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MoW - Can't even start

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Obsidian Entertainment's Neverwinter Nights 2, the Mask of the Betrayer expansion pack, the Storm of Zehir expansion pack, and the Mysteries of Westgate adventure pack.
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MoW - Can't even start

Post by FilmBoy88 »

OK, so i purchased Mysteries of Westgate today, installed, updated to 1.23.1765 ran the game, watched the pre-rendered intro sequence and now find myself in a ships hold, where nothing happens, according to the WestGate Walkthrough, i should be approached by someone, but i am not, so i grab my stuff from the chest, i see a blue wall floating in front of me called "mask view" and "first mate" at the door, i try to talk to them both, nothing, i try to walk past the first mate and out, it won't let me, i'm stuck in this room.

I rest, nothing happens

I put on "the mask" and look at "mask view" and "first mate", nothing happens

I'm totally stuck, i don't know what to do, nor do i know if the game is bugged, i've tried restarting and everything, any one know of any solutions? How do i start the story?

Many thanks
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