Ebon Hawk or New Ship. Installation!
What happened to the Ebon Hawk depended on the ending of KotOR 2 though didn't it? If you were lightside, you killed Kreia and the ship was somehow brought out of the depths of Malachor V andf you flew away. But if you were darkside and stayed, so did the Ebon Hawk. So if they give you the option to fill in the back story depending on what you did yourself, what happened to the ship changes. So its probably best that you don't use the same ship, but it would be nice to find it, crashed on Malachor V still or on some other planet
- bigredpanda
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Perhaps one of the first missions of the game could be to retrieve the vital parts of the Ebon Hawk which have been scattered into the hands of salvagers, enemies, Czerka etc....DJBlack04 wrote:What happened to the Ebon Hawk depended on the ending of KotOR 2 though didn't it? If you were lightside, you killed Kreia and the ship was somehow brought out of the depths of Malachor V andf you flew away. But if you were darkside and stayed, so did the Ebon Hawk. So if they give you the option to fill in the back story depending on what you did yourself, what happened to the ship changes. So its probably best that you don't use the same ship, but it would be nice to find it, crashed on Malachor V still or on some other planet
Improve on the Hawk
I think that it would be a good idea to play the game for a while, and then as part of the story the ebon hawk crashes
. This time it really takes some damage, so you will complete the story of the planet it crashed on, along the way picking up things to help you repair it. (Kinda like the Unkown planet in number 1, but more civilized. Maybe even like Raxus Prime!) So youll find parts and buy parts and eventually make the ship spaceworthy again. So you take off and the Hawk is basicly costomized, but you can add more things as you go. New paint sceme anyone? Maybe some new upholsry
. Or maybe add some new weapons to the hidden stache on the HAWk
............ :speech:I just had an AMAZING idea:speech:. When the hawk crashes and you are fixing it, you find some secret compartment with something really cool in it.:mischief: Maybe Jedi stuff, or maybe the Exile and Revan had found it and they put some of their stuff in it! Or some parts for your light saber... Man, I think its us who should be writing these games :laugh:
I think that it would be a good idea to play the game for a while, and then as part of the story the ebon hawk crashes
Not really
dont think the technology will really be better. The technology in the movies, 2000 years later, is pretty much the same. Also, the republic and most of the galaxy is in chaos. I dont think much new techbology will have developedDarth_Juro wrote:if the ebon hawk really is the "fastest" ship in the galaxy then how come sith fighters always caught up to it? yes the ship has sustained massive amount of damage over the years, yes the exile took the ship with him on his journey.....besides when(I say when because kotor is such a popular series they'd be stupid not to make another one) III comes out it'll be set some years after the events in II.....now if that was the case wouldn't technology be a little more advanced by then?
First of all, sorry for the triple post. Anyways, I think you should be able to take the speeders of those you kill. In KOTOR there are like 20-30 speeders left sitting there after you kill the owners. YNOW HOW MUCH THOSE THINGS MUCH BE WORTH? I think you should be able to steal and sell them. Ynow the Hanger where the hawk lands, Well i think you should be able to further rent it. It shoudl have a garage and a small living courter. You could them park the speeders there and carry one at a time on the hawk to another planet. It would be a good idea, its not too complex either (space station:laugh:, jk, that was a pretty good idea, just not gonna happen tho)DesR85 wrote:Aside from the main ship, other, much smaller vehicles like those speeders used by the Clone/Stormtroopers should also be included when it comes to travelling on the surface of a planet. Might make travelling from one place to another much quicker.![]()
How am I the only one who does this? Anyways, PS3 has blueray remember? It can hold a lot, but yeah, they cant make a different cutscene for every little change in the ships appearance.
OMG, quadruple post.DarthSpiden wrote:i think at first you should get the ebon hawk, but after a long journey to your first planet or something it crashes, and you have to find a new ship. that is where you can buy the new ship, that is where it comes in. It could be called anything, like black hawk, or the silver zephyr( reference KOTOR 2) or anything, but it is only one ship, you cant choose, it is the only option. If you had options for ships, it would take up so much memory, every video to a different planet would have to change to a different ship, and it would be bad.
AHAHHAHAHHAH, 5 posts!jvan5391 wrote:I reckon you should start off with the ebon hawk, and as you processed in the game and reach a certain point you are able to buy mods for your ships or buy/ design a new ship, through building a new ship should be extremely expensive.
You should have more controls over the systems in your ships, such as the turbo lift in the ebon hawk, ( in KOTOR 2 you can use the lift in the first mission, but after that you cant), (and also in KOTOR 2 you can open doors inside the ship in one level), you should be able to open and close doors on your own ships at any time.
This is a little extra which would be properly impossible, you should be able to do a pilot training course, and then be able to fly your own ship.
Anyways, Im likely going to have a sixth post, I know its kind of annoying but I keep coming across stuff to post about!
