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Sarah Palin Steps Down as Governor: Let the speculation commence

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Post by jklinders »

fable wrote:Bush was smart enough to form complete sentences, read from prepared scripts, consult with people who knew better than he did, and lie convincingly, as several biographies of his White House years by insiders attest. Palin does none of those things. She's infinitely ambitious, but intellectually lazy and dishonest, and becomes very belligerent when she simply displays her own stupidity. I mean--blaming Couric, of all people, for playing hardball with her? Couric? :rolleyes:
I feel that it will hinge greatly on how effective the lunatics at Faux er I mean fox news are at stirring the feces up over the next 2 years. midterms are coming soon and the way the wind is blowing will show us the way there. The GOP would be nuts to give her the nomination, but stranger things have happened. Populism is strangely attractive to the unintelligent, perhaps because it is so good at telling stupid people they are as smart as geniuses. :(
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Post by endboss »

Maybe this is evil, but I am increasingly liking the idea of a Palin, or any right wing nutjob, presidency. The United States has been in a gradual decline. The increasing stupidity and fanaticism cannot be stemmed, so perhaps we should just take the old girl out back and end it. Maybe it would be better for the United States, and the world, if the United States were to come to an end. People would finally wake up and we could work towards building a great nation without all the baggage that has accumulated. Vote republican, watch the US go down in a fiery blaze, and then rebuild on the ashes.

Palin 2012!
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Post by Dottie »

endboss wrote:Maybe this is evil, but I am increasingly liking the idea of a Palin, or any right wing nutjob, presidency. The United States has been in a gradual decline. The increasing stupidity and fanaticism cannot be stemmed, so perhaps we should just take the old girl out back and end it. Maybe it would be better for the United States, and the world, if the United States were to come to an end. People would finally wake up and we could work towards building a great nation without all the baggage that has accumulated. Vote republican, watch the US go down in a fiery blaze, and then rebuild on the ashes.

Palin 2012!
I think this is incredibly naive. Sensible organisation and ethical responsibility isn't the usual result when something goes down in flames.

In addition the election of Obama, regardless of what you think of him, quite clearly shows that USA does contain a significant number of people with a political agenda that differs from that of Palin and fox news.
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Post by Ode to a Grasshopper »

endboss wrote:Maybe this is evil, but I am increasingly liking the idea of a Palin, or any right wing nutjob, presidency. The United States has been in a gradual decline. The increasing stupidity and fanaticism cannot be stemmed, so perhaps we should just take the old girl out back and end it. Maybe it would be better for the United States, and the world, if the United States were to come to an end. People would finally wake up and we could work towards building a great nation without all the baggage that has accumulated. Vote republican, watch the US go down in a fiery blaze, and then rebuild on the ashes.

Palin 2012!
What, 8 years of W wasn't enough for you?
See, I just want to see a Palin Presidency 'cos it'd be funny, funnier even than Bush and that was pretty funny (especially towards the end). Her first meeting with Pootie-poot (Putin in Dubyah-speak for all those who don't remember the good ol' days) would be a riot. Screw this tear-it-down-then-rebuild-it-better lark, just tear it down and see what happens. Naturally all you SYMians are welcome to stay with me in Oz and declare political asylum (BYOB BTW).
The biggest trouble with this is the perfect time would have been last election, when once John "Grampa Simpson" McCain croaked (I figure about 6 months) she would have had to deal with Ws legacy with those great small-town nous of hers, whereas now Obama's got at least four years and probably more to clean up as much of the mess as he can. To be frank, now that the election's over Obama's just boring after all the quail-hunting, CIA-agent-outing, illegal-warmongering, Signing-Statement-abusing Bush years.
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Post by fable »

The Big Egohead himself, O'Reilly, had Palin on last night. I think the site Crooks & Liars caught beautifully just how ridiculous she sounds in claiming that fluffy Couric and extremely conservative Gibson were out to get her. I mean, really: "What newspapers did you read regularly" is such a terrible, hardball question, isn't it? No one would dream of asking a presidential or vice-presidential candidate who claims to know what's going on in the world this kind of thing--except a news model constantly criticized for being a jumped-up stenographer who never asks followups and dutifully reports the lies that liars say with a big smile.

