Because Sion isn't a normal opponent, hes not one you can kill with any skill or ability, no mater how much power you have he will just ware it out to nothing, then slater you, HE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A ******** HEART BEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the one and only reason that the Exile could win is that He knew what Sion Wanted at that very moment, but if it suddenly changed to something else, he would have just kept reviving, never stopping, until your dead. Even when Nihilus tries to absorb him he still just revives, un-phased, and he doesn't even seem to care that some one just tried to KILL HIM!!!!!!!!!!LordOfSithGods wrote:
The Exile beat Sion in lightsaber duel, so what makes you think Revan, who is a master of saber technique, persuasion and tactics can be beaten by such a fool as Sion. I think Sion is one of Kriea's worst students.
"Duck-tape is like the Force, it has a Lightside and a Darkside, and it holds the Universe together!"- A Bumpersticker
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SPOILER WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!Numbers wrote:O I for got, if Revan went head to head with the Exile, then all the Exile has to do is draw out the battle, Revan will tier 2x as fast as normal and The Exile will tier 1/2 as fast as normal, that of course is if they where perfectly equal in Power, because as Revan uses up energy to fight, The Exile gains some of it, so Exile kick Revan BUT!!!!!!!!!! I'm not being mean to Revan, he worked very heard, and is very powerful, its just that The Exile is kinda cheating, its like putting 2 max level characters against one another, with no weapons, or armor, but one of the characters is a moded character, so its stats don't match with its level, but only the player of the moded character can see that, so, well I think you get it....
I thought that after you go to dantooine you either get that power destroyed by the masters or Kreia
- Darth Dizmas
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revan would kill anyone he faught like he has revan has never lost a duel i mean cmon even when malak replenished himself with those dead jedi and revan hadnt been fully restored revan still raped him and revan beat mandalore and yusanis and other ppl i dont remember cmon just cuz sion looks cool doesnt mean he could beat revan and nihilus is a douchebag ok he cant even talk and he doesnt really have any prowess with a saber and remember evan has a tolerance for the darkside it cant corrupt him i dont think nihilius's dick suck move would be any use
Close your eyes once more and once more believe that they all still believe in you
so by the time Revan Kills Sion for the 500th time my guess is that Revan is probably pretty worn out, but Sion fully revives everything every time you kill/ beat him that means he will never get tired, he's the only one who could never stop fighting, literally...
"Duck-tape is like the Force, it has a Lightside and a Darkside, and it holds the Universe together!"- A Bumpersticker
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it's all a matter of wearing down his will, preying on his emotional/mental weaknesses, which is what the Sith were good at. since Revan used to be a Sith, once would assume that he could do the same to Sion
"You see, the war, the true war, has never been one waged by droids, warships, or soldiers. They are but crude matter, obstacles against which we test ourselves." -Kreia, 3,951 BBY
Italics= important, Bold= important and will be expanded on.Numbers wrote:Because Sion isn't a normal opponent, hes not one you can kill with any skill or ability, no mater how much power you have he will just ware it out to nothing, then slater you...the one and only reason that the Exile could win is that He knew what Sion Wanted at that very moment, but if it suddenly changed to something else, he would have just kept reviving, never stopping, until your dead
Ok so you can only erode his will when you are praying on what he wants, what his heart cares for at that moment, but hes not one who makes a lot of friends, if you know what I mean, and he thinks of him self as invincible, then as long as he believes this, then its 100% true, and he will never die, The Exile prayed on this because at that moment the 2 components where in alignment but unless Revan had been hanging around him or Kreia a lot then he would never even know his weakness, and you right, the sith did specialize in demoralization, so one of there strongest points is that it very heard to even discourage the Sith let alone destroy there will. DO YOU KNOW HOW UNLIKELY THAT MAKES IT THAT REVAN WOULD EVEN THINK OF TRYING THAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Dang low, get it! Its like that old proverb: The more you know, the more you don't know
"Duck-tape is like the Force, it has a Lightside and a Darkside, and it holds the Universe together!"- A Bumpersticker
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- greatone107
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Best Jedi/Sith
It has to be the Jedi Exile. If you go onto max level for both Darth Revan and The Jedi Exile, you will see the Exile is stronger and can defeat him. But Revan is more of an leader and was The Dark Lord of The Sith so that title can get him more followers.
