Well I'm playing through BG2 again for the 30th time or so and encountered some weird stuff on my way to the big red.
In the small hall right after the first room where you encounter a couple of orc archers on each sides I found to my suprise an Iron Golem and 3 Clay golems... They aren't supposed to be there are they?
Anyways, I continue on to the room with the vampires and send in my Kensai/Mage with Staff of the Cheese to scout ahead. They are there as they should, about 5ish I think? So I run back to set up some traps but decide not to do it the easy way so for the fun of it I buff up my K/M and send him in to face them alone... *POOF*... Only 3 left.... Weird...
Later on at the beholder. After 5 reloads and 5 kills I FINALLY get the 10k exp... Same thing happend with one of the vampires, no exp.
So I'm now done with the mask quest and goes to kill the werewolves right before the well with the helm... These have never caused any trouble for me before but the Greater Werewolf owns my entire party... I notice that whenever he goes down to "Near Death" he jumps back to "Uninjured"... After a bunch of reloads I finally manage to kill him but only because 2 party members got a critical hit right when he was "Near Death"...
After 2 or 3 saves (just to be sure) I go into the room with the well and what do I find there... Another lurking Iron Golem with his clay golem friends!Thanks for the exp I guess.
I'm now afraid to go down to Firkraag, what will happen there? Will he be transformed into a giant and throw cows at me?
I've never experienced these kind of buggs before, what has happend to my game?
I'm playing multiplayer on hard with a berserker/cleric, kensai/mage and a kensai/thief. I'm not using any mods or cheats, I don't even have the console enabled.
To make this thread a bit more fun: What are the weirdest buggs you've encountered?