Based on the reception the game is getting, I'm certainly in the minority with my opinions. I'll do my best to explain them further.
Xandax wrote:The NPCs in the sequel here stand out far much more then in ME1 in my opinion. The personality of the characters like Jack and Miranda for example far outdo anybody in ME1.
Again, these are only my opinions

. The only squad member I'll remember a year from now is Thane. I felt that his own personal take on his profession, his debilitating disease, the family life he left behind, etc. all seemed more carefully constructed than Jack's "I was orphaned and Cerberus messed with me so I'm angry!" and Miranda's "There's more to me than my genetic enhancements!" backstories.
Xandax wrote:The issues with lack of inventory is apparent, lack of statistical value and simplification of skills and the abhorrent resource scanning "mini-game" are all silly and/or stupid things. However the inventory in ME1 was also extremely poorly made.
The inventory in Mass Effect was terrible, but somehow BioWare managed to get it worse in the sequel. The armor system is a mess, and the fact that they require you to don each armor suit in its entirety (including the face-covering helmets) is ridiculous. You're pretty much forced to go with the piecemeal route, leaving you to choose between a handful of items with small bonuses that feel like an afterthought, at best. They're the only statistics we get, though, so I guess that's something.
Xandax wrote:And the hacking mini-game and the bypass one are far more well thought out and acceptable then the equivalent circle navigation one in ME1 which was used for everything.
I played the Xbox 360 version of ME1 (since it was out first and I had to cover it for GB), so I'm not familiar with the circle navigation minigame. The XYAB minigame on the 360 version was certainly lame, but I don't remember having to use it very often and it was quick and painless. It also required you to have the sufficient non-combat skill to even try it - something ME2 sadly neglects.
Xandax wrote:The combat of ME2 is much more fluent then in ME1 - the weapons carry more "weight" although I do miss the statistical values on them. The interface lends itself much better to the game now then it did in ME1 where I felt the character stumbled over himself each time he stopped and how he kept sticking to the wall when ever I did not want it.
Personally, I think this is the only real area where Mass Effect 2 surpasses its predecessor. The controls and combat system
are better, but I think this is mainly because the sequel successfully mimics other AAA shooters. Bringing the pace, controls, and cover system in line with what worked in the Gears of War, Uncharted, and other similar series was a good move.
Xandax wrote:The NPCs in ME2 are overall of a much higher quality with much deeper personalities then anything in ME1. The only "interesting" character in ME1 was IMO T'Soni (and no, not for the romance plot), but in ME2 even a character like Garrius suddenly takes form. The characters personalities are much more developed this time around. Jack's and Miranda's story lines - for example - were very well crafted.
Again, the only squad members I've felt had a memorable personality were Urdnot Wrex and Thane Krios. And even then, I wouldn't consider either to be among BioWare's best written characters.
Xandax wrote:It is magnitudes in front of ME1 in most all aspects.
This seems to be the general consensus, so I guess I'm just not seeing what others are. To me, the first game was better in the two most crucial areas (for me, anyway) - story and RPG elements. If it's a good combat system that I want, then there are better choices than the Mass Effect series.
Regardless, I'd take Dragon Age: Origins any day over a Mass Effect title
