I started a Seer (Dream Mastery), some of his skills are melee and some are magic. Is this class a melee/magic oriented? Whats the best way to equip him and what stats should I increase? Also what are some of the effective second masteries to team up with Dream?
Dream mastery play style?
Got a pure Dreamer in lvl 44..
Made the Char melee, but I'm sure it's good for range/magic. Use Sands of Sleep if you wanna make a magic or range.
Distortion Wave, and Distort Reality. Those are really life-savers if you're in trouble. Distortion Wave slows, and Distort Reality petrifies for some time. Really worth using. The Phantom Strike is also really great.
The Nightmare is OK, but you gotta be pretty high lvl, before it's really worth something, and thats really a shame. In act 1 and 2 it was really a great help, it gets the hypno skill, which is really awsome when there's more than one enemy.
The Trances can also become real kickass, but thats gotta take a lot of points, so i chose just to focus on DWave, DReality, and the Nightmare, and that's working really good for me.
Hope you can use anything i just wrote, and good luck with the Dreamer.
Oh, and equipment. The spells costs pretty much mana, so either use robes if you are range/Magic, or find some armor that boosts your mana greatly.
Made the Char melee, but I'm sure it's good for range/magic. Use Sands of Sleep if you wanna make a magic or range.
Distortion Wave, and Distort Reality. Those are really life-savers if you're in trouble. Distortion Wave slows, and Distort Reality petrifies for some time. Really worth using. The Phantom Strike is also really great.
The Nightmare is OK, but you gotta be pretty high lvl, before it's really worth something, and thats really a shame. In act 1 and 2 it was really a great help, it gets the hypno skill, which is really awsome when there's more than one enemy.
The Trances can also become real kickass, but thats gotta take a lot of points, so i chose just to focus on DWave, DReality, and the Nightmare, and that's working really good for me.
Hope you can use anything i just wrote, and good luck with the Dreamer.
Oh, and equipment. The spells costs pretty much mana, so either use robes if you are range/Magic, or find some armor that boosts your mana greatly.
War does not prove who is right, only who is left..
War does not prove who is right, only who is left..
My character was with dream and warfare. The only problem with those 2 masteries is the choice between the Psionic Touch and the Onslaught skill, since you can use only one. My choice was Psionic Touch, combined with most of the passive skills that both of the masteries have. Put some Fury's Heartblood & Vile Ichor charms on both weapons & rings (dual wield for double effect of Fury's Heartblood) and make it the ultimate vitality slayer. My character killed the creatures so easy that i didn't even bother with any other skill. Another problem was dealing with massive damage from creatures like Typhon.
Like Gawain said depends on what second class you pick. If you pick warfare as per HCL's suggestion the melee option is a good one. Me personally, I would recommend going down the onslaught tree rather than the Dream alternative just because the average damage output is higher, otherwise there is plenty of possibility. I have both a Dream/Warfare character (63rd) and Dream/Spirit mage (53rd) who are both successful in their own right.
All I recommend is have fun and sometimes thinking outside the square can actually make the game more challenging and more fun so I would recommend experimenting rather than going for a "cookie cutter" build.
Maybe a pure Dream or if you go Dream and Warfare try not to go melee and try a combination of the horn stun plus Sleep plus Distortion attacks maybe?...
All I recommend is have fun and sometimes thinking outside the square can actually make the game more challenging and more fun so I would recommend experimenting rather than going for a "cookie cutter" build.
Maybe a pure Dream or if you go Dream and Warfare try not to go melee and try a combination of the horn stun plus Sleep plus Distortion attacks maybe?...
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser gate. All those moments will be lost in time like tears in the rain. Time to die.
Roy Batty (from BladeRunner)
Roy Batty (from BladeRunner)
The average is higher alright, but you will have better use with psionic touch if you plan on putting skill points in Lucid Dream since the % of the damage applies only to the + damage. So if you have 100% vitality damage, but only +5 vitality damage, thats only 10 (5*2) damage. But if you have only 50% vitality damageUller wrote:Me personally, I would recommend going down the onslaught tree rather than the Dream alternative just because the average damage output is higher, otherwise there is plenty of possibility.
and +10 vitality damage, than you have 15 (10*1.5) vitality damage. I'm not sure if it works this way, but so far i think it does.
Maybe you're right but here's a question:GawainBS wrote:Not really convinced of using Psionic Touch above Onslaught, although I believe that you are right in the way it works.
Onslaught is superior, since it's a (increasing) bonus on every attack, not every 3rd of 4th attack. Besides, the synergies of Onslaught are way better.
Do the creatures in Titan Quest have resistances? If they do, wouldn't be possible that the resistance for normal attacks will be bigger than of the vitality attacks? Vitality damage is quite rare in the game, while normal damage is the most used.
They have resistances. Vitality Damage is resisted less often than normal damage, but some creatures are (almost) immune to it, like undead. Bosses also have increased resistance to it.
Onslaught also raises Piercing damage, since it raises total damage, which leads to great amounts of damage.
Once again: look at the synergies of Onslaught, and remember that you have to multiply its damage by four to compare it to Psionic Touch, since that only activates every fourth attack.
Onslaught also raises Piercing damage, since it raises total damage, which leads to great amounts of damage.
Once again: look at the synergies of Onslaught, and remember that you have to multiply its damage by four to compare it to Psionic Touch, since that only activates every fourth attack.
another thing people have discovered about onslaught is that you get half the bonus on the first hit (rather than having it charge one level each hit). Also the synergy hammstring doesn't work as listed either. I reduces DA by a % rather than a flat number so you can really get a lot of critical hits. I would always choose onslaught over psionic touch although at early levels sometimes I would take 1 pt psionic touch and build DW tree instead for a harbinger.
Right Speech has four aspects: 1. Not lying, but speaking the truth, 2. Avoiding rude and coarse words, but using gentle speech beneficial to the listener, 3. Not slandering, but promoting friendliness and unity, 4. Avoiding frivolous speech, but saying only what is appropriate and beneficial.