Bastila and Revan Fans: How would you want to have them back in KotOR III?
- Revans mask
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My idea in the storyline of kotor 3, you do get to play Revan again.Night_Hawk wrote:I know it's a weird question, but for those who love to have Bastila and Revan return, HOW would you want them to return?
1) As playable characters?
2) As NON-playble characters?
Personally, I would like them BOTH to come back as PLAYABLE characters!
1) I want to be Revan again soooooo badly!!! (I don't think I am alone in this).
2) If Revan is a NON-playable character in KOTOR III, the next "Exile" (or whatever your next character will be) may have to battle and kill Revan. I DO NOT WANT TO KILL REVAN! Whatever you do, please please please don't let the "next exile" kill Revan!!!
3) If Revan is a NON-playable character and Bastila does return, you folks will NOT be able to romance with her(I'll be very disappointed
). Since Bastila has given her heart to Revan, the "next exile" can't possibly romance with her! (Same to Carth if you played Revan as a female). -- of course, this assumes that you did romance with Bastila/Carth, and I think alot of people did
I know it may sound difficult (since some body has pointed out that Revan might have been too powerful to start out fresh at the beginning of the game). However, we can always work around it. Here is a suggestion. Howabout letting us start out fresh just like KOTOR II? Then, as the game progresses, Revan will join our party and become a playable character? (You can put a restriction for Revan's participation. For example, Revan will not join your party until your "next exile" is at least level 15 or 20. Make the next level cap at 70 or so, and make the next bosses harder - hence, longer game play)
Once Revan joins your party and becomes a playable character, Bastila will also agree to join your party and become a playable character as well (bring Carth or Atton back if it pleases the ladies)
That way, every body is satisfied. You'll have Revan, Bastila, Carth, etc. back, and you don't have to worry about the "starting-out-as-Revan-is-too-power" problem.
One side note, if you are interested in the Romance part between Revan/Bastila or Revan/Carth, please just make sure that you can only romance with Bastila or Carth if your current main character is Revan. If your current main character is not Revan, then the romance option will be unavailable. It is only available if you select Revan as your current main character.
That's my idea for now. Please, contribute more ideas, guys and gals. If we want our favorite characters to come back, we need to put in some ideas. Fight, folks, fight for the return of Darth Revan!!!
P.S. I would be very dissappointed if Bastila is back, and I won't be able to romance with her (I don't think that I am alone in this either). So, one little tiny request from your die-hard fan: please, bring both Revan and Bastila(possibly Carth) back as playable characters so we can romance.
In the end, it would be awesome to see the "little Revan" (as a result of the relationship between Revan/Bastila or Revan/Carth in KOTOR III, isn't it? (I think I am going too far now)![]()
But, later on in the story Revan would be unlocked.
I belive Exile should meet with Bastila before meeting up with Revan.
When cut scene with Revan, its Exile and Revan on a ship in space.
Exile walks into Revans control room, Revan looks behind him self.
Exile: {He talks to Revan}
Revan: Why are you here?
{Scene goes on, Bastila walks into the room behind Exile}
Bastila: Hello Revan
Revan: Bastila,{his fellings for Bastila gets in his way}
Exile: Wow, this is a shoock. We have been looking for you, the republic as well. Thats not the reason why I am here, Im here to fight beside you against the true sith .
Revan: I left to fight alone.
Bastila: You cant win by fighting alone.
{Revan removes his mask}
Revan: You shoulnt have come, I dint want you two to get hurt out here.
Exile: Your old master Kreia. She knew you where in trouble, I come to help
- Revans mask
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My idea in the storyline of kotor 3, you do get to play Revan again.Night_Hawk wrote:I know it's a weird question, but for those who love to have Bastila and Revan return, HOW would you want them to return?
1) As playable characters?
2) As NON-playble characters?
Personally, I would like them BOTH to come back as PLAYABLE characters!
1) I want to be Revan again soooooo badly!!! (I don't think I am alone in this).
2) If Revan is a NON-playable character in KOTOR III, the next "Exile" (or whatever your next character will be) may have to battle and kill Revan. I DO NOT WANT TO KILL REVAN! Whatever you do, please please please don't let the "next exile" kill Revan!!!