It has to be the Jedi Exile. If you go onto max level for both Darth Revan and The Jedi Exile, you will see the Exile is stronger and can defeat him. But Revan is more of an leader and was The Dark Lord of The Sith so that title can get him more followers.
Darth Revan is returning. Fear him and his army.
- Darth Valthri
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that's because the maximum level for K1 is 20, and 50 for K2, so Exile is given more than twice of an advantage. if you put them both to the same level, either 20, or 50, or 2, Revan is stronger. well, maybe not 2, since at that point Revan would still have been the Republic's little kath houndgreatone107 wrote:It has to be the Jedi Exile. If you go onto max level for both Darth Revan and The Jedi Exile, you will see the Exile is stronger and can defeat him. But Revan is more of an leader and was The Dark Lord of The Sith so that title can get him more followers.
"You see, the war, the true war, has never been one waged by droids, warships, or soldiers. They are but crude matter, obstacles against which we test ourselves." -Kreia, 3,951 BBY
What!!???!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I went to level 68 on K2!!!!!!!and my friend found a glitch and went to lvl 115!!!!!!!!! I never heard that there was a lvl cap on K2.......... that is so weird.........................
"Duck-tape is like the Force, it has a Lightside and a Darkside, and it holds the Universe together!"- A Bumpersticker
"The speed at which you grow is not limited by the amount of training you do, but by the speed at which you heal"-Unknown
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you play Xbox or PC version? i play PC, and i can only get to 50, and i still have to use the Hssiss glitch in Ludo Kressh's tomb. can't find enough enemies to reach 50 otherwise. without Hssiss glitch (only looting body once), highest i got was late 30s i think
"You see, the war, the true war, has never been one waged by droids, warships, or soldiers. They are but crude matter, obstacles against which we test ourselves." -Kreia, 3,951 BBY
Xbox version..... but i always find enough Xp to make it to about the 60's, so is the pc and xbox versions lvl systems different? or is it the xp system..............
"Duck-tape is like the Force, it has a Lightside and a Darkside, and it holds the Universe together!"- A Bumpersticker
"The speed at which you grow is not limited by the amount of training you do, but by the speed at which you heal"-Unknown
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No idea, but that's really unfair, since it would enable you to essentially get all feats and powers, and ridiculously high skills and attributes. It's probably "payback" for PC getting the Yavin station in K1, which really wasn't a bonus since Xbox gamers could just download that extra little bit.
"You see, the war, the true war, has never been one waged by droids, warships, or soldiers. They are but crude matter, obstacles against which we test ourselves." -Kreia, 3,951 BBY
.......................................You could....................................................................................................................................................................... You MEAN I ALMOST WASTED $16 ON THE PC GAME WHEN.....................................
"Duck-tape is like the Force, it has a Lightside and a Darkside, and it holds the Universe together!"- A Bumpersticker
"The speed at which you grow is not limited by the amount of training you do, but by the speed at which you heal"-Unknown
"The speed at which you grow is not limited by the amount of training you do, but by the speed at which you heal"-Unknown
- LordOfSithGods
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Revan is far from normal either. He is former Dark Lord of the Sith, student of Kriea and so many other masters of the Jedi and Sith. He is the one to discover Malachor 5 during the Mandalorian wars, and learn all its secrets, to which lead him to discover the True Sith who he has gone to spy on. He killed a Sith Lord in one on one combat with little training as he was still a padawan when he faught Malak in the Star Forge.Numbers wrote:Because Sion isn't a normal opponent
What has Sion accomplished? Other than kill a few Jedi Padawans?
hes not one you can kill with any skill or ability,
I doubt that frankly. There's powers we have not even heard about yet, and Revan who is master of the thought bomb probably does have alot more your assumptions. Revan is no longer a student of Kreia like the Exile and Sion are, he's a master far more powerful than Kriea, and Sion can't even kill Kriea what makes you think he can kill Revan?
no mater how much power you have he will just ware it out to nothing, then slater you, HE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A ******** HEART BEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the one and only reason that the Exile could win is that He knew what Sion Wanted at that very moment, but if it suddenly changed to something else, he would have just kept reviving, never stopping, until your dead.
