Your thoughts on Jade Empire?
- Macen Press
- Posts: 119
- Joined: Wed Mar 30, 2005 7:24 am
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I totally agree it is an amazing game and the only thing i didnt like was the lack of customization but apart from tht it was gd. WOULD RECOMMEND THIS GAME 2 ANY1. Now i hope the next kotor game will ave a combat system like this.
"Fear attracts the fearful, the strong, the weak, the innocent, the corrupt. Fear, fear is my ally."
I liked it, it was different without being... well, weird.
I was impressed with the alignment system, I felt it was a refreshing change from the standard good/evil paradigm. The combat system wasn't brilliant, but there was nothing wrong with it, and the setting was unusual enough to be a change from the standard fare fantasy or sci-fi backdrop.
I was impressed with the alignment system, I felt it was a refreshing change from the standard good/evil paradigm. The combat system wasn't brilliant, but there was nothing wrong with it, and the setting was unusual enough to be a change from the standard fare fantasy or sci-fi backdrop.
- Drunkside
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One of the best games i have ever played, just tooooooooo short.
YOU DONT KNOW THE POWER OF THE DRUNKSIDE ill beat you up with my bottl ...lightsaber!!!And Drunk Side is a bar in KOTOR1... check these out!
Well, I played Jade Empire until the Imperial City and I must say I am rather dissapointed. Graphic is medium quality, the fighting system is more like from an arcade game of poor design, it is very linear and the good-or-bad system is totally ripped of the KotOR. Although it is quite fun to play the game, I can't allow people to call it "one of the best RPG's" ever. It just not deserve this title. Really, it is not soooo good, no matter what people say, trust me. I played number of best-quality RPG's and it does not stand up to them.
In the mist by the hills the day darkens
In this forest death rules
Over this chasm riders of doom and face him with a deadly pale
Spectre face
Grim as stone, ride to the deathfields... Blackness and doom
A total eclipse of the sun
Die by the northern triology in the mist by the hills
In this forest death rules
Over this chasm riders of doom and face him with a deadly pale
Spectre face
Grim as stone, ride to the deathfields... Blackness and doom
A total eclipse of the sun
Die by the northern triology in the mist by the hills
- Sweethart Rose
- Posts: 61
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I found it interesting the first time i played it.
Second time i gave up as it revealed itself to be more linear than a ruler. the comber boild down to maxed out styles and button bashing. the loading times left me cringing. The "evil" opition had so much of the KOTOR1 "i'm afraid etc" sop that there was no point other than it made the game slightly harder. the gems and techinques helped like a soggy cornflake while the transformation styles let you kill the final boss in a 1v1 fight in 3 seconds even on th hardest difficulty. (jade golem chi strike focus all maxed) your character always ended up on Lv 22 or so and the enmimies got just plain boring. the twist was cool first time but second it was like um yeah. and why on earth would you surrender to the emporer in the final battle? the side quests were short and uninvolved while the main quest had so much riding on it that if you missed a cut scene you could be wandering around for an hour getting though the game but not knowing what you were doing. also all the doom and gloom was really sad. I felt like slapping some of the charcters saying come on snap out of it! The only funny part was the european that sounded like basil faulty! And his gun.
Second time i gave up as it revealed itself to be more linear than a ruler. the comber boild down to maxed out styles and button bashing. the loading times left me cringing. The "evil" opition had so much of the KOTOR1 "i'm afraid etc" sop that there was no point other than it made the game slightly harder. the gems and techinques helped like a soggy cornflake while the transformation styles let you kill the final boss in a 1v1 fight in 3 seconds even on th hardest difficulty. (jade golem chi strike focus all maxed) your character always ended up on Lv 22 or so and the enmimies got just plain boring. the twist was cool first time but second it was like um yeah. and why on earth would you surrender to the emporer in the final battle? the side quests were short and uninvolved while the main quest had so much riding on it that if you missed a cut scene you could be wandering around for an hour getting though the game but not knowing what you were doing. also all the doom and gloom was really sad. I felt like slapping some of the charcters saying come on snap out of it! The only funny part was the european that sounded like basil faulty! And his gun.
