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Problem in dwarf lands

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Problem in dwarf lands

Post by mithril49 »

Ok, I made it to the dwarf lands... but something is wrong. So far, I havent been able to enter most houses and stuff, even with the green quest symbol over them. Also cant talk to most NPCs. The icon appears when I mouse over them but nothing happens. Same with the place you activate the 3rd spirit in the chest.... I see the blue hand over the energy source, but nothing happens. This is really hurting as I cant do most of the quests here... any help?
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Post by Andy1228 »

Do you have any open quests? Is it possible you are suppose to complete something before being able totalk to them?
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Post by fable »

Andy1228 wrote:Do you have any open quests? Is it possible you are suppose to complete something before being able totalk to them?
You can't even get to the Dwarven lands until you're able to speak to them. So that isn't the problem.
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Post by zazoo »

Same Problem

I have exactly the same issue. The problem is only on the above ground level . Below ground every thing works but not above ground.
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