I know a good portion of you will snicker or laugh outright and that fuels me. I have thought about this for several years and just can't shake it.
As great as the Buldur's Gate games are, they are imperfect. And passionate CPRG'ers deserve one more masterpiece that the gaming industry of today and tomorrow will never provide, because no one will make it out for the love of the craft. It's always about the money.
I am not talking about a mod either. I am talking about a legitmate LVL 1 to 30 epic with a slow build/pace.
I am talking about a painstakingly crafted journey of those whose personal lives arose, were severely molded, or destroyed by the events of the Bhaalspawn's ascension. And Ironically, the Bhaalspawn speaks to them though mystic means with for help with something that his/her divinity cannot accomplish. Something that the combined divinities cannot comprehend. Something only they can accomplish, with his/her dark radiance to aid them...because of their deeply personal motivations: The Lord's utter and final passage into the Void.
For the taint of murder is always there, and the Realms have always suffered and the laws of the universe demand it. But mortals and gods alike will always worship Murder. With Divinity comes power and knowledge of this essential truth. A god may suppress it, mold it, transform it, consume it...but it is always there. The Bhaalspawn's undeniable connection-to and origins amongst mortals demand the destruction of his realm and legacy. But how does one unmake a god? How can mere mortals accomplish this? But divinity has discovered a mere hope of a possibility. The Lord of Murder must disseminate his power across the Planes and then unmake those planes.
Will the party transcend their suffering and misery to embrace the task? Are their motivations pure enough to accomplish this, despite the impossible trials? Can they be trusted to deliver aspects of the Bhaalspawn's essense to the ordained conduits of destruction? Or will they usurp his/her lendings? Can the task be completed before the interests of the Realms discover it..and align their powers against it? Will yet others come to aid?
And think about this. As the Bhaalspawn's essense is diminished throughout the quest, so does his or her ability to aid the party. And the odds increase that some other entity can intervene. The possibilities are encouraging.
It's going to use Infinity. It's going to use 2nd edition. Each area will teem with possibilities. It will reward good/evil/neutral/lawful/chaotic destinies equally, although in equally different ways. If you have OCD like me than you can expect 300-500 hours of gameplay.
Many dialogue paths will appear only once, forcing you to pay attention and commit to your choices, which you will hopefully make as a role playing purist. For the aim is to reward and expand the opportunities for said consistencies of character throughout the game.
It's an impossible mandate, and I may get my butt sued out of existence, but I am doing it. See you all in 20 years.
Who am I? I am no one. I have nothing. I am simply RPGguy.