3) If Revan is a NON-playable character and Bastila does return, you folks will NOT be able to romance with her(I'll be very disappointed
). Since Bastila has given her heart to Revan, the "next exile" can't possibly romance with her! (Same to Carth if you played Revan as a female). -- of course, this assumes that you did romance with Bastila/Carth, and I think alot of people did
I know it may sound difficult (since some body has pointed out that Revan might have been too powerful to start out fresh at the beginning of the game). However, we can always work around it. Here is a suggestion. Howabout letting us start out fresh just like KOTOR II? Then, as the game progresses, Revan will join our party and become a playable character? (You can put a restriction for Revan's participation. For example, Revan will not join your party until your "next exile" is at least level 15 or 20. Make the next level cap at 70 or so, and make the next bosses harder - hence, longer game play)
Once Revan joins your party and becomes a playable character, Bastila will also agree to join your party and become a playable character as well (bring Carth or Atton back if it pleases the ladies)
That way, every body is satisfied. You'll have Revan, Bastila, Carth, etc. back, and you don't have to worry about the "starting-out-as-Revan-is-too-power" problem.
One side note, if you are interested in the Romance part between Revan/Bastila or Revan/Carth, please just make sure that you can only romance with Bastila or Carth if your current main character is Revan. If your current main character is not Revan, then the romance option will be unavailable. It is only available if you select Revan as your current main character.
That's my idea for now. Please, contribute more ideas, guys and gals. If we want our favorite characters to come back, we need to put in some ideas. Fight, folks, fight for the return of Darth Revan!!!
P.S. I would be very dissappointed if Bastila is back, and I won't be able to romance with her (I don't think that I am alone in this either). So, one little tiny request from your die-hard fan: please, bring both Revan and Bastila(possibly Carth) back as playable characters so we can romance.
In the end, it would be awesome to see the "little Revan" (as a result of the relationship between Revan/Bastila or Revan/Carth in KOTOR III, isn't it? (I think I am going too far now)![]()
But, later on in the story Revan would be unlocked.
I belive Exile should meet with Bastila before meeting up with Revan.
When cut scene with Revan, its Exile and Revan on a ship in space.
Exile walks into Revans control room, Revan looks behind him self.
Exile: {He talks to Revan}
Revan: Why are you here?
{Scene goes on, Bastila walks into the room behind Exile}
Bastila: Hello Revan
Revan: Bastila,{his fellings for Bastila gets in his way}
Exile: We have been looking for you, the republic as well. Thats not the reason why I am here, Im here to fight beside you against the true sith .
Revan: I left to fight alone.
Bastila: You cant win by fighting alone.
{Revan removes his mask}
Revan: You shoulnt have come, I dint want you two to get hurt out here.
Exile: Your old master Kreia. She knew you where in trouble, I come to help
- bigredpanda
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See, I don't think of KOTOR as a way of finding out the "truth" about the SW galaxy. Something like Battlefront story mode, maybe. But with KOTOR, its an open-ended role play game - they're not concealing a "proper" way to play the game, they're giving you have the freedom to have the game play out how you want.garzellm wrote:ugh i just wish that the Kotor series producers would tell the truth.
- DarthSpiden
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that is what makes the game sweeeeeeeeet!! uhh, that is why i think that this game should be like twenty years after traya's defeat, everything should be different, records and such are not being recorded, so no one knows about you or what you are. then their would be no canon, because there wouldnt be any records of them even existing!!!!!! Then you could be like a iridonian the whole time or a twillek and no one could say, "" blah blah was a human male lightside".
KOTOR III will be coming out in 2008 on 360!! I saw it posted on a magazine!!
- Revans mask
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.garzellm wrote:wow revan's mask that was... well that was deep man and exciting. and thats what everyone love about the KOTOR series:mischief:
I do like romance in video games, thats the beauty of all video games.
Besides chooping zombies heads off, or stabing vampires with no end.
This is cool, like Resident Evil 4 for the Wii.
My belifes, treat video games like you are living. Put your soul into it, thats the beauty about making games. Complete that stage, every one else will feal your beliefs playing your game.
Im also known to write plays, novels and comics. The work in doing this, to much work but I try to finish.
