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Your Mass Effect 2 ending *MAJOR SPOILERS*

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Your Mass Effect 2 ending *MAJOR SPOILERS*

Post by Salidin54 »

I imported my ME1 character who was mostly paragon, infiltrator lvl 49, I Virmired Kaiden, didn't have sex with anyone, killed off the old council and chose Anderson. In ME2 I was once again mostly paragon and once again didn't sex anybody up. I had all of the ship upgrades and all of the personal upgrades except Jack's and Legion's. I had everyone loyal and only did the Legion loyalty quest before going through the relay. No one died during the flight in and only one crew member got juiced. I sent Mordin through the tubes and he ended up eating a bullet. I had Zaeed lead the other team both times and he ended up dying the second time. I had Jacob take the crew back and they all made it. I had Samara do the force bubble and she survived. I blew up the Reaper and saved the station, and since I thought Martin Sheen did the best job of voice-acting this time around I was nice to him.

Edit: In ME2 I chose to become a Specter again and in ME1 I saved the rachni queen although that didn't seem to affect my ME1 or 2 ending
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Post by Aqua-chan »

Given that the thread is marked as spoilers, and the title is a clear indicator that the topic is going to ruin the ending for those unaware, I think it's okay you not hide the text. ;)

In Mass 1 I ended off with a level 60 renegade Infiltrator, romanced Kaidan, went against my better judgment and saved the Council with Anderson as our spokesperson.

In Mass 2 I hit up what seemed like every upgrade in the game, told the Council to shove their offer of reinstatement, got flirty with Garrus but eventually brushed him off, and made all the loony squaddies my best friends by running their various errands. In the final mission I lost my hacking expert, Legion (Samara was my team lead, and apparently she's notorious for loosing tech specialists for you) but got everything else through just wonderfully. Went ahead and saved the bug station because, hey, something like that can be useful. And I do so love Martin Sheen's voice.
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Post by stanolis »

that's pretty good. i haven't finished my first game yet. did you read up on everything before playing? i have been reading everything. all sources say that you
cannot send mordin into the tubes and expect him to survive, only geth and tali?

so are these people are going to be our crewmates in me3 or are they going to drift away like our old team? i can see a most of recruited crew leaving now that the deed is done.

i have to save the whole crew for the stupid 360 achievement. i wonder if we can strategically kill off some of the crew and makes things better in me3.
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Post by Salidin54 »

I read a bunch of stuff, watched some gameplay on IGN, and participated in the live chat on facebook before the game came out. After it came out I didn't read/watch/listen to anything until after I beat it on Sunday.
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Post by Bloodstalker »

I romanced Tali, lost Legion in the end and wound up blowing the whole station to hell. I was severely tempted to save the data cause it seemed to make sense to do so, but then remembered I hated Illusive Man and blew it all up just for spite. I was hoping to be able to kill him, but this was the best that I could do.

I will kill him next game. Hopefully. He's on my list anyway.
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Post by jklinders »

Romanced Miranda, the whole team and I think the crew survived. Despite being maxed out paragon(with a generous sprinkling of renegade) I seriously considered leaving the collector station intact. Then I thought, "oh yes, let's preserve that reaper tech, have the Illusive Man send Earth's best and brightest over to be indoctrinated just like the team on the derelict reaper" :p . So yeah I blew it up and blew him off. I figured having the Illusive Man mad at me was way easier than trying to take that station a second time.
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Post by GawainBS »

I romanced Talli, got everyone Loyal, fully upgraded the Normandy and lost no one in the final assault. I did blow up the base, as a full fledged Paragon should. :) Had some doubts, though.
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Post by Darth Gavinius »

Hmmm, my end game was...

As a High Paragon not afriad to be renegade when it counts. Romanced Tali.

End Game...

Used Legion to hack the doors, and Garrus led the second team. I lead a team consisting of Miranda and Samara.

