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Monday Question! :) Please let me know

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Monday Question! :) Please let me know

Post by BenTheMan667 »

So now im level 38 and beat the final act on normal. I think that should be sufficient enough to keep going to epic?

My other question is this, what else should i max with this current build?

TitanCalc by stonedonkey - A Titan Quest Calculator - Ranger
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Post by Claudius »

There is different things you can do. Unless you have lots of +skills (more than 4) there is useful places to put points for a long time. Your wolf will do a lot better in epic. You have to decide if you are going to use wolfs or no. If you do it might take some effort to keep the wolf alive. And that will take points out of hunting. Or you can just put 16 pts in call of the wild 1 pt in all the synergies and just not worry if something AOE kills your wolf. Thats what I would do because there is too many other good things to do with your skill points.

Volley - makes you shoot three arrows at once 16-20% of the time when maxed.

Find Cover - the greatest enemy (especially considering Huntings elite DA) is archers and staff users.

Marksman - with enough % projectile speed you can start killing things off screen and through walls.

Puncture - shoot through people to their friends...probably more important in Xmax

Study Prey - this reduces resists to negative numbers possibly (for the enemy) the best resistance debuff in the game. Do not use the synergy because bow doesn't need to lower DA to hit and crit.

Plague - either skip this or go 8 pts (1 in each synergy). Its good but hunting does not struggle for damage.

Refresh - this will be convenient for the wolves resummoning them. Also it will be perfect to allow a permanent call of the hunt which is what I think you should do if it is not to annoying to recast it all the time.

Nymph - maybe spend three pts for a 1,1,1 nymph to cast overgrowth and a little damage

Permanence of Stone - 1 pt for 8% elemental resist + skills is nice

Art of Hunt - might as well do even more piercing

I would put a point in study prey, find cover, and volley next level up. Then max volley. Then find cover. Then work on a ridiculously powered up call of the hunt + refresh. Then see if you want to bother with the wolves or not. If you really want to go all wolves with you supporting them then you will need to invest heavy in the healing line and 1 pt in the briar ward full pts in the sanctuary part. Even if the briar ward is destroyed the sanctuary stays up and will make the wolves pretty much invulnerable when survival instinct kicks in which must also be at 80% damage absorption...the wolves can actually still be killed but only by typhon or something like that. This might be fun and just the scatter shot/volley/woodlore/Call of Hunt + synergy/Refresh will make you deal a lot of damage...oh also then you will have a strong strength of pack.

If you don't use wolves or don't bother trying to keep them alive you will have more points to spend = you deal more damage.

If you do use MAXED wolves use study prey or plague with synergy to lower enemies resist to help the wolves do damage.
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Post by BenTheMan667 »

Claudius wrote:There is different things you can do. Unless you have lots of +skills (more than 4) there is useful places to put points for a long time. Your wolf will do a lot better in epic. You have to decide if you are going to use wolfs or no. If you do it might take some effort to keep the wolf alive. And that will take points out of hunting. Or you can just put 16 pts in call of the wild 1 pt in all the synergies and just not worry if something AOE kills your wolf. Thats what I would do because there is too many other good things to do with your skill points.

Volley - makes you shoot three arrows at once 16-20% of the time when maxed.

Find Cover - the greatest enemy (especially considering Huntings elite DA) is archers and staff users.

Marksman - with enough % projectile speed you can start killing things off screen and through walls.

Puncture - shoot through people to their friends...probably more important in Xmax

Study Prey - this reduces resists to negative numbers possibly (for the enemy) the best resistance debuff in the game. Do not use the synergy because bow doesn't need to lower DA to hit and crit.

Plague - either skip this or go 8 pts (1 in each synergy). Its good but hunting does not struggle for damage.

Refresh - this will be convenient for the wolves resummoning them. Also it will be perfect to allow a permanent call of the hunt which is what I think you should do if it is not to annoying to recast it all the time.

Nymph - maybe spend three pts for a 1,1,1 nymph to cast overgrowth and a little damage

Permanence of Stone - 1 pt for 8% elemental resist + skills is nice

Art of Hunt - might as well do even more piercing

I would put a point in study prey, find cover, and volley next level up. Then max volley. Then find cover. Then work on a ridiculously powered up call of the hunt + refresh. Then see if you want to bother with the wolves or not. If you really want to go all wolves with you supporting them then you will need to invest heavy in the healing line and 1 pt in the briar ward full pts in the sanctuary part. Even if the briar ward is destroyed the sanctuary stays up and will make the wolves pretty much invulnerable when survival instinct kicks in which must also be at 80% damage absorption...the wolves can actually still be killed but only by typhon or something like that. This might be fun and just the scatter shot/volley/woodlore/Call of Hunt + synergy/Refresh will make you deal a lot of damage...oh also then you will have a strong strength of pack.

If you don't use wolves or don't bother trying to keep them alive you will have more points to spend = you deal more damage.

If you do use MAXED wolves use study prey or plague with synergy to lower enemies resist to help the wolves do damage.

Thanks a lot man, my character stats are up there at the first post. Am i on the right track or?
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Post by Claudius »

Yes next Volley or find cover

Here is a wolf lite build. A no wolf build would probably dump the (wolf) points in plague. TitanCalc by stonedonkey - A Titan Quest Calculator - Ranger

I didn't know how many points to put in refresh. Just put enough so you can keep call of hunt up continuous.

Here's a wolf petmaster build (wolf tanks) that supports the wolfs with bow. I'm not sure how they compare but I think it would be harder and unless you love to be a pet master I wouldn't choose. ... 0-12-6-0-0
Right Speech has four aspects: 1. Not lying, but speaking the truth, 2. Avoiding rude and coarse words, but using gentle speech beneficial to the listener, 3. Not slandering, but promoting friendliness and unity, 4. Avoiding frivolous speech, but saying only what is appropriate and beneficial.
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