What the weirdest glitch you've ever seen? ***SPOILERS****
- thetammyjo
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I always laugh at the glitches where people you're supposed to fight engage you in conversation when you're in sneak mode, ranting about how they're going to rip you apart and you're going to suffer some awful death. Then the conversation ends and they just stand there, hahaha.
A novelty glitch I liked was when I was doing "Ming Must Die!", and thinking I was being super-sneaky and in the clear, I jumped from the 2nd floor to the 1st and landed right on top of someone's head. The guy below me was freaking out trying to get a swipe at me, and all the thugs formed a huge crowd around him, also throwing their expected punches and "Huh? Who's there?"ing all the while.
And finally, one glitch that kind of disturbed me is when I had completely cleared out the goons in the club in Chinatown except for one guy that was being taken out by another under possession. There was one helpless patron crouched over against the wall, and when the possessed guy finished killing the other guy, he started shooting at the innocent girl. When she died, her body fell against the wall in a bizarrely, and somewhat creepily, natural way. I felt kind of guilty about that one, haha.
A novelty glitch I liked was when I was doing "Ming Must Die!", and thinking I was being super-sneaky and in the clear, I jumped from the 2nd floor to the 1st and landed right on top of someone's head. The guy below me was freaking out trying to get a swipe at me, and all the thugs formed a huge crowd around him, also throwing their expected punches and "Huh? Who's there?"ing all the while.
And finally, one glitch that kind of disturbed me is when I had completely cleared out the goons in the club in Chinatown except for one guy that was being taken out by another under possession. There was one helpless patron crouched over against the wall, and when the possessed guy finished killing the other guy, he started shooting at the innocent girl. When she died, her body fell against the wall in a bizarrely, and somewhat creepily, natural way. I felt kind of guilty about that one, haha.
[QUOTE=thetammyjo]For example, in terms of glitches, I've never been able to get the elevator in the Empire Hotel to work (thus blocking off at least two of my quests) and now the Skyline apartment elevator isn't working either for me since I started the Necromantic quest.[/QUOTE]
This seems to be a bug. It happened to my Ventrue as well - as Shana said, take the Nosferatu way to get around it: air ducts. I don't know if this would have applied to Empire (I didn't need to go in there too often), but in Skyline, the elevator worked on and off for me - so if it isn't working now, use the air ducts and try again later.
This seems to be a bug. It happened to my Ventrue as well - as Shana said, take the Nosferatu way to get around it: air ducts. I don't know if this would have applied to Empire (I didn't need to go in there too often), but in Skyline, the elevator worked on and off for me - so if it isn't working now, use the air ducts and try again later.
- Anarchyjammer
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- ellipsis jones
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Screenshot of my glitch
This magenta checkerboard thing strikes me at random. It can show up on just about any surface; one time, I came across a girl in Asylum who was covered in it. It'll stick around even if I transition to a different area, but a few days later I might come back and every thing will be looking normal. Or something else will be glowing pink and black.
This magenta checkerboard thing strikes me at random. It can show up on just about any surface; one time, I came across a girl in Asylum who was covered in it. It'll stick around even if I transition to a different area, but a few days later I might come back and every thing will be looking normal. Or something else will be glowing pink and black.
- Drifter1900
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Trouble getting rid of Jezebel Locke
After my first encounter with Ms Locke, I at first fled the room & tried to take her down in the hallway. This diminished her powers, however I was not able to remove her until after reading through a few postings decided to attack her (fists only at first) in her room. I was starting to think I'd again made an error when one of my punches forced her upwards so that she was trapped spinning wildly on the ceiling - I then armed myself with the shotgun & took her out
After my first encounter with Ms Locke, I at first fled the room & tried to take her down in the hallway. This diminished her powers, however I was not able to remove her until after reading through a few postings decided to attack her (fists only at first) in her room. I was starting to think I'd again made an error when one of my punches forced her upwards so that she was trapped spinning wildly on the ceiling - I then armed myself with the shotgun & took her out
Yeah, your vampire gets the stretchy neck all the time. I suppose everyone has already seen what happens to your neck when you first feed Heather your blood.
The game does weird things to appendages. Some of the dancers on stage at Vesuvius look like they have wings until you walk up close and note that they're just swinging their arms around rhythmically.
Speaking of warped body parts.
The game does weird things to appendages. Some of the dancers on stage at Vesuvius look like they have wings until you walk up close and note that they're just swinging their arms around rhythmically.
Speaking of warped body parts.
Not sure if this was original materiel removed from the game or something cooked up by Wesp, but when I stalked an alley in Chinatown prowling for blood I noted some guy in the alley getting oral sexual favors from one of the hookers & I'd never noticed that before.
Odd thing is that she was kneeling in front of the guy and from behind, it looked like half of her butt was missing.
Odd thing is that she was kneeling in front of the guy and from behind, it looked like half of her butt was missing.
It's been changed over serveral patches but Mitnick's "reward" was the Braid Tailisman that bumped up your Computer Skill one bubble as well as the information about the money in his last mission.shogo33 wrote:Bummer...i was hoping apart from Bertram Tong upping my computer skill by 1..that Mitnick will school me in the ways of hacking.. oh well no stats here then.
