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Help stuck in jade palace the emporor is dead on his throne!

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Help stuck in jade palace the emporor is dead on his throne!

Post by jeffmartis »

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Hi there, I just got to the jade palace in babylon TQIM and after I fight all the terra cotta statues and the lion mage guy, when I approach the throne to speak to the emporor, he is sitting there slumped over tot he left, obviously dead.

When I hover my mouse over him nothing jappens.

In the Quest section, main quests, it says I must talk to the emperor i but obviously I can't do that if he is dead.

Can anyone help me with this, or failing that, give me a link to a character editor so i can completely reinstall the game and make that character the same attributes and equipment as this one so I can visit the palace on a new game maybe it won't be broken.:speech:

I did some more reading and maybe this guy on the throne isn't the guy I am suppossed to talk to I will keep trying.
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Post by Claudius »

the one behind the teracottas (with the sorceress that shoots stuff at you) is not the quest emperor. That guy is a different way outside of Chang an.

So the good news is your quests not botched.

Here's the bad news. You get 2 attribute for talking to him but if you forget and exit the game you can NEVER get the points (unless you erase the fact that you did that quest somehow??).

I recommend either ignoring it (2 points isn't a big deal) or get tq defiler (search and spot yourself the points. Do you remember if you ever got them?

But the quest should be fine. Look for a break in the Chang an Wall and follow that to a cave and go through the cave to a city. In other words 'follow the yellowbrick road, grasshopper!"
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