Revan studied force bonding more than any other known SW KOTOR character. This will more than triple his mind dominating powers. The Exile did not know any of what Revan knew. As Kriea tells him in KOTOR 2 he and Revan have the same kind of powers, the Exile has gained this from being a force wound, Revan learned it. The difference is Revan has full command of his powers, the Exile doesn't.
Before the Mandalorian wars, Revan used his force bonding powers which lead to thousands of Jedi following him into battle, and there wasn't a single thing the masters could do to prevent him doing this.
Sions weakness is his will, and Revan would be far more powerful in that fight than Exile was. I've explained why... Where Revan is only called "Revan" by all characters in KOTOR, Sion respects him and if you notice is one of the very few, that actually still call him "Lord Revan".
All i have to say is do not under estimate Revan, he has done more than all the characters mentioned in this poll, and is easily the most powerful.
"Malak is dead—all hail the return of Darth Revan, the true Lord of the Sith!"
- bigredpanda
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Not to get too off topic, but I never thought that Sion didn't kill Kreia because he couldn't. The idea with his character - and with many of the charcters in K2, I always think - for me was that there's more to suffering and pain than just "bam there I've killed you." I suppose that's what always made the second game much darker and more interesting for me, that the idea of what pain is was explored much more.LordOfSithGods wrote: Revan is no longer a student of Kreia like the Exile and Sion are, he's a master far more powerful than Kriea, and Sion can't even kill Kriea what makes you think he can kill Revan?
But anyway, just my interpretation.
- Darth Malignus
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- Darth Valthri
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he killed ONE Jedi MasterLordOfSithGods wrote:
What has Sion accomplished? Other than kill a few Jedi Padawans?
because Mercs aren't Force-adepts, and truly aren't that much of a challenge.Darth Malignus wrote:Well well well, who is the most powerful then? In my first game of Kotor 2 my party got killed by one group of the mercenaries in the Restoration Zone. Why aren´t they on the list, eh?
But then again, I picked Revan, even though he was bested by Malak.
Malak never bested Revan. fairly, anyway. the Jedi assault on Revan's ship was a traitorous, cowardly attack from another ship, with laser cannons. on the Leviathan, Revan wasn't exactly at his best, and he still beat Malak (somewhat) one on one (remember, he used Stasis on Carth and Bastila). then Revan owned Malak on the Star Forge, despite all the Jedi for Malak to draw power from.
"You see, the war, the true war, has never been one waged by droids, warships, or soldiers. They are but crude matter, obstacles against which we test ourselves." -Kreia, 3,951 BBY
Probably Revan. She (/he) was the only person, besides Kreia, to look further than the natural evolution of things. All people in KotOR II: TSL seemed to look up to Revan, the Jedi Counsel couldn't stop Revan from going to war, and when Revan had turned DS she was able to convert than half of all Jedi into dark Jedi.
Comparing Revan's skill with a lightsaber to the Exile's (or anyone else's) seems a bit odd though - they fought different enemies on different battlefields, in different ways. Kreia's battles were mental ones, for instance.
Actually, I think she stated that once even.
Mentally, Kreia would win I suppose, but there's no way to tell how much wiser Revan became after his explorations in the unknown regions of space (after KotOR). I'd give Revan the benefit of the doubt.
EDIT: maybe I was wrong, and the Exile was the most powerful jedi in her era:
"You are greater than any I have ever trained. By killing me here you have rewarded me more than you can possibly know." (Kreia to the Exile)
Comparing Revan's skill with a lightsaber to the Exile's (or anyone else's) seems a bit odd though - they fought different enemies on different battlefields, in different ways. Kreia's battles were mental ones, for instance.
Actually, I think she stated that once even.
Mentally, Kreia would win I suppose, but there's no way to tell how much wiser Revan became after his explorations in the unknown regions of space (after KotOR). I'd give Revan the benefit of the doubt.
EDIT: maybe I was wrong, and the Exile was the most powerful jedi in her era:
"You are greater than any I have ever trained. By killing me here you have rewarded me more than you can possibly know." (Kreia to the Exile)
"But you were a fool. All you saw was an enormous factory, all you ever imagined was an infinite fleet rolling forth to crush the Republic." - Malak
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