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The Stupidest things people can do. {Open}

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to LucasArts and BioWare's Star Wars: The Old Republic MMORPG.
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Revans mask
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The Stupidest things people can do. {Open}

Post by Revans mask »

Hi every one!

I was watching youtube a few minutes ago, I saw something very stupid.

Two people smashing an X-Box 360!

Take a look

YouTube - Smashing the XBOX 360 ... re=related
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Revans mask
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Post by Revans mask »

Post a reply about stupid reactions

The main goal of this thread is to post something very stupid you have witnessed or seen. Feel free to post a video.
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Post by Kienan »

I just witnessed some guy on the internet posting in the wrong category of a forum, then compounding this by doubleposting.

Sorry, couldn't resist. :D
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Darth Valthri
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Post by Darth Valthri »

how does this in any way relate to KotOR 3?
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Revans mask
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Post by Revans mask »

This thread doesnt relate to kotor 3 except. The main point is to post the post supid things you have ever seen
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Post by Kienan »

"This thread doesnt relate to kotor 3..."

Then why, exactly, is it in the KotOR 3 forum? :confused:
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Post by SupaCat »

Sigh... Speak your mind is the forum your looking for. Why on earth you put it here is beyond me, maybe because you're a big fan of KOTOR?

As for the point of this thread... Neh, nevermind, lets just say it reminds me of 'Funiest home videos', you know, the show no one likes?

Where are the mods anyway?
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