I like it, but I think the difficulty's unbalanced - first fights in the game I barely survived, while the last one I found so easy that I thought I set the game to easy when I did not!
For some reason, it didn't strike me as deep as KotOR and it seemed shortish.
The characters to choose among are so nicely done, though. I love the girl in red and the guy with tattooed back.
For some reason, it didn't strike me as deep as KotOR and it seemed shortish.
The characters to choose among are so nicely done, though. I love the girl in red and the guy with tattooed back.
-BG! For Baldur's Gate and Blind Guardian! And possibly Belgrade and bad guys... umm, nope...
-Fiars NPC, a BG2 mod in progress.
-Fiars NPC, a BG2 mod in progress.
- Elias De vere
- Posts: 59
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What a fantastic game. Completed it on student in under 2 days, and i had so much fun. The look is amazing, the styles are so intelligent, and the story wasa really clever. The Sun Li twist was really clever, and i didn't see it coming. It also is amazingly quick to play, but then i didn't do many sidequests, and i missed out on the outlander fight as my game would have problems round it, with loading up the arena. the actual imperial arena was brilliant and really clever, and the followers were really well done. I must say it is one of the best games i have ever played, and now i want to play again. One thing though, the romance thing could have been played up more, and used better. the best use of romance in a game, saving Bastilla on lightside ending in KOTOR. Still 5 out of 5 for the game. 
Skandaman, back from the dead, and now kicking butt again. Fear him for he's angry and fillled with sugar. Mmm sugar. 
Worth purchasing.. but not great.
Having *just* finished the game.. I found many things to like and also many things to NOT like.
From a "glass is half full" perspective:
I liked:
The graphics - they were good (attractive) and not overly intensive to graphics cards (gs 7600). They certainly were not "great" though.
The plot - its a good story line, with some unexpected twists (..not so much the "ending" but rather the "end" before the "end").
The NPC development - believable characters with different personalities, story lines, and very good voice acting. The more important NPC's were all done well. Some of the lesser NPC's were a bit "cookie-cutter" bland (..but thats to be expected).
The progression system - a good "RPG'ish" system with experience points for improvements. Practically speaking there are limits which allow for more specialized yet flawed characters. Additionally, improvements *generally* match the progression of the game. Also the various combat styles allow variety, are interesting both in effect and graphically, and work fairly well with the combat system.
From a "glass is half empty" perspective:
What I did *NOT* like:
The combat system - there are numerous problems here.
First, the game is a little to centered on combat (..and strangely when it isn't, it doesn't have enough).
Second, I absolutely *HATE* the way the game fixes an attack against one opponent. Sure, you can always turn that mode off (once combat has commenced), but that doesn't work well (and its still awkward). That leaves "flipping" though opponets manually to focus your attack on the opponent you want to. Unfortunetly, either poor remedy requires that you must physically perform an action that makes it that much more difficult to fight. In other words you should be focusing on the fight itself and not the controls to fight. (..The game Dungeon Lords, though deeply bugged, is an infinitely better combat system that is effectivly "free form" and realistic - its what the developers for this game should have done.)
Third, *MOST* of the actual attacking is (as others have said) - pretty much mindless button pushing. Where it is NOT is with a power attack to overcome a defensive block, AND an area attack, both of which are mouse button manuevers which can be executed without "thinking" about the controls of the game. Another interesting aspect of attacking is choosing the correct style for any given opponent(s) - unfortunetly you *DO* have to think about the controls here (..and even if you have a game pad, you still have only 4 styles to choose from fairly readily). (..note that thinking about the style is one thing, thinking about how to get to that style through a mediocre control system is another.)
Fourth, defensive measures in the game are not well represented. The manuver "Block" itself is poor (though perversly works rather well for your opponents). Just as a simple manuever its supposed to block anything but a power attack.. Well, IMO thats stupid - some how a blocking maneuver can block both melee AND magical attacks? It just doesn't make sense from any roleplaying game I've seen. Worse still, it often doesn't work well - i.e. it takes to long to get a block in place, and ANY opponent moves to overcome that block with a power attack rather quickly (..far better than you can). Slightly more interesting (at least conceptually) is an "attack" designed to produce a defensive measure - usually through the use of varying combat styles. Unfortunetly *most* opponents when "attacked" by a disabling effect, *VERY* quickly recover from it (even with a "maxed" duration count for that style). Practically speaking then, the defensive "attack" is only marginally useful. Finally you have "Focus" mode - which *IS* well balanced in the game and effectivly produces a competitive advantage that is more defensive in nature.
