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Where to go now?

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Where to go now?

Post by GawainBS »

I'm a lvl 11 Paladin now, and just defeated the Kraken and married Isabella, hence the pirates in my army. I'm kind of at a standoff, since my army isn't powerful enough to beat most enemies, or at least beat them without losing a lot of men.
Currently, I got 151 Swordmen, 117 Archers, 150 Pirates, 120 Seadogs and 64 Griffons. Is this a good mix? Would you recommend other troops? I'm currently on my way to get the dwarves to sign the treaty.

Thanks in advance!
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Post by fable »

150 Pirates, 120 Seadogs
I'd throw out the nautical stuff, and add on good magic casters. If I had my game running, I'd have more specific recommendations, but it's been some time since I played this--Inquisitors and Priests (the latter upgradable, I think) are good choices. Both have nice spell options, resurrection, in particular.
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Post by GawainBS »

I had a bunch of priests, but they were doing such paltry damage... Anyway, as soon as I find a new bunch, I'll hire them.
Any other suggestions?
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Post by fable »

GawainBS wrote:I had a bunch of priests, but they were doing such paltry damage... Anyway, as soon as I find a new bunch, I'll hire them.
Any other suggestions?
Individually, priests are lousy, but upgraded and in large groups, they pack a punch. I also liked Thorn-hunters: very cheap, excellent ranged damage, and they seemed to attract enemy attention more than the rest.

Be sure to buy and find some good artifacts, but you probably know that. ;)
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Post by GawainBS »

Thornhunters are those plants, right? I remember using them a while.
I knew about the artifacts, the trouble is mainly finding them.
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Post by fable »

GawainBS wrote:Thornhunters are those plants, right? I remember using them a while.
I knew about the artifacts, the trouble is mainly finding them.
Yes, you can buy Thornhunters once you've solved a quest involving cows (if I recall correctly) for a Royal Thorn that's near a lake. There's a large but limited supply. You can also buy thorn hunter pods, but be careful with those: it's all too easy to "use" too many pods, and create more thorn hunters than you can control. I always save before using pods to create more thorns.

As for artifacts, it's often a matter of the luck of the draw. I had some good ones show up at various castles, which I purchased. Others turned up in loot, and again, it's randomized what you get.
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Post by Da_venom »

what difficulty are you playing on?

your army setup is WEAK to say the least;-)

try inqisitors/horseman/shaman/alchemist/evil beholders;-)
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Post by GawainBS »

Easiest difficulty.

I haven't found any Inquisitors or Horsemen. Nor do I have the skill that makes Inquisitors from Priests. Didn't find any Shaman or Evil Beholders yet. I did find Alchemists, in the Swamp, but there were so few of them, that I didn't bother.

I'd be grateful if you can tell me where to get these troops.
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Post by Da_venom »

horseman are fixed;-)

they are ussualy in the tent where u start your game(trick the guard away and sneak up into the tent(sometimes it doesn't have horseman bug 90% there are)


alchemist are find in the swamp and in the dwarven lands

inqisitors are found in in the marsshan swamp at the furious paladin ussualy(not always

or at the temple after it(not always)
or at the start mage tower
or verlon forest but then again not always(units spawns are random)

horseman will always be avaible after you finish the second main quest IIRC

evil behodlers are mostly avaible after you done all the frogman quest (at suqelch)

if not then they are very random and can be found anywwhere after darion :P

shamans are sometimes spanwed in the innn after you complete the fang quest but only 25% of the games u start

and easy is too easy ;-)

you should go to and go to the KB:TL forums there

read razorflame's guides there is alot of info in there

(if linking to other sites it not permitted remove it plz)
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Post by GawainBS »

Thanks. I found the horsemen earlier. Seems my party was more powerful than I thought. I wiped those enemies. ;-)
I'm saving Runes to get the Inquisitor skill with my Paladin.
I'll check out that forum. Thanks!
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Post by Da_venom »

so read the forum? got a bit better experienced now? ^^
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Post by GawainBS »

Yes, I've read around there, and learned a lot, especially about the skills. It makes me regret some of my choices... I even consider starting over as a Mage.
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Post by fable »

GawainBS wrote:Yes, I've read around there, and learned a lot, especially about the skills. It makes me regret some of my choices... I even consider starting over as a Mage.
At the very least, starting over may give you access to Inquisitors from some purchase points. A number of players have commented on the company boards that they really should have been made more regularly available, like priests, instead of appearing randomly.
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Post by GawainBS »

Don't tempt me like that... :p
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Post by Da_venom »

well hope it helped you alot


put alot of effort in it ^^
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