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Piercing % and damage???

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Piercing % and damage???

Post by victorent »

its a really noob question but when a weapon says

+10-25% Piercing what does it mean? obviously it means its the chances that it will pierce right.. but what is really the definition of pierce in this game coz is it different from my normal attack?

oh yeah i use swords...
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Post by GawainBS »

The people at Titan Quest can help you a lot better with such questions.

I certainly is NOT the chance to pierce. It's the % of the damage of the weapon that will bypass armour. (And be resisted with Pierce Resistance, if the enemy has it. Most don't, or at least a lot less than armour.)
Pierce Damage can be very powerful, since it increases via DEX, but STR determines how much base damage there is to convert a % from. I also seem to recall that it gets another bonus from somewhere. But checkout the forum I linked to, they know a lot more than I do. :)
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