Since you loved my play about Kotor 3, Ill write another
Exile: Your old master Kreia. She knew you where in trouble, I come to help
{Revan looked at Bastila then back to Exile}
Revan: The sith does not make second thoughts when striking down a person, dont let that person be you two .
Exile: I know love, you care for another. You just cant up and leave people in the dark, two many care. Imagen how Bastila felt when she notice you where gone one night.
{Bastila stood behind Exile listening}
Bastila: I awoke one day, you werent there. I was crying for weeks, my sorrow still hasent stop.
{Revans fellings for Bastila only grew stronger for her}
Exile: What now, your going to leave Bastila and me?
{Exile stood there, the dark black Jedi robes on Exile losened when his/her arms hung from his/her shoulders.
Bastila: Please dont leave, I cant face another seperation.
{Revans head looked down to his chest, thinking. Exile thought to him/her self.
Exile:{thoughts} Kreia asked me to go look for Revan. If he desides to battle the sith alone, he will die by the hands of the Sith.
- DarthSpiden
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how about...
Main Character(MC): (wakes up) where am I?
Bastilla: Calm yourself, you are on a Sith flagship, you have been recruited to be the next generation of the Dark lord Revan himself. You are lucky, for he is letting you choose what you lust the most. ( when you choose your classes, and prestige class maybe)
MC: I don't understand. Why am I hear??
Revan, in a deep voice and lurking out of the shadows: I can explain. I have started to see that my body has taken damage over the past 2 decades. I am growing older, and I need an apprentice that will one day, do what Malak couldn't, and take the throne as Dark Lord of the Sith. As of late, I , along with Bastilla and you, have traveled to the unknown regions of space to search for the " True Sith". Weather you join me or not, you will have to fight the True Sith and I eventually, so a wise decision would be to join me now.
Bastilla: You don't have much of a choice. Join us now.
MC obviously has to join for a little while at least, If he/she decides to go further with the darkside, he/she stays with bastilla and revan, and if he/she wants the path of light, they can go seek out exile. And if you are a darksider, you can kill the exile!!!
MC: If that is what must be done.
Revan: Good, I knew you would see it our way. First I have to settle a score with a certain Admiral!
tell me how you like it!!
Main Character(MC): (wakes up) where am I?
Bastilla: Calm yourself, you are on a Sith flagship, you have been recruited to be the next generation of the Dark lord Revan himself. You are lucky, for he is letting you choose what you lust the most. ( when you choose your classes, and prestige class maybe)
MC: I don't understand. Why am I hear??
Revan, in a deep voice and lurking out of the shadows: I can explain. I have started to see that my body has taken damage over the past 2 decades. I am growing older, and I need an apprentice that will one day, do what Malak couldn't, and take the throne as Dark Lord of the Sith. As of late, I , along with Bastilla and you, have traveled to the unknown regions of space to search for the " True Sith". Weather you join me or not, you will have to fight the True Sith and I eventually, so a wise decision would be to join me now.
Bastilla: You don't have much of a choice. Join us now.
MC obviously has to join for a little while at least, If he/she decides to go further with the darkside, he/she stays with bastilla and revan, and if he/she wants the path of light, they can go seek out exile. And if you are a darksider, you can kill the exile!!!
MC: If that is what must be done.
Revan: Good, I knew you would see it our way. First I have to settle a score with a certain Admiral!
tell me how you like it!!
KOTOR III will be coming out in 2008 on 360!! I saw it posted on a magazine!!
- Revans mask
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sure,great starwars dark side play. But starting out evil, kotor gives you time to decibe. I have to agree with the member i quoted. The scene is pushing to quick, like bwa ha ha. You have to drive the story out longer, nice done anyways. I like itgarzellm wrote:NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO DARTH SPIDEN NO NO NO NO NO NO NO I WILL NOT HAVE REVANBE TURNED EVIL ALONG WITH BASTILLA AND THE EXILE.![]()
I just dont want him evil. i mean he killed malak and saved the republic and bastilla. he cant turn evil. I mean if he turned evil it be stupid because he was good in the first KOTOR. I can prove this. 1. if he was evil that yoda like dude wouldn't have died on visas' planet. 2. the star forge would still exist. 3. bastilla would be evil and carth would be trapped on that one planet and korriban wouldn't be in ruins. the truth hurts evil people the truth hurts. 
