil and send you to stop revan finding some charachters like one of those mannan people(the fish aliens i think that would be cool to get) umm mission and zaalbar point is you gather some of your frends to help and then torwards the final battle the council decides to send some help get the republic soldiers and jedi apprantices
(also do the KOTOR II thing and make your party members good or evil with you
I think that you should be able to go here
*Yavin IV
with these guys
Character Returning
Carth Ornasi - Republic Admiral (Non Controlled)
Bastilla - Jedi Master -(Council Member)
Revan - Jedi Master - (Sith Lord)
bao dur
Plot you start off in the far regions on a mission from the jedi council looking for revan with bastilla atton carth and the handmaiden (all force sensitive) when you find out that revan has gone to the dark side again to the councils worst fears you fight revan midway through 1st time battling you get to choose to join revan or say never i wont join you stay loyal to the council etc. you go on and From there the story changes from that desission if you choose to join him you get him in your party replacing bastilla and teaches you how to master the dark side (getting some npc sith lackies to help out in your battles till you make the jedi crumble plus get mandalore to later find out he is canderous ) Choose the light side you take the ebon hawk back to the coucil and send you to stop revan finding some charachters like one of those mannan people(the fish aliens i think that would be cool to get) umm mission and zaalbar point is you gather some of your frends to help and then torwards the final battle the council decides to send some help get the republic soldiers and jedi apprantices
(also do the KOTOR II thing and make your party members good or evil with you
- heaiiyasha
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Wed Aug 08, 2007 1:20 am
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thats also a good plot i would be content with thatJedi Revan wrote:Here's my idea on how it starts.
A small lurch in a ship wakes you up and you fall off a small bed. You look around to see that you are inside a Sith Containment Cell with several other people in it. A man to your side says, "Hey, new recruit, you okay?" You tell him your answer and he responds, "Well you got knocked out once the first bomb hit the ground. It was so close to you I'm surprised you're even alive... my name is Jarard Elthin. You?" You answer and you talk to him about Revan's and the Exile's gender and alignment. He also explains how the True Sith attcked and captured all the planets but the Core planets in a week. A person in the corner asks to talk to you, saying that they've not been paying attention to many recent events, they ask you which of the wanted pictures on the wall out side the cell is Revan and the Exile. This is where you pick what they look like. The person as all of them hidden beneath a robe. The person suggests to break out of the cell, saying that there is little security on this prisoner ship. Together, you, Jarard, and the person break out. You take the weapons from the guards and then split up. You fight your way through the ship soon meeting up with Jarard again. You fight your way to the bridge where you find that the person has already secured it. He says that they already sent for reinforcements to come and resecure the ship. So the three of you head out and steal a captured shuttle. The Prisoner ship follows your's as you attempt to escape. The Prisoner ship's guns shoot your shuttle down into the middle of the battlefield on the planet Juxin 7. Jarard dies in the crash. You and the Stranger(the robed person) fight part of a few waves of enemies and then retreat back to the Republic lines. There you meet back with the squadron you were with before you were taken prisoner. There you fall back with the troops to Archanon 9's moon, Hailina. There (in the 24 hours estimated by the commanders that they have before attack), the stranger talks to the Republic general there. You are asked to do a few things to set up for the attack. You and the stranger then do an assortment of missions to prepare. When the battle commences, the general offers you and the Stranger a shuttle to Corusaunt as well as the aid of one of his best men, Darius Collins. You are forced to take the offer by the stranger and leave. On the shuttle, the Stranger reveal's that the person is Revan, gender(I'll refer to Revan as a he since it's the canon) and slight personallity difference (after regaining his memories his personality changed to become more neutral). He explains that you are like him, strong in the force, and that he feels that you could help many in this war by learning it (Revan's light side) or that you could use it to be a dominate power in this war (Revan's dark side). You accepted, gaining the class of Jedi Apprentice (at level 10, you can become a normal Jedi class). On Corusaunt, Revan explains his plan to the Republic Senate. He believes that if the Republic can capture 8 specific planets, they can create a extremely effective counter attack against them, forcing the True Sith out of the galaxy. The planets are Dantooine, Manaan, Archanon 9, Hoth, etc.. You, Revan and company are not offered a ship because a Republic sanctioned ship would be too easy to find and attack. You must get one on your own.
- DarthSpiden
- Posts: 65
- Joined: Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:16 am
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heaiiyasha it is against the rules to double post! and I think your story isnt so great because 1) bastilla and mira can not return because on darkside path, you killed them! 2) revan is in unknown regions and cannot be jedi master if he was bad!
EDIT: also bao-dur no matter if you are good or bad, is dead. he says it in the transmission on malachor V . somethin like if you are hearing this i am gone.
EDIT: also bao-dur no matter if you are good or bad, is dead. he says it in the transmission on malachor V . somethin like if you are hearing this i am gone.
KOTOR III will be coming out in 2008 on 360!! I saw it posted on a magazine!!