Saved the Crew and sent them back for Normandy Pickup with Garrus escorting.

Split off with Samara as my covering Biotic, with Thane and Grunt backing us up. Jacob lead the other team.

Fought my way to the Reaper with Tali and Jack, destroyed the Reaper and the Base and saved the day... woo hoo... don't think I had any casualties! :)
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Post by stanolis »

Ok, i just finished my game last night. i tried both tali and legion in the vents and neither suvived. i should still have their loyalty because i paragoned their fight and both seemed ok. but then where did i go wrong?

all loyalty missions
miranda not loyal due to fight with jack
tali & legion (died) in tubes
zaeed first mission
mordin escort survivors
samara biotic shield
miranda second mission
blew the hell outta the station

someother poster on gamefaqs noted this and i saw it too, the sun behind the illusive man changes colors depending on if you destroy the collector center or not. i wonder if shepard's life somehow connected to it?
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Post by GawainBS »

Tali & Legion are the only good choices for the tunnels, but their survival also depends on the second teamleader (which should be either Garrus or Miranda AFAIK, both loyal ofcourse).
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Post by jklinders »

Stanolis said Ok, i just finished my game last night. i tried both tali and legion in the vents and neither suvived. i should still have their loyalty because i paragoned their fight and both seemed ok. but then where did i go wrong?

Try using Garrus or Jacob to lead your fire teams, both are natural leaders. Miranda would work too, but her loyalty is suspect in your case. The fire teams need leaders who work and play well with others. Zaeed is a leader, but he is not a people person.

I think the sun behind the Illusive Man is just a paragon or renegade indicator.
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Post by stanolis »

see that's what i was thinking. characters can get the other people killed. i knew that zaeed wasn't the best choice, but i thought he'd die and not my tunnel rat. tricky!

garrus runs with me. i guess jacob can run the squads.

i seriously hate miranda. "i'm perfect" "i'm such a powerful biotic" "cerberus is amazing, the alliance is for suckers" i tried to purposely kill miranda twice. she barely survived the first time (remember she's not loyal) and then thane got whacked due to her ineptitude the second time.

thanks guys.
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Post by jklinders »

stanolis wrote:see that's what i was thinking. characters can get the other people killed. i knew that zaeed wasn't the best choice, but i thought he'd die and not my tunnel rat. tricky!

garrus runs with me. i guess jacob can run the squads.

i seriously hate miranda. "i'm perfect" "i'm such a powerful biotic" "cerberus is amazing, the alliance is for suckers" i tried to purposely kill miranda twice. she barely survived the first time (remember she's not loyal) and then thane got whacked due to her ineptitude the second time.

thanks guys.
Not certain if this will work but try picking Miranda as your biotic specialist then. Pretty sure that will get her killed, Hopefully someone you like will not go down with her.

I did not think she was quite all that bad. Cerberus was the only good thing about her life. She is way too quick to justify their garbage though. My paragon Shep was hoping to turn her around.

Never trusted Illusive Man, made damn well sure he knew it. I felt a perverse twinge of pleasure when Shep told Joker to hang up on him at the end. I'll catch hell for that in ME3, better than having that station packed with indoctrinated human scientists though.
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Post by Salidin54 »

As I said earlier I had Garrus and Thane in my party the whole time so I could continue the strategy I talked about here: ... ost1075409 . On my second run I'm gonna try using Jack and Zaeed in my party the whole time and see how it works out
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Post by stanolis »

yeah, 100% survived when i replace zaeed. i was secretly hoping he would die, but nope he always got tali killed.

@jklinders: yeah, i did use miranda as the biotic person knowing that she'd fail, she collapses and i run to assist her. thane got grabbed by the swarm and dies. maybe i could send her into the tube... lol.
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Post by Funky Chicken »

ME 1 full paragon level ?? soldier, sacrificed Kaidan, romanced Ashley, kept Wrex alive, saved the council and made Anderson the councillor.