"The Dark Lord Revan dead. I am a servant of the light now. -Revan
- bigredpanda
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Garzellm, I would suggest playing K2 a few more times with different characters/ alignments. You might just find that the things you're mentioning change slightly according to your gameplay.garzellm wrote:I just dont want him evil. i mean he killed malak and saved the republic and bastilla. he cant turn evil. I mean if he turned evil it be stupid because he was good in the first KOTOR. I can prove this. 1. if he was evil that yoda like dude wouldn't have died on visas' planet. 2. the star forge would still exist. 3. bastilla would be evil and carth would be trapped on that one planet and korriban wouldn't be in ruins. the truth hurts evil people the truth hurts.![]()
By the way, if you say Revan was DS, the story goes that he went back to Korriban with Bastila, before leaving suddenly to the outer rim, leaving the academy to tear itself apart, as unsupervised Sith have a habit of doing. Hence, its in ruins regardless of what Revan's alignment was.
- Revans mask
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I came up with a idea of Kotor 2 when I was around with my parents today.
In Kotor 2. Carth said to Exile that Revan left, Revan kept on getting more memmorys. Revan did something as Darth Revan times ago, Revan told Bastila and others to wait. Revan would return. Bastila stood behind Carth, {as all ways she complains}
If Revan left for deep space, Bastilas force bond with Revan should of pin point where Revan is. If Revan dies, she dies. If Revan is sad, shes sad, If Revan is scared,shes scared, if Revan love for Bastila is stronger, she would feel it. You get the point.
Bastila should know where Revan is, I mean the bond with Bastila and Revan people.
Since revan is a version avatar you picked, Bastila should know where your avatar is.
me: Bastila, find my avatar. You should of been found Revan before Kotor 2
Bastila: Im trying okay, pluse im holding Revans unborn child. So lay off!
Me:{my self} Ive been wondering what Bastila and Revan has been doing afther Kotor 1.
{I think again, this time Kotor 2 male Exile}
me:{my self} I beat Kotor 2, I had Exile flirt alot with Briana the Handmaiden.
Bastila: Why are you so quiet?
Me: Um Bastila. Afther I beat Kotor 2, what happen to Exile and Briana.
Bastila: She's with Exile in the star port, before he leaves for deep space.
Me: So nothing happen?
Bastila: So your the reason why im
In Kotor 2. Carth said to Exile that Revan left, Revan kept on getting more memmorys. Revan did something as Darth Revan times ago, Revan told Bastila and others to wait. Revan would return. Bastila stood behind Carth, {as all ways she complains}
If Revan left for deep space, Bastilas force bond with Revan should of pin point where Revan is. If Revan dies, she dies. If Revan is sad, shes sad, If Revan is scared,shes scared, if Revan love for Bastila is stronger, she would feel it. You get the point.
Bastila should know where Revan is, I mean the bond with Bastila and Revan people.
Since revan is a version avatar you picked, Bastila should know where your avatar is.
me: Bastila, find my avatar. You should of been found Revan before Kotor 2
Bastila: Im trying okay, pluse im holding Revans unborn child. So lay off!
Me:{my self} Ive been wondering what Bastila and Revan has been doing afther Kotor 1.
{I think again, this time Kotor 2 male Exile}
me:{my self} I beat Kotor 2, I had Exile flirt alot with Briana the Handmaiden.
Bastila: Why are you so quiet?
Me: Um Bastila. Afther I beat Kotor 2, what happen to Exile and Briana.
Bastila: She's with Exile in the star port, before he leaves for deep space.
Me: So nothing happen?
Bastila: So your the reason why im
- bigredpanda
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- Revans mask
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Thats all right, dont bring your self down by talking about your self.bigredpanda wrote:Interesting point about Bastila and Revan having a force bond, I hadn't thought of it like that before.
But, sorry if I sound like a issue, Revans Mask, but I really can't understand what the rest of that post is about at all.
Since alot of members wants to romance with Bastila, I figured I woluld write a play about that. I figured what has Revan been doing with Bastila between 1 and 2. Sine you pick your main character and decide the out come, your kind of responsible what your avatar does in Knights Of the Old Republic series.
