Gizka wrote:EDIT: maybe I was wrong, and the Exile was the most powerful jedi in her era:"You are greater than any I have ever trained. By killing me here you have rewarded me more than you can possibly know." (Kreia to the Exile)
The only reason Kreia thinks the Exile is stronger than Revan is because Kreia hates the force and the Exile is the Death of the force.
Heh, nice pattern i've noticed here. Those who preferred the first game picked its protagonist, and those who liked the second did likewise. Then there are those who want to deviate from the norm and take a pick of the other characters...
In any case, i enjoyed K1 much more than i did its sequel... so based on the pattern ive stuck to the norm and voted for Revan. Nevermind that despite his vaunted battle prowess and supposed battle precognition he didn't foresee Malak's betrayal.
Love is just a chemical. We give it meaning by choice ~ Eleanor Lamb, Bioshock 2: Sea of Dreams