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Dying Lich King

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Dying Lich King

Post by StuCazz »

I just started Hades --> Rhodes. I noticed my lich king is dying extremely easy and he is maxed out skill point wise. Is there somwhere I should be investing points, that I haven't. I have two points in each of the skills above lich king. While on on the subject, am I able to heal him or change his armor or anything and if so, how?

Thank you very much,

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Post by Siberys »

Hmm, when you say your liche king skill is maxed out do you mean just the 16 points for summoning a liche king OR that and all of the liche king abilities above?

If it's the latter, my suggestion is that you get a lot of continuous buff spells (spells that have an energy reserve cost or an active energy cost) and use those as most of those will also affect your pets.
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Post by StuCazz »

Sorry, I meant 16 points for summoning the lich king.

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Post by Siberys »

StuCazz wrote:Sorry, I meant 16 points for summoning the lich king.

Ah, then that's why.

Invest in some of his abilities. They may not improve his defense, but his offense will skyrocket enough to where the defense won't matter as much.

And the skill that does improve his defense, Wraith Shell, helps out quite a bit on it's own as well.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
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Post by StuCazz »

Since you didn't mention anything about being able to heal him or give him better armor and stuff, am I correct in assuming I can't :) ?

Thanks for the info, good to know
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Post by drazac »

There is an ability for Lich that gives him some kind of a defense shield... with this ability, you won't have to worry about him dying... at all
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Post by Claudius »

Soothsayer can heal the lich king. No armor for lich king (other than wraith shell).

What you need is to skill out 9 pts from base lich king (still leaves 7 to cast awesome soulblite and have base HP)...

Put them in wraith shell which will give him about 50% damage restance physical and 50% damage absorption..

Also do not put pts in arctic blast! Put them in the 2nd lich king spell 1-7 which will make him do AOE life leach which will help keep him alive.

Necrosis will also help the LK leach if that fits in your build..(and you probably should be leaching life with a spirit build)
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Post by StuCazz »

Awesome, I appreciate that Claudius. I was wondering abiout Arctic Blast. What would help skills recharge faster?

Thank you for that tip
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Post by Claudius »

Nothing will help the lich recharge faster other than something to boost its mana such as trance of convalescence by dream...and thats only if mana is the limiting factor.

- recharge gear will help your actual character recharge faster. Search the equipment database of the gamebanshee titanquest..I am guessing you can search recharge?

Some monster infrequent items you may not find in your search are neanderthal shaman gear (which can spawn with prefix and suffix too) and Satyr Shaman staff (ditto)...also some rare green affixes have recharge but they won't work correctly without the fanpatch.
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Post by StuCazz »

Excuse my noobness as I haven't played an RPG like this since the release of D2. What is meant by the prefix and suffixe you mentioned? I'm eager to learn all I can about this game, so far everyone on the forum(s) have been helpful.

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Post by Claudius »

there are different types of items..

cracked - grey (no prefix or suffix)
normal - white (no prefix or suffix)
yellow - magic (prefix and/or suffix)
blue - epic quality unique (no pref/suff...some exceptions like pearl rings)
purple - legendary quality unique (no pref/suff)
green - magic (rare and/or normal prefix and/or suffix)
Monster Infrequent - special magic and maybe prefix or suffix...

So yellow magic items have prefixes and suffix

example of prefix...protective, veteran's (rare prefix), hale (rare prefix)..

The prefix gives an ability...protective gives protection from an element for example...

example suffix...of destruction....of carnage....of ability

suffix gives an ability...

a rare prefix or suffix means the item will be green

brown items means the item is reliced and loses its original color when you drop it....

another type of green is the monster infrequent...

they have special powers...

like stonebinders gives +1 skills and 15% elemental resist
like deathweaver legtip gives poison damage and chance of %200 increase in poison damage...

monster infrequents can also spawn with prefixes suffixes. Even rare prefixes and suffixes...

Some of the best items in the game would be a good monster infrequent with 2 good prefixes suffixes maybe even rare....could be even better than purple item...

but monster infrequent comes with normal, epic, and legendary base armor/damage values...

so even if you find elite (hallowed of permanence?) normal Revenant Crown it will have too low armor value in this example to keep in legendary
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Post by drazac »

The Liche King will cast his Death Nova ability only if he is surrounded by the enemies... to do this you need to manually move (CTRL + left click on Liche and again left click on desired location) the Liche closer to the group of enemies
The thing is, enemies become smarter when you change difficulty.. instead of your pets, enemies will attack you, eventhough you have ordered your pets to attack first... that means there won't be many situations when Liche King will be surrounded by enemies and by that, there wont be many situations when he will cast Death Nova... so, instead of investing points in Death Nova, you could put points in Arcane Blast.. the spell has a nice side effect of slowing and stunning enemies and Liche King is casting this spell often
Regarding the mana, Spirit Mastery has very good spell called Dark Covenant which will boost mana regeneration for you and entire party... so, you wont have to worry about low mana for you and your pets

I don't know how useful is having items that lower recharge time on Soothsayer... from personal experience, skill called Refresh was enough for me to cast any spell frequently
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Post by Claudius »

I would skip arcane blast with every spirit build. There I said it. The damage is nothing special and it does not leach life. It also interferes with casting soulblight which is the best LK bosskiller skill.
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Post by drazac »

Arcane blast has nice bonus, stunning and slowing enemies and it can even help soulblight to hit its target... how many times did you see Liche King castin SoulBlight and the spell misses its target cause they have moved... i don't know how will AB interfere with SB
Death Nova is good spell too, but it only works if more enemies are attacking the Liche King... later in the game, every enemy will attack player, not his pets, eventhough the pets were the one who attacked first
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Post by StuCazz »

Thank you DRAZAC I was actually thinking about investing in Dark Covenent, but wasn't sure what it did. As far as Arctic Blast, to me it didn't sound to effective so I haven't used really, but may do that.

Thanks again :)
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Post by drazac »


keep experimenting until you find what suites your play style the best
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