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Playing as Revan's kid(the new PC)

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Playing as Revan's kid(the new PC)

Post by Romascu »

It a rumor that says revan and bastila had a kid,would you like to play as the kid,let's say 20 years after kotor 2?I'd rather see who the true sith are(malak was a pathetic excuse for a sith lord-a corrupt remnant of the republic).
And another thing,i liked how kotor 2 played as dark side,in kotor 1 it was like :o o i killed you and took your credits,i am sooo bad.Its not about that,it's about manipulation,corruption and other things like that,but i did not like how kotor 2 played the ls,it was in a naive,puerile way.
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Post by obrad »

Romascu wrote:It a rumor that says revan and bastila had a kid,would you like to play as the kid,let's say 20 years after kotor 2?
I like the kid idea, but I think it would be far more interesting if it actually was a kid, like 10 years or less.
Romascu wrote:And another thing,i liked how kotor 2 played as dark side,in kotor 1 it was like :o o i killed you and took your credits,i am sooo bad.Its not about that,it's about manipulation,corruption and other things like that
Well, you did kill Zaalbar's father and convince him it was a good thing,right?
Romascu wrote:but i did not like how kotor 2 played the ls,it was in a naive,puerile way.
Yeah, how idiotic would PC have to be not to notice Kreia's corruption(Atton:"Atris will do what she does to all Sith." Exile:"Kreia's a Sith?")? She even told him she was united by hatred with someone and he thought it was about Jedi.
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Post by Chanak »

Another thread covers a similar topic. Feel free to post in that one. This thread is closed.
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