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Funny Way to Beat the Ogre! (spoiler)

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Funny Way to Beat the Ogre! (spoiler)

Post by Revi »

Most posts regarding the Ogre boss in the tower recommend kiting him with your mage, or basically anything else that involves as little melee contact as possible. Well, I found another way, that looks a lot more heroic!

I'm playing a dualwielding rogue, and I'm constantly using the easy-to-get talents that allow you to put a short stun on your target (Dirty Fighting, Riposte.) I've found these stuns to be invaluable survival tools.. it seems to me that melee combat in AD:O is more about locking enemies down than about doing a lot of damage :)

The way I beat the ogre with this character is very simple: I just rotated Dirty Fighting and Riposte on him. To my great surprise he wasn't immune to it at all!

The moments he was stunned gave me ample time to heal up or to just damage him a great deal. Sometimes he will resist the stun, but if he just gets stunned 3 times during the fight it already gives you an immense edge. It was by far the most down & dirty, heroic way I've beat him so far.
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Post by Elevoros »

yeah...that's only for rogues though...I was playing a warrior-tank and he was resisting most of my stuns!
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Post by mr_sir »

I have two characters up to Lothering - a mage and a rogue. I have to say, that the fight seems a lot easier with a rogue using the stuns. My mage did seem to be constantly kiting the ogre :laugh: Saying that, my rogue was the only one still alive after the fight, although she did still have near full health :o
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Post by Leet »

What I did was attack with the Mage first causing the Ogre to focus on the mage. After that I just ran in circles with the mage while the Ogre followed and the rest of my party just attacked it without it attacking them back :laugh:
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