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Post by lklindt »

I love playing King's Bounty but have gave it a bit of a break - Mage Level 22, more summer actives going on than just playing this game

SKILLS: Not sure if I should upgrade.

Destroyer lvl 2
Healer lvl 3

I do have lvl 1 of Higher Magic but my mana is only 123 so 2 BIG spell early on and I am down over half

and I'm not sure if I should even waste any rune stones on Combat Readiness lvl 2 or even 3???

Frenzy lvl 3 is that worth the upgrade? :p
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Post by Da_venom »

you have quite a strange upgrade but i assume u ain't playing on impossible :)

anyway destroyer>healer(unless you have invested alot in order magic

if you have invested alot in chaos/distortion >destroyer is the way

why bother with warrior skills when you simply don't have the army to back it up?

it's fun if u have the extra runes though some warrior skills are worth upgrading

but then again i would only upgrade rage control and maybe get to onslaught so i have higher iniative first round so i'm sure i can cast spells first before they start pouding at me
just my 2 cents
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