- focused_letharg
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Super Mario vampire
My favorite glitch is to jump on the heads of LaCroix, Sherrif, Strauss etc. Basically it makes them drop and roll to another spot in the room they're in. Sheriff is the easiest one to jump on since he's the largest, and I've driven him almost to the other side of the office. Also, Betram Tung can be forced outside of his shack right near the fence, simply by shooting at him with a shotgun.
In the Leopold quest, the sound effect of someone sniffing drugs plays throughout, left over from the Giovanni mission I guess.
My favorite glitch is to jump on the heads of LaCroix, Sherrif, Strauss etc. Basically it makes them drop and roll to another spot in the room they're in. Sheriff is the easiest one to jump on since he's the largest, and I've driven him almost to the other side of the office. Also, Betram Tung can be forced outside of his shack right near the fence, simply by shooting at him with a shotgun.
In the Leopold quest, the sound effect of someone sniffing drugs plays throughout, left over from the Giovanni mission I guess.
- riotfellow
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- Devilfish666
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I'm sure most people have some experience with events not triggering but...
I was running through the Ocean House Hotel (very fast, with the sound off, and the lights on, I'm a chicken that way) when I skidded around a corner and bumped into [url="http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b33/cosmic_charly/naamloos.jpg"]this[/url].
Damn near wet myself.
I was running through the Ocean House Hotel (very fast, with the sound off, and the lights on, I'm a chicken that way) when I skidded around a corner and bumped into [url="http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b33/cosmic_charly/naamloos.jpg"]this[/url].
Damn near wet myself.
- RequiemAsh
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I don't know if this is a glitch or what but is it entertaining as hell. When I am in the Giovanni Mansion Fighting going through corridors and what not filled with zombies, there is a square room you enter with about 4 or 5 zombies and when I shoot them in the chest they die with 166 damage and fall then another zombie spawns on top of the dead one laying down face to face. I don't know if that one is dead too but it rocks back and forth and well you know what that would look like:mischief:
Another which is fun for me for some reason, when you feed on rats, if you hold down an arrow to move while you are feeding so that you move right after, the rat will float in the air dead. It is sooo funny to look at.
Another which is fun for me for some reason, when you feed on rats, if you hold down an arrow to move while you are feeding so that you move right after, the rat will float in the air dead. It is sooo funny to look at.
Medical Clinic
I´m playing Patch 6.3 with a Tremere character right now. Well, I had to head back to Santa Monica from Hollywood to check my e-mail as I didn´t get my new Haven from Max yet.
Being bored I decided to have some fun at the Medical Clinic and go postal on the NPCs there after buying some blood at the Blood Bank. I wiped out the whole clinic, starting with Dr. Malcolm and his nearly-dead patient, the one he couldn´t get an answer from earlier in the game. Well, Dr. Malcolm went down as neatly as you wish after just one strike. After that I tried to finish the as-good-as-dead patient lying on the stretcher, for good measure.
Surprise, surprise, dude turned out to be one hell of a standup guy. Literally, I mean. Whacked him with my sword to finally send him to heaven, dude sat up on the stretcher, exclaimed "Is someone there?", Cop-style, fell back on the stretcher, looked dead. Whacked him once more, dude got up again and uttered some other line used by cops and/or security. This went on for some time until I gave up trying to kill him for good. Dude turned out to be the sole survivor of my little fun massacre at the MC as I was not able to kill him. Now that´s what you call a tough son of a b****!
Don´t know why it´s impossible to kill that specific NPC, but this little glitch certainly made my night...
I´m playing Patch 6.3 with a Tremere character right now. Well, I had to head back to Santa Monica from Hollywood to check my e-mail as I didn´t get my new Haven from Max yet.
Being bored I decided to have some fun at the Medical Clinic and go postal on the NPCs there after buying some blood at the Blood Bank. I wiped out the whole clinic, starting with Dr. Malcolm and his nearly-dead patient, the one he couldn´t get an answer from earlier in the game. Well, Dr. Malcolm went down as neatly as you wish after just one strike. After that I tried to finish the as-good-as-dead patient lying on the stretcher, for good measure.
Surprise, surprise, dude turned out to be one hell of a standup guy. Literally, I mean. Whacked him with my sword to finally send him to heaven, dude sat up on the stretcher, exclaimed "Is someone there?", Cop-style, fell back on the stretcher, looked dead. Whacked him once more, dude got up again and uttered some other line used by cops and/or security. This went on for some time until I gave up trying to kill him for good. Dude turned out to be the sole survivor of my little fun massacre at the MC as I was not able to kill him. Now that´s what you call a tough son of a b****!
Don´t know why it´s impossible to kill that specific NPC, but this little glitch certainly made my night...
"Nobody expects the Malkavian Inquisition."
Wow, I wasn´t aware I actually found something no one else had detected so far. Makes me wanna download the latest patch and start a new game right away!Wesp5 wrote:Thanks for the tip, I just fixed this for the upcoming unofficial patch 6.4!
Thanks again for all the work you invest in these patches!
"Nobody expects the Malkavian Inquisition."