I already got through and took care of the first three orbs while exploring the Tomb inside the Fairfax Castle, it took me into a room, a dive into a pool, then up some steps to another tomb area with caskets and a locked gate.
In front of me is a "magic" orb that requires a magic spell to activate it. I can do this, HOWEVER, the orb moves over between two columns, and I'm required to shoot it, which I've done many times even though they give you about three seconds to do that... then when you shoot the orb, it moves to the NEXT space over between the columns FOR THREE SECONDS, where I'm supposed to move my character, aim, and hit that orb... which I did only once.
Instead of being happy about that, the orb moved ONE MORE TIME to the last section of columns on the right, and gave me three seconds to move over, draw a bead, and shoot the orb again.
Am I crazy, or is this even possible? I can't get my rifle to scope in on the orb fast enough before it returns to its original position and I have to start over again.
Is there a trick I'm missing? How can I shoot this orb in three different locations with only three seconds per location to shoot it? It doesn't seem possible. I've literally spent over three hours in the last several days trying to hit this orb three times in different locations in less than 10 seconds.
I'd be much obliged if anyone has a way to get past this float orb nightmare. I just want to get on with the game. If I try to get out now, I'll lose all the money and position in this chapter... yipes! HELP!