Fifth, the combat styles are not well balanced nor are they well "placed" as the game progresses. The Transformation style Jade Golem is too powerful, regardless of where it is in the game's progression. The PC specialized Martial styles appear to late in the game. In fact (in conjunction with those specialized styles), other "alignment" based styles also appear to late in the game. Worse still, many opponents are simply immune to these other styles (i.e. there are a large number of Demons and they are immune to both magic and support combat styles - and some have so many hitpoints and/or block & attack so well that they are practically immune to Martial styles - even with Chi Strike). That leaves Weapon styles as the best overall style (except against spirits which are immune), and here the game is broken.. Pole weapons are vastly inferior to swords. Additionally, the best weapons (axes) not only are available only late in the game, but also require a new skill set expenditure. (btw, the "axes" are superior "mechanically" as well - i.e. they *can* be more than simply a "button pusher" attack.) The real "penalty" here with weapon styles is that they require focus.. EXCEPT that with a fairly minor overall expenditure of points you can eliminate this penalty (..which breaks the game a bit IMO).
The plot progression - while I liked the over all plot quite a bit, there were several times where the game felt like it was "dragging" AND almost the last quarter of the game where it was "rushing" to the finish. Up through all of Tien's Landing the game progresses just about right - not to slow, not to fast. The Imperial City section however was often slow and tedious - with some sections overly developed (The Arena), and other sections woefully under-developed (The Black Lepoard School and the Scholar's Garden). The Golden Way section had little point to it except a much needed change of scenery. The Necropolis was so tedious that it felt like the plot progression was standing still. ( this, do that, get some experience points, yawn.) In fact, other than as a very minor adjunct to the Lotus Assassin plot - the Necropolis felt like it was not only done before (and much better) in the Great Southern Forest, but also that it bore *very* little relationship to the rest of the Imperial City. Perhaps worse than this is the "whirlwind" tour that finishes up the rest of the game after the Imperial City. EVERYTHING that follows after this feels rushed, and most of it is not very original. In fact it feels as if the developers ran out of capital and had to cut a lot of corners to make a deadline.. Whats outrageous though is that this is the second time the game is released - in this second release they could have easily spent some of their initial earnings to make the game better beyond late in-game new fighting styles. Wankers.
Oh well..
Anyway, thumbs up - marginally.
(and note, this game *does* have replay value with various different combat styles to choose from and maximise, different characters, different romance plots, and different alignment choices.. still, I don't see myself playing it more than twice (once "evil" and once "good") - but it *was* enjoyable and worth the expense.)
Having *just* finished the game.. I found many things to like and also many things to NOT like.
From a "glass is half full" perspective:
I liked:
The graphics - they were good (attractive) and not overly intensive to graphics cards (gs 7600). They certainly were not "great" though.
The plot - its a good story line, with some unexpected twists (..not so much the "ending" but rather the "end" before the "end").
The NPC development - believable characters with different personalities, story lines, and very good voice acting. The more important NPC's were all done well. Some of the lesser NPC's were a bit "cookie-cutter" bland (..but thats to be expected).
The progression system - a good "RPG'ish" system with experience points for improvements. Practically speaking there are limits which allow for more specialized yet flawed characters. Additionally, improvements *generally* match the progression of the game. Also the various combat styles allow variety, are interesting both in effect and graphically, and work fairly well with the combat system.
From a "glass is half empty" perspective:
What I did *NOT* like:
The combat system - there are numerous problems here.
First, the game is a little to centered on combat (..and strangely when it isn't, it doesn't have enough).
