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I'm disapointed with Immortal Throne

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I'm disapointed with Immortal Throne

Post by jeffmartis »

Well, after completing the expansion, I have to say I am pretty disappointed with Immortal Throne.

With the original game I think there were like 4 new general areas, and each general area had about 6 - 8 portals and towns/merchant areas, and different parts of that general area.

In the expansion pack, there was only one new general area, with about 6 - 8 sub areas. The weapons, armor and trinkets int he expansion were sadly lacking, most of them being for much lower levels than they should have been. I kept finding scads of level 8 - 12 items, and there is NO WAY that anyone could have gotten through the original game and made into the expansion area only being a level 12.

The entire expansion I could have gone through in my sleep, and that was often the case as I felt myself dozing off at the keyboard on numerous occasion.

This is without a doubt, one of the worst "expansion" packs I have ever paid good money for. The very very limited extra content wasn't reall worth an "expansion pack" tag. It was even more of a rip off than the "Shivering Isles" expansion pack for Oblivion, and was shorter in length.
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Post by Siberys »

The weapons, armor and trinkets int he expansion were sadly lacking, most of them being for much lower levels than they should have been. I kept finding scads of level 8 - 12 items, and there is NO WAY that anyone could have gotten through the original game and made into the expansion area only being a level 12.
An item that requires you to be level 12 does not have the equivalent power of a level 12 character. The level requirement has no jurisdiction on it's power, thus an item of level 12 could be weaker or could be MUCH stronger.
In the expansion pack, there was only one new general area, with about 6 - 8 sub areas.
Well it is just an expansion. Besides, Diablo 2 LoD did the exact same thing.
This is without a doubt, one of the worst "expansion" packs I have ever paid good money for. The very very limited extra content wasn't real
Very very limited? Not only does it add new charms/relics for monsters, new weapons/armor for your character to buy or find, new uniques, new legendaries, but it adds a new unique skill tree and two new item types, Artifacts and Arcane Formulae. This expansion adds a TON of new features man.

I think you're judging the expansion based on one run through with no luck in finding anything worth while, as drops are random based as always. Try going through again, with a new character. There's a ton of stuff you probably haven't even seen yet.
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Post by Claudius »

It also (the expansion) keeps you current with the TQ community.

2 mods you might like:

Lilith mod - whole new world to explore. Lots of content and puzzlish things.

Masteries mod - 9 new masteries: close combat, sorcery, mysticism, vampirism, alchemy, chronoscopy, archery, construction, beastmaster
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