I've been trying to figure out the offensive and defensive combat tables and was wondering if anyone has any concrete answers on how they work?
* For example, a character with 15% block from talents, 25% from shield, and 15% dodge from talents... is each rolled individually or are they rolled as 40% block and 15% dodge, ... i'm thinking based on the proc rate of the "chance on block" talent that the dodge values are checked before any block values. (I'm speculating that the values are added before being checked simply because additive is easier to code than iterations, but that's just a guess.)
* When your character does get hit (Xeria forbid! :speech
* Offensively, is it a single roll table where crit chance is mashed in with everything that has a chance to proc an effect on hit (making them all mutually exclusive), a two roll system where [crit] is checked then the total value of all [proc chance] percentages or is each rolled individually? (I havn't seen multiple "on hit" effects trigger on the same swing so i'm thinking it's the second here as well?)
Any information would be greatly appriciated!