Second, I absolutely *HATE* the way the game fixes an attack against one opponent. Sure, you can always turn that mode off (once combat has commenced), but that doesn't work well (and its still awkward). That leaves "flipping" though opponets manually to focus your attack on the opponent you want to. Unfortunetly, either poor remedy requires that you must physically perform an action that makes it that much more difficult to fight. In other words you should be focusing on the fight itself and not the controls to fight. (..The game Dungeon Lords, though deeply bugged, is an infinitely better combat system that is effectivly "free form" and realistic - its what the developers for this game should have done.)
Third, *MOST* of the actual attacking is (as others have said) - pretty much mindless button pushing. Where it is NOT is with a power attack to overcome a defensive block, AND an area attack, both of which are mouse button manuevers which can be executed without "thinking" about the controls of the game. Another interesting aspect of attacking is choosing the correct style for any given opponent(s) - unfortunetly you *DO* have to think about the controls here (..and even if you have a game pad, you still have only 4 styles to choose from fairly readily). (..note that thinking about the style is one thing, thinking about how to get to that style through a mediocre control system is another.)
Fourth, defensive measures in the game are not well represented. The manuver "Block" itself is poor (though perversly works rather well for your opponents). Just as a simple manuever its supposed to block anything but a power attack.. Well, IMO thats stupid - some how a blocking maneuver can block both melee AND magical attacks? It just doesn't make sense from any roleplaying game I've seen. Worse still, it often doesn't work well - i.e. it takes to long to get a block in place, and ANY opponent moves to overcome that block with a power attack rather quickly (..far better than you can). Slightly more interesting (at least conceptually) is an "attack" designed to produce a defensive measure - usually through the use of varying combat styles. Unfortunetly *most* opponents when "attacked" by a disabling effect, *VERY* quickly recover from it (even with a "maxed" duration count for that style). Practically speaking then, the defensive "attack" is only marginally useful. Finally you have "Focus" mode - which *IS* well balanced in the game and effectivly produces a competitive advantage that is more defensive in nature.
Fifth, the combat styles are not well balanced nor are they well "placed" as the game progresses. The Transformation style Jade Golem is too powerful, regardless of where it is in the game's progression. The PC specialized Martial styles appear to late in the game. In fact (in conjunction with those specialized styles), other "alignment" based styles also appear to late in the game. Worse still, many opponents are simply immune to these other styles (i.e. there are a large number of Demons and they are immune to both magic and support combat styles - and some have so many hitpoints and/or block & attack so well that they are practically immune to Martial styles - even with Chi Strike). That leaves Weapon styles as the best overall style (except against spirits which are immune), and here the game is broken.. Pole weapons are vastly inferior to swords. Additionally, the best weapons (axes) not only are available only late in the game, but also require a new skill set expenditure. (btw, the "axes" are superior "mechanically" as well - i.e. they *can* be more than simply a "button pusher" attack.) The real "penalty" here with weapon styles is that they require focus.. EXCEPT that with a fairly minor overall expenditure of points you can eliminate this penalty (..which breaks the game a bit IMO).
The plot progression - while I liked the over all plot quite a bit, there were several times where the game felt like it was "dragging" AND almost the last quarter of the game where it was "rushing" to the finish. Up through all of Tien's Landing the game progresses just about right - not to slow, not to fast. The Imperial City section however was often slow and tedious - with some sections overly developed (The Arena), and other sections woefully under-developed (The Black Lepoard School and the Scholar's Garden). The Golden Way section had little point to it except a much needed change of scenery. The Necropolis was so tedious that it felt like the plot progression was standing still. ( this, do that, get some experience points, yawn.) In fact, other than as a very minor adjunct to the Lotus Assassin plot - the Necropolis felt like it was not only done before (and much better) in the Great Southern Forest, but also that it bore *very* little relationship to the rest of the Imperial City. Perhaps worse than this is the "whirlwind" tour that finishes up the rest of the game after the Imperial City. EVERYTHING that follows after this feels rushed, and most of it is not very original. In fact it feels as if the developers ran out of capital and had to cut a lot of corners to make a deadline.. Whats outrageous though is that this is the second time the game is released - in this second release they could have easily spent some of their initial earnings to make the game better beyond late in-game new fighting styles. Wankers.
Oh well..
Anyway, thumbs up - marginally.