The is every one who played Exile and Revan as males.
- Revans mask
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This afther noon another idea poped up in my head
Once Knights of the Old Republic series is complete, I,II,III all together in stores. Maybe the Old Republic makers might create another Old Republic game. They still havent made a game about the Mandalorien Wars.
My idea of a new Republic game
Knights Of the Old Republic
Mandalorien Wars
Tells how Revan became Darth Revan, by seeing all this happen with your own eyes.
Tells how Exile meet Revan and Bastila.
Tells how Malak became Revans friend.
All the left behind stories in Kotor 1-3.
This game will give you all the information of Revan, Malak, Exile, Bastila and more.
We should some how meet Revans parents
Once Knights of the Old Republic series is complete, I,II,III all together in stores. Maybe the Old Republic makers might create another Old Republic game. They still havent made a game about the Mandalorien Wars.
My idea of a new Republic game
Knights Of the Old Republic
Mandalorien Wars
Tells how Revan became Darth Revan, by seeing all this happen with your own eyes.
Tells how Exile meet Revan and Bastila.
Tells how Malak became Revans friend.
All the left behind stories in Kotor 1-3.
This game will give you all the information of Revan, Malak, Exile, Bastila and more.
We should some how meet Revans parents
- beavis25613284
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While this is a pretty cool idea, the problem is we already know what will happen. Everything explained about this time period was done in the games. The only way they could really work this out is to have a lot of different endings and introduce new characters never mentioned. While this would probably still be a good game and I'd probably still buy it, I just think they should tell that story in some of the comics or maybe a novel.Revans mask wrote:This afther noon another idea poped up in my head
Once Knights of the Old Republic series is complete, I,II,III all together in stores. Maybe the Old Republic makers might create another Old Republic game. They still havent made a game about the Mandalorien Wars.
My idea of a new Republic game
Knights Of the Old Republic
Mandalorien Wars
Tells how Revan became Darth Revan, by seeing all this happen with your own eyes.
Tells how Exile meet Revan and Bastila.
Tells how Malak became Revans friend.
All the left behind stories in Kotor 1-3.
This game will give you all the information of Revan, Malak, Exile, Bastila and more.
We should some how meet Revans parents
- Darth Mason
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i think having a game about the Mandalorian wars would be great but i'm not sure if it should be in the Knights of the Old Republic Series, as a lot of it would be frontline fighting and i don't think that would work as an RPG.Revans mask wrote:This afther noon another idea poped up in my head
Once Knights of the Old Republic series is complete, I,II,III all together in stores. Maybe the Old Republic makers might create another Old Republic game. They still havent made a game about the Mandalorien Wars.
My idea of a new Republic game
Knights Of the Old Republic
Mandalorien Wars
Tells how Revan became Darth Revan, by seeing all this happen with your own eyes.
Tells how Exile meet Revan and Bastila.
Tells how Malak became Revans friend.
All the left behind stories in Kotor 1-3.
This game will give you all the information of Revan, Malak, Exile, Bastila and more.
We should some how meet Revans parents
In my opinion they should bring out a game based around the Mandalorian Wars in either the Battlefront or Empire at Wars series as i think it would work better in either of these games
Hmm. Much fear i sense in you. Be mindful of your feelings. Fear is a path to the Dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering ...
- Revans mask
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I guess your answers are correct some how, still there are mistrys of the Republic, Revan and Exile.Darth Mason wrote:i think having a game about the Mandalorian wars would be great but i'm not sure if it should be in the Knights of the Old Republic Series, as a lot of it would be frontline fighting and i don't think that would work as an RPG.
In my opinion they should bring out a game based around the Mandalorian Wars in either the Battlefront or Empire at Wars series as i think it would work better in either of these games
I highly dought kotor 3 will give us all the answers we want of the Republic, Revan and Exile.
Ok i need to know how many people think that KOTOR 2 was wayy to undecided. there was to many things undecided i think and now it has become painstackinglly obviously there is going to be a KOTOR 3. I mean no offense to the KOTOR producers but it had to many secrets. like that influence thing? i want to know if u found pretty much all secrets people and tell me if it makes sense dark sides and light sides options. THXS 
"The Dark Lord Revan dead. I am a servant of the light now. -Revan