Come on: Couric? And Charlie Gibson, the darling of the neo-cons outside Fox? These people had it in for Palin, according to the Alaskan Barracuda, herself? Well, I suppose it was either that, or admitting she's simply got the attention span of aluminum siding.

EDIT: Annie Lowrey takes a look at Palin's foreign policy, or lack of same.
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Post by fable »

Oh, and Going Commando has such fun with simply chapter 1 of Going Rogue, that it's a delight.
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Post by fable »

Ode to a Grasshopper wrote:What, 8 years of W wasn't enough for you?
That reminds me: Steve Benen had this to say, tonight, in regards to some content from a Palin interview he reproduces:

Ladies and gentlemen, the one national political figure that can make George W. Bush look like Socrates.

You can read the whole thing here.
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Post by Tricky »

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Post by Ode to a Grasshopper »

[url=""]Sarah Palin supporters at a book-signing at Columbus Ohio give (or not) their reasons why they support Sarah Palin.[/url]
Fun drinking game: drink a beer for every time one of them gives that curious little double-blink people always give when they hit a mental dead-end.
Don't drive afterwards.
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Post by galraen »

I can't help but think that if all those loony tunes that were interviewed emigrated to another country, the average intelligence in the US would shoot up.
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Post by dragon wench »

And, if you're [url=""]looking for a chuckle[/url]...
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Post by Chanak »

Good to see that Robin Williams hasn't lost his touch.
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Post by fable »

Looks like Sarah Baracuda received the GOP Hypocrite Award of the week. You can read about it here.
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Post by fable »

...and the blogger known as Southern Female Lawyer has put up some thoughtful ideas for holiday gifts to conservatives, including Palin's book. Do check it out.
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Post by fable »

Too good to miss: Palin has received the coveted Lie of the Year award from, a fact-checked website of the St. Petersburg Times. You can read about it here. It was for the Death Panel lie, which was utter nonsense--and one, by the way, that Palin is still maintaining is true.

What a gift she has for bald-faced gittery, wankery, and hypocrisy. I'd say this left me breathless, but as I'm asthmatic, that's not hard to do. Still, she's remarkable, she's....Sarah.
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Post by fable »

This was just too good to pass up linking. From The Onion:

Latest Sarah Palin Speech Opens Sixth Seal.
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Post by Siberys »

Still not as bad as Palin's comedy Debut. :D
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Post by endboss »

Call me crazy, but if she ran for President in 2012 I would be seriously temped to vote for her, just because I am so very interested in what would happen to the world if the major world superpower completely collapsed. We'd get to witness something that hasn't happened since the fifth century. Doesn't that pique anyone else's interest?

"And Palin fiddled while America burned..."

fid·dle  | [fid-l] noun, verb,-dled, -dling.
1. a musical instrument of the viol family.
2. swindle; fraud.
3. to hunt wolves from a helicopter

wolf |  [woolf] noun, plural = wolves  [woolvz], verb
1. a cruelly rapacious person.
2. Informal. a man who makes amorous advances to many women.
3. any of several large carnivorous mammals of the genus Canis, of the dog family Canidae, esp. C. lupus, usually hunting in packs, formerly found throughout the Northern Hemisphere before their mass extinction in 2025 due to the Patriotic Federation of Patriotic Helicopter Hunter-Patriots.

- Oxford Klingon-English Dictionary, A.D. 3465.
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Post by Sain »

We'd get to witness something that hasn't happened since the fifth century. Doesn't that pique anyone else's interest?
Remember the eight-hundred or so years that came after that? :p
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Post by fable »

endboss wrote:Call me crazy, but if she ran for President in 2012 I would be seriously temped to vote for her, just because I am so very interested in what would happen to the world if the major world superpower completely collapsed. We'd get to witness something that hasn't happened since the fifth century. Doesn't that pique anyone else's interest?
We already saw the deaths of 500,000+ people under a neo-con run administration nominally headed by Bush. I really wouldn't want to see another half a million people killed to see what might occur under a person who has, if anything, a still lower span of attention. ;)

But it is amusing the way The Onion treats her amazing, willful ignorance and ability to gather others of like...well, mind, as a sign of the usual bizarre "End Times" so many Euro-American Pentacostals are obsessed with.
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