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Software to tackle Internet Addiction

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Software to tackle Internet Addiction

Post by DesR85 »

From [url=""]Gamepolitics[/url]:
In a bid to combat its estimated 2.0 million Internet and videogame addicts, South Korea will offer free software to the populace that would limit time spent online.

Under what’s termed a “consensual shut-down program,” users would be able to set the days and times that they would be able to access the Internet, [url=""]reports the Korean Times[/url]. A second method of limiting screen time would involve a program dubbed Internet Fatigue, which is designed to “make gamers become bored as time goes by.”

The measures were issued by a special inter-ministry group setup to fight the overuse of the Web and games. The government is said to be focused on preventive actions and will launch educational programs expected to reach 10.0 million people, while 300,000 heavy Internet users will be able to receive counseling services. 10,000 jobs will be created as a result of the latter initiative.

The President of the Korea Computer Life Institute, Eo Gee-jun, believes that three out of every ten adults are addicted to games, versus 26.0 percent of teenagers.

Gee-jun added:
Addicted adult gamers outnumber their teenager counterparts because the former are no longer under control of their parents.
Interesting software and I think it sounds a lot better than throwing someone into some rehab clinic. :D
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Post by Bloodstalker »

Electroshock keyboards do a better job. Especially when set to random emmisions.
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Post by Xandax »

The only software I need to tackle the addiction is a browser :laugh:
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Post by Tricky »

Homemade music videos on Youtube. They make me not wanting to have anything to do with the Internet for exactly 3.8 days. Windows Movie Maker is a curse and a blessing.
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