(and note, this game *does* have replay value with various different combat styles to choose from and maximise, different characters, different romance plots, and different alignment choices.. still, I don't see myself playing it more than twice (once "evil" and once "good") - but it *was* enjoyable and worth the expense.)
I can say that watching my husband play the game is fascinating - there are some great dialogues and beautiful area artwork. The story is wonderful, the characters interesting....
But I tried playing it myself, and ye gods, how are you supposed to control the thing at all? You need to press that button to walk this way, and another button to walk that way... and you need to keep *moving* while attacking or something, otherwise you just hit air.... And ye gods, I keep pressing that 'walk forward' button in combat, and nobody is moving anywhere anyways. Except for the opponents who are gliding happily in all directions with the ease that makes my stumbling character incredibly jelouse. I am supposed to be the best student in the school? HA! Just wait till I can make it around the corner of the fence with all my amazing dexterity! Then I am going to... er... flip in place? Why did I do that? Aha, I pressed it twice. Now, what are those dark blue... OUCH! YAKES! Oh, f*** why can't I just select the character to attack and let my gal do the job? *She* is the martial artist after all.
And when I see the battles my hubby is doing in the game a bit later, with tons and tons of opponents spawning just as the other ones are defeated and your character is barely alive, and your styles have to be switched with the *number pad* and you can't fix whichever style you want as a default, and the pause is "P", not the scrollbar like in all other Bio/Obsidian games.... In other owrds, Oh. My. God. I don't think I will ever going to be able to play it on my own
And get this - a female PC does not have any designated romance for herself. She has to get the male PC's leavings. Pfft.
At any rate - a great game to 'watch' if you are not the twitch game person. But playing it... far too complicated for someone like me, who never played anything of the kind.
But I tried playing it myself, and ye gods, how are you supposed to control the thing at all? You need to press that button to walk this way, and another button to walk that way... and you need to keep *moving* while attacking or something, otherwise you just hit air.... And ye gods, I keep pressing that 'walk forward' button in combat, and nobody is moving anywhere anyways. Except for the opponents who are gliding happily in all directions with the ease that makes my stumbling character incredibly jelouse. I am supposed to be the best student in the school? HA! Just wait till I can make it around the corner of the fence with all my amazing dexterity! Then I am going to... er... flip in place? Why did I do that? Aha, I pressed it twice. Now, what are those dark blue... OUCH! YAKES! Oh, f*** why can't I just select the character to attack and let my gal do the job? *She* is the martial artist after all.
And when I see the battles my hubby is doing in the game a bit later, with tons and tons of opponents spawning just as the other ones are defeated and your character is barely alive, and your styles have to be switched with the *number pad* and you can't fix whichever style you want as a default, and the pause is "P", not the scrollbar like in all other Bio/Obsidian games.... In other owrds, Oh. My. God. I don't think I will ever going to be able to play it on my own
And get this - a female PC does not have any designated romance for herself. She has to get the male PC's leavings. Pfft.
At any rate - a great game to 'watch' if you are not the twitch game person. But playing it... far too complicated for someone like me, who never played anything of the kind.
Joinable NPCs for IWD2:
I played the game and to be honest, I wasn't very impressed by it. The story strike me as pretty boring and uninteresting. The combat mechanics are too simplistic up till the point that simple button mashing is enough to deal with enemies. Not to mention how repetitive it is. And as what the others had mentioned, the character customisation is very basic (even more basic than Fable's, to be honest).
As for the dialogue, it's still the same old one guy giving a long lecture and followed by another doing the same thing when talking and it happens on various occasions. Not to mention how long the dialogue sequences are. Something I always detest after playing the KOTOR series.
All of the above really put me off after 1 or 2 hours of playing Jade Empire. I admit, most people like this game, but I don't know why I was quite put off by it. Perhaps it could be that I'm starting to loose interest in RPGs in general, I don't know.
As for the dialogue, it's still the same old one guy giving a long lecture and followed by another doing the same thing when talking and it happens on various occasions. Not to mention how long the dialogue sequences are. Something I always detest after playing the KOTOR series.
