Anyway... What, in your view, comprises the ultimate RPG experience? You know, the perfect game, one that wouldn't give you any cause for criticism, at all..
I'm not asking for your favourite RPG. Rather, I'm asking you to create, what is for you, the ideal.. the absolute Utopia..
For me, an engaging story that draws me in and makes me care about the characters and the world they inhabit, is paramount. Equally, creative, skillfully executed party banter is a must. It also goes without say that the writing has to be excellent.
While I don't view graphics and music as utterly critical to a good game, I do feel they are important and can contribute a great deal to atmosphere and immersion. So, in my ideal game, these too would need inclusion.
I'm not really combat focused when I play games, but that too is an important ingredient, because I do like to employ careful strategy to get through a tough battle.
OK, over to you.