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Best gear for shapeshifting druid...

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Best gear for shapeshifting druid...

Post by dzidek1983 »

So i play currently the OC without Motb.
I play as a druid who follows akadi and roleplay as "wind avatar".

So i shapechange a lot into air elemental, use storm avatar and lightning and wind spells. The build is 18 druid / 1 mon / 1 clerci (air/water).

I know that only helms, armor and shileds transfer their bonuses to the shifted form (not the AC bonus, at least not the whole bonus). Currently i use shield of the Prator for wisdom and resistances, helm of darkness for spell immunity, and armor of the lesser golem for strength bonus and drain immunity... other stuff just helps me stay alive while not shifted or supports my "talk" skills and is not important...

in this gear i have
Immunity: Miscellaneous Level/Ability Drain, Immunity: Miscellaneous Death Magic, Immunity: Miscellaneous Fear, Immunity: Specific Spell: Darkness
Ability Bonus: Strength + 4, Wisdom +4
Damage Resistance: Acid 10/-
Damage Resistance: Cold 20/-
Damage Resistance: Electrical 10/-
Damage Resistance: Fire 10/-
Damage Resistance: Sonic 10/-
Spell Resistance: 14

The elemental form throws in Immunity to disease, critical hits, mind-affecting spells, paralysis, poison, sneak attack, knockdown

cleric domain give me evasion and uncanny dodge for greater usage of my high dexterity, with the Alertness, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse of the elemental form i'm one hell of a dex user :P

but on to my question... do you propose some change to my gear? maybe i will benefit greater from other equipment... i was considering elven ceremonial armour for the magic feats but i gimp drain ability and strength bonus for +1 DC so it's not o great...
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