All of the above really put me off after 1 or 2 hours of playing Jade Empire. I admit, most people like this game, but I don't know why I was quite put off by it. Perhaps it could be that I'm starting to loose interest in RPGs in general, I don't know.
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it someone to light the match" - Captain Price
One or two hours? Did you got to Tien's Landing? Tien's Landing is where the cool, funny dialogues start.
On the subject of dialogues, the only flaw I noticed is anachronisms. While in the beginning I think it was carefuly edited (ie 'at a drop of a lotos blossom') later in the game I saw "geez", "okay" and a couple other no-no's. Heh. But other than that, it is great dialogues. Well, *I* think.
On the subject of dialogues, the only flaw I noticed is anachronisms. While in the beginning I think it was carefuly edited (ie 'at a drop of a lotos blossom') later in the game I saw "geez", "okay" and a couple other no-no's. Heh. But other than that, it is great dialogues. Well, *I* think.
Joinable NPCs for IWD2:
Sky is the designated romance for female players.. (it just so happens that he is also a "switch hitter" for males.) Just as Sky is a male romance option for males, the princess is a female romance option for females. Frankly though, the "romance" for ANY character is quite weak in plot development.. In fact it was *very* odd that my evil furious ming was committing all of these atrocities through out the game - all the while with Dawn Star as a love interest and physically present to object (and strongly object) to my actions.. and she still wants to be with me. Perhaps she has low self esteem and wants to make me a better personDomi_Ash wrote:I can say that watching my husband play the game is fascinating - there are some great dialogues and beautiful area artwork. The story is wonderful, the characters interesting....
But I tried playing it myself, and ye gods, how are you supposed to control the thing at all? You need to press that button to walk this way, and another button to walk that way... and you need to keep *moving* while attacking or something, otherwise you just hit air.... And ye gods, I keep pressing that 'walk forward' button in combat, and nobody is moving anywhere anyways. Except for the opponents who are gliding happily in all directions with the ease that makes my stumbling character incredibly jelouse. I am supposed to be the best student in the school? HA! Just wait till I can make it around the corner of the fence with all my amazing dexterity! Then I am going to... er... flip in place? Why did I do that? Aha, I pressed it twice. Now, what are those dark blue... OUCH! YAKES! Oh, f*** why can't I just select the character to attack and let my gal do the job? *She* is the martial artist after all.
And when I see the battles my hubby is doing in the game a bit later, with tons and tons of opponents spawning just as the other ones are defeated and your character is barely alive, and your styles have to be switched with the *number pad* and you can't fix whichever style you want as a default, and the pause is "P", not the scrollbar like in all other Bio/Obsidian games.... In other owrds, Oh. My. God. I don't think I will ever going to be able to play it on my own![]()
And get this - a female PC does not have any designated romance for herself. She has to get the male PC's leavings. Pfft.
At any rate - a great game to 'watch' if you are not the twitch game person. But playing it... far too complicated for someone like me, who never played anything of the kind.
As far as the controls are concerned - basic movement you can get with a little practice. However the more involved actions.. just plain nutty. I'm sure its better though with a macro capable game keypad, but even then it would require about 30 minutes of programming to get all the keys and actions to do what you want - and several hours to "train" yourself to use those keys without to much thought. I'm not sure I have the tolerance for it.
I don't think so. I've only gone as far as the Swamp Cave before quitting in disgust.Domi_Ash wrote:One or two hours? Did you got to Tien's Landing? Tien's Landing is where the cool, funny dialogues start.
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it someone to light the match" - Captain Price
Then you have cheated yourself.. but perhaps not by more than about 40 dollars worth.DesR85 wrote:I don't think so. I've only gone as far as the Swamp Cave before quitting in disgust.
The plot does get interesting, quite a bit different than the "setup" in the school.. and there are numerous styles to try. IMO at the beginning of the game the easiest by far is leaping tiger. Try the white demon.. not quite the same button pushing experience. Also, combat gets a *LOT* harder in certain sections of chapter 2. And Domi_Ash is correct, the dialouge does get better.. in particular Henpecked Hou is outrageously funny once you get to the Imperial City (specifically asking about kids). Chp 2 (Tien's landing) also has a nice *different* "feel" to it than the first chapter.. in fact I think its the best chapter in the game.