ME 2 again full paragon although a few renegade points seemed to sneak in somewhere. Did all loyalty missions. Romanced Miranda. Had Zaeed lead the second team while Thane did the vent run, Thane died. Again had Zaeed lead the second team while Jacob took the survivors back to the Normandy. Zaeed died. Had Jack protect my group with the shield and she survived and I blew the place up at the end.

Second playthrough was pretty similar, only things that changed were the romance was with Tali, had Garrus lead the second team while Legion did the vent run and Samara supplied the biotic barrier and everyone survived.
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Post by der Moench »

So what does determine outcome?

Hmmm. I think my skillz must be off: I lost three crew in the final fight. :(

I put Legion through the ducts, and had Samarra take the other team. I took Jack and Wrex with me. Everyone made it to the meet-up, but Legion got shot as we tried to close the door.

I sent Saeed back with the crew we found, and he got them back but died doing so.

And then I had Jacob form the biotic barrier for Jack, me, and Wrex (to ward off the pesky bugs). We got to the end-point, but Jack was carried off by the flying nasties. She was the only one I regret losing – that ain’t no way for Jack to go.

The final battle was me, Tali, and Garrus up against the crazy Terminator-esque Reaper ship. We all made it OK.

I admit that I started the end-game early – I was only level 20 or 22, and hadn’t really explored much of the galaxy. (I kept going to various planets, but none revealed interesting missions, so I gave up after a while. I think I should have looked harder.) I don’t know what other variables contribute: I imported a level 50 ME1 character; I was female Soldier/Engineer (what is it called – Sentinel or Infiltrator or something?); I had romanced Liara in ME1, and stayed true to her in ME2; I recruited all the team, and everyone except Saeed was loyal; I was very Paragon-y, but had maybe 25 to 30% of the Renegade-meter filled; I think I had most ship upgrades, except maybe whatever Saeed could offer.
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Post by GawainBS »

It's been explained earlier: Jacob, Garus or Miranda both times as teamleader, Tali or Legion for the ducts, Samara or Jack for the Barrier and anyone loyal for the escort, preferably Mordrin. Zaeed has no upgrades to offer. You need the armour, shield and weapon upgrade on the Normandy as well to have everyone survive.
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Post by Lady Dragonfly »

I started a new game, with a new character (on Veteran, which was way too easy) - a male engineer (I rarely play as a female), mostly Paragon but with some Renegade tendencies (just like me :) ).

Finished - everyone was loyal except for Jack (I could not bring myself to care enough); everyone survived the suicide mission. Completed every possible quest, romanced Miranda. Chose to destroy the Collector base. Started over with the same char, got my "level 30" achievement and now I think I am fed up with this space opera. Time to move on.

Favorite NPC - Mordin. The most boring - Jacob.
I lost three crew in the final fight
1. You must get all upgrades for Normandy before doing IFF quest
2. You need to complete Legion's loyalty mission right away and then immediately start the suicide mission.
3. You must choose ONLY the characters loyal to you, especially for the final fight.
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Post by Nightmare »

Transfered a male level 49 Soldier from ME1, having romanced Liara, saved the Council, generally was completely Paragon, except when people crossed me.

In the second game, switched the character to an Inflitrator and made EVERYONE loyal. Romanced Miranda, since I like the actress a lot. Did almost all the upgrades I could, explored every planet as much as I could, and did all the quests I could (I ended at level 28). Chose Legion for the suicide mission, and Samara as my biotic. Jacob was always my fire team leader. I spent almost the whole game with Miranda and Garrus, so they stayed with me. Still lost Mordin, which was unfortunate, since he was my favourite NPC. Of the crew, only the Doctor survived. Blew up the station, because I'd been wanting to stick it to Martin Sheen for a while (but seriously, best voice actor in the game).

Was going to continue, but the endgame left a sour taste in my mouth. That :rolleyes:
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