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Average Damage/DPS & + unique%

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Average Damage/DPS & + unique%

Post by Novio »


I have been playing TQ for some time now but still have a question that keeps bugging me:

Lets say we have weapon A and weapon B:

Weapon A is a fast sword,

Average Damage 165
Attack speed 133
DPS 218

Weapon B is a club-like weapon:

Average damage 188
Attack Speed 100
DPS 185

Which one is the better weapon? The sword is faster and has a better DPS-rate but the club has more average damage...

So the true question is: What is more important, AD of DPS?

Another question is that I want a higher percentage of finding unique items. I have found a site with a programma called Defiler but I don't know how to install and make it work. Some advice, anyone?

(SoulSeekkor's TQ Defiler - Downloads)


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Post by AntarcticSNAKE »

Well, DPS is clearly better when it's higher since you kill enemies faster. I prefer to one-hit enemies rahter than spray attacks on them though, it's all preferation. The DPS meter is kinda untrustworthy though, since it doesn't display all of the damage done. It would be better if you installed Defiler, activated "Show all damage" and just started bashing on a sparring doll while taking the time. Smash it for 15 seconds then multiply the end damage with 4 and you got your general DPS.

Defiler is easy to install, just download it and follow the instructions on the site exactly.
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Post by Claudius »

It really depends what classes and skills. Attack speed is important in the first difficulty.. And many of the skills proc with each attack like defense and dual wield. Or even charge ups like onslaught.

Another principle is that for mobs of tiny guys (not behemoths) your goal is to one shot everything. Second goal is to two shot if you can't one shot. If you can oneshot then try to oneshot faster.

Late game Clubs are better than swords. Because you can still max attack speed on clubs with gear/skills but swords never overcome the gimp to base damage. Dualwielding sometimes a fast sword is used to speed up a slow club. But by that time you probably have a very high chance to proc both at once anyway. Spear is like club for the purposes of paring with a shield on a piercing build.

DPS have to get a feel for what is better.

The best weapon in the game is Sapros probably. Good for Defense/Warfare particularly because it debuffs, then follow with hit from shield/offhand.

Also DPS doesn't directly cut life. Enemy has armor even if not wearing any. Swords pierce clubs do big hits that have more spilling over the armor. In early difficulties a sabertooth is a good weapon, but a club with a (very) good mod is probably better.
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