- DarthSpiden
- Posts: 65
- Joined: Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:16 am
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I think that jade empire was very repetitive, like the only part i truly enoyed was when you went into the lotus's lair that changed things up a bit. i also liked the battle arena!!! besides that, however, the game lacked something that the KOTOR series and fable has.
KOTOR III will be coming out in 2008 on 360!! I saw it posted on a magazine!!
A 'designated' for me means the romance that a male player won't see under any circustances. In other words, a female PC version of Dawn Star. There is no such content in the game, and it sucks imo. Not because of any sexuality issues, but because a female PC does not have anything special.Sky is the designated romance for female players.. (it just so happens that he is also a "switch hitter" for males.) Just as Sky is a male romance option for males, the princess is a female romance option for females.
Ah, sounds like my reaction to PS:T, and seeing how the advices of 'you just need to play further' put me on edge with that game, I won't advise you to just tough it out. Maybe it's just not your game.I don't think so. I've only gone as far as the Swamp Cave before quitting in disgust.
But I think that the game would have benefited drammatically if the first section with the school was shortened or writen with the same generosity and humor as the Tien's Landing. And if Dawn Star was not such a sour prune. Gods, and people critisize Elanee in NWN2. Dawn Star really overdoes it with 'Oh, this feels unnatural. That feels unnatural." The land is ridded with Ghosts, you dummy. It's not a natural order of things. And the way she purses her lips in the end of each conversation just drives me nuts. The next NPCs you get after Zu and Dawn Star are much less traditional, and very funny
Joinable NPCs for IWD2:
You're right. There is no point to continue playing a game if it really isn't your cup of tea. Same thing happened when I tried playing Fallout 2, Neverwinter Nights, Oblivion and Gothic 3.Domi_Ash wrote: Ah, sounds like my reaction to PS:T, and seeing how the advices of 'you just need to play further' put me on edge with that game, I won't advise you to just tough it out. Maybe it's just not your game.
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it someone to light the match" - Captain Price
I am with you on NWN1, but NWN2 did manage to hold me beginning to end, though I had hit a terrible low by the end of Chapter 2. But anyway, I do love JE more and more with every passing hour.
Though I have to say that one scene, where two NPCs show up to help he PC out together chatting made me miss the party even more, because the sequence was so good, and just showed me how much I love having NPCs talk in a game environment, not in some specifically designated place.
Another interesting thing that I think we've encountered if not picked up both female NPCs, and though both look (arguably) pwetty, they just don't hold the candle to the male NPCs for the entertainment value and fun of interaction. I so wish it was one of the males who would have had a useful support style, not the Magenta Girl.
It looks that the balance of male vs females NPCs is heavily shifted toward the males. That's too bad, because I keep hoping that Bioware comes up with an interesting, not annoying female NPC. I don't think they had one since BG1 times.
Though I have to say that one scene, where two NPCs show up to help he PC out together chatting made me miss the party even more, because the sequence was so good, and just showed me how much I love having NPCs talk in a game environment, not in some specifically designated place.
Another interesting thing that I think we've encountered if not picked up both female NPCs, and though both look (arguably) pwetty, they just don't hold the candle to the male NPCs for the entertainment value and fun of interaction. I so wish it was one of the males who would have had a useful support style, not the Magenta Girl.
It looks that the balance of male vs females NPCs is heavily shifted toward the males. That's too bad, because I keep hoping that Bioware comes up with an interesting, not annoying female NPC. I don't think they had one since BG1 times.
Joinable NPCs for IWD2:
- swordsman5
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- Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2007 5:06 pm
- Location: Watford Herts. U/K
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I thoroughly enjoyed the game, although it was too short. I've played through with 3 different characters now, 1 good, 1 evil and one balanced, and there's not a lot to choose between the different methods, although there are certain items/styles you won't get playing an evil char. Although the game is short it is still good value for money, I suppose I've spent about 70 hours on it and I would have spent a darn sight more than the £20 the game cost if I'd spent that time down the pub!!!:laugh::laugh::laugh: