Participating in any of the following activities will earn you an infraction or, if severe enough, could result in your account being banned:
- Flaming, humiliating, ridiculing, or intentionally insulting other members.
- Advocating illegal activities, including software piracy or other intellectual property violations.
- Attempting to circumvent the profanity filter or posting sexually explicit content.
- Post farming or bumping multiple threads without having something to genuinely contribute to them.
- Thread hijacking or spamming. Light spam is considered acceptable in the Speak Your Mind forum, though an excessive amount is frowned upon.
- Consistently posting new threads looking for answers that have already been made available many times previously. The forum has a great search feature, so please use it.
- Posting in a non-English language without providing a full English translation.
- Advertising unrelated products or services, including MMORPG currency or accounts. Promotion of game-related modifications, editors, or other tools should be placed in your signature or posted in designated threads only.
- Registering multiple accounts. If you've forgotten your account name or password, make use of the forum's recovery option or contact a moderator or the administrator.
Obviously, there may be other unique situations that aren't covered in these rules, so let common sense be your guide. Above all else, enjoy the community!