See, I keep posting!!! Whatever. Anyways, hwo would you get to the second floor. There are no stairs in the KOTOR series. maby an elevator? But that would be overkill for a two story ship. maybe thy will put stairs in?Lego Yoda wrote:I meant like another floor, the same lenght and wide, but double the height.
maybe a latter but then the droids could not be there same with stairsplaya8624 wrote:See, I keep posting!!! Whatever. Anyways, hwo would you get to the second floor. There are no stairs in the KOTOR series. maby an elevator? But that would be overkill for a two story ship. maybe thy will put stairs in?
I'm not sure if this has been said already because I don't really feel like reading through all 11 pages but I figure they should make a way to let the player completely design a new ship of their choosing. I don't know how to go about adding it in the game but honestly it would feel really neat and I would be much more attached to my ship if I were able to create and name it from the ground up.
- bigredpanda
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Like the idea. Though I'd imagine ships take some time to build (i.e. in the game story)... perhaps it could depend on how many credits you have as to what you can afford. After all, you need to do something with those credits...Arok2092 wrote:I'm not sure if this has been said already because I don't really feel like reading through all 11 pages but I figure they should make a way to let the player completely design a new ship of their choosing. I don't know how to go about adding it in the game but honestly it would feel really neat and I would be much more attached to my ship if I were able to create and name it from the ground up.
Maybe you have it partially built for you, or while you away your droids can work on it. About the cost, maybe you do quests and errands for some of the parts like a hyperdrive.bigredpanda wrote:Like the idea. Though I'd imagine ships take some time to build (i.e. in the game story)... perhaps it could depend on how many credits you have as to what you can afford. After all, you need to do something with those credits...
Yea, but I think they're trying to make the Ebon Hawk to much like the Millenium Falcon but it won't ever work. Maybe I'd be a bit happier with the Ebon Hawk if we could actually do something with it. Just flying it places and storing a worthless speeder bike seems pretty pointless. Maybe that's what I really want in KOTOR III. A ship that is fun and that you can truly rely on.Triggered wrote:It wouldn't be KOTOR if you didnt have ol'faithful as your trusty steed.
Well, I think you can relly on the Hawk. I want a new ship but I love the Hawk. Im soo torn!Arok2092 wrote:Yea, but I think they're trying to make the Ebon Hawk to much like the Millenium Falcon but it won't ever work. Maybe I'd be a bit happier with the Ebon Hawk if we could actually do something with it. Just flying it places and storing a worthless speeder bike seems pretty pointless. Maybe that's what I really want in KOTOR III. A ship that is fun and that you can truly rely on.
- ArmedWithSpoons
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I voted new ship because its time for a change... plus if you remember in the last game it got all beat up and can barely fly i dont like the idea of flying n an old beat up bucket.... yeah the ebon hawk WAS cool and all but its time for something faster and with more guns :mischief: but yeah i like the idea of you getting a ship and be able to intall new parts and upgrading it i also think you should be able to go and get a new maybe bigger ship if you want it. hm.. or maybe you start with a ship then a little later in the game it gets damaged and you have to find a new one...
- Goblin-blade
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personally, i think that they should make it to where you have 3 ships. like you start out w/ one of the old characters from the second one piloting the Ebon Hawk and somewhere along the way you make friends w/ her or her and you eventually get to store ships on Dantooine for saving there planet. As a bonus reward, they give you the option to either upgrade your ship or get a new one. and then at 3/4 the way through the game, you get the choice. its the final battle between the Sith and the Jedi and you get to chose your side by either killing your Master and joining the dark side, or striking down Revan and taking back the galaxy. either way, you get to own a fleet of dark/lisht side cruisers.
Do we even need a ship?
Come on, not every Jedi and Sith out there have their own ships. Are we loosing sight of galactic warming? Ship Pool people.
Seriously, I ended up with so much $$$ in the end of both games I think maybe money should be used for something, like buying passage to the next system. Or passage to any system. Systems that are out of bounds should have extremely high prices, prohibitively, as a teaser, and no infinite cash cheats. Or, if you do make the funds to take the trip you get snagged by the enemy. It'd be awesome!
If you do not have a ship of your own you have to find and rent an apartment like the first stage of KOTOR 1, Talos. I believe it would be awesome to be able to run through planets and "rent" an apartment, or kill the occupants of one and live out their prepaid rent... True sith style.
Oh, but I must insist on fully killable characters, every one. That way, if I start getting frustrated as I did at the begining of Kotor 1 I can just take some vengeance out on the local populace. (I enjoyed the drunks)
Come on, not every Jedi and Sith out there have their own ships. Are we loosing sight of galactic warming? Ship Pool people.
Seriously, I ended up with so much $$$ in the end of both games I think maybe money should be used for something, like buying passage to the next system. Or passage to any system. Systems that are out of bounds should have extremely high prices, prohibitively, as a teaser, and no infinite cash cheats. Or, if you do make the funds to take the trip you get snagged by the enemy. It'd be awesome!
If you do not have a ship of your own you have to find and rent an apartment like the first stage of KOTOR 1, Talos. I believe it would be awesome to be able to run through planets and "rent" an apartment, or kill the occupants of one and live out their prepaid rent... True sith style.
Oh, but I must insist on fully killable characters, every one. That way, if I start getting frustrated as I did at the begining of Kotor 1 I can just take some vengeance out on the local populace. (I enjoyed the drunks)