I think Greater Malison has an AE effect, and it is timed... just like you cast the spells in a non time stopped area... it has had great effect so far...I wiped out all but Grommir... or however you spell his name.
Best thing to do is to have someone else cast Malison and doom, while you cast the time stop... that will ensure the max amount of death.
On high levels, Chain Contingency with 1GM + 2 HW = Max amount of Death to dangerous crowds.
Low Lvl, a spell trigger with a Lower Resistance and Chromatic Orb killed off the Dragon in Sarileth mod for me. Much to my surprise, my meleers did not even reach him and I had to read the text to suss what had happened.
Protection from Magic Energy + Limited Wish --> spawn horde of rabbits + Wish --> Horrid Wilting on everyone in area. Truly massive damage that works best when soloing because you don't have to worry about party members being nuked.
A good one I read about elsewhere is having two or more mages that are protected from fire (preferably immune, actually), and have them prepare a minor sequencer with 2 aganzar's scorchers (or a spell sequencer, which allows up to 3 of these) and have them cast these on each other.
Now you can have one of:
1) A line of death (both mages stay still, anyone crossing takes damage). Not the most proficient way of dealing damage, but it's there.
2) An arc of death (one mage stays still, the other is between him and the enemies, and moves around, causing damage to all the line crosses).
3) A circle of death (both mages move simultaneously clockwise, or anti-clockwise, keeping the enemies contained inside the 'circle' they create).
The arc and circle are similar, i guess, and the arc is probably more effective in practise, even though the 'circle of fiery death' sounds cooler.
This spell is quite nice anyways, nothing too overpowered, but just plain fun to employ since it's quite different from the usual point and click and watch the pretty animations. A little ingenuity and it becomes even more fun, and even more powerful.
I love the Scorcher! Fun little level 2 spell. It's a bit tricky to pull off those maneuvers you're describing, at least for me. It's tough to avoid clipping your own guys and very rarely will I stop to prep the entire party for fire resistance.
*Maybe* before I about to fight a red wyrm or enter a chamber loaded with Demon Knights (to collect a certain important belt). Maybe.
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