jklinders wrote:The much maligned bailout, started by Bush and executed by the administration allowed the banks who through their stupidity and lack of regulation had placed so much bad debt on themselves they were in a bad spot to lend any more money. Without lending, what little was left of the economy would have stopped dead. Even if the bailout was ineffective it is not entirely the current admins fault seeing as much of the money was moving before Obama took the oath of office.I don't agree with some of what they did with it, but there you have it. I still think you and others expect crap to change too quickly. Realistic expectations are needed. Andf no "Yes we can" was not realistic.
I think you are the only person who has ever accused me of not having an open mind. You don't know me so that is fair I guess but let us dissect some of your claims. First point, I am not a left wing or a right wing, I am a moderate. In US politics that means I get ripped by both sides. Oh well. Palin's 2 years as a governor and mayor of a of town of less than 100,000 hardly counts as presidential experience in my books. Obama's 4 years as a senator at least exposed him to national and international interest. He is still inexperienced, but had a lot more than Palin who quit her job halfway through just in time for the scandals she brought on herself during her time in office to come to roost Palin's had famously said her view of Russia from her home was good foreign policy experience. You may disagree, but that is fair. Her world view is so narrow and so simplistic that the idea of her being as close to power as she was last year still places shudders down my spine. Beck has no qualifications at all, so even if Palin was worthy, a Palin/Beck ticket is nonsense. Still Palin had said she would not mind running with him.
I am not an American as my profile clearly states, if you would like advise from an outsider and truly despise what both parties down there have become(as I do) give up the myth of the 2 party system and vote for someone else, your vote is only truly wasted if you vote against your conscience .
If enough other people actually dropped the partisan BS and voted for real change(ie a different party) you would actually get it. just remember the old mantra "Turning out the rascals is a vital part of democracy, just remember to take a good look at the rascals you are bringing in first"
Last but not least I think you are slightly but not completely wrong about politicians. I'd say about 80% of them are decent people who actually want to do good. These ones are no where near to power and are not likely to be. the other 20% are the cynical evil bunch we love to hate. Try voting for the person instead of the party. Too few people do that then they whine about "stupid politicians".
In closing consider one last element to democracy. We get what we deserve. Politicians come from the same pool of population we come from. We vote them in, we as a society have earned the resulting punishment. In pointing your finger at them or even me you are also pointing it at yourself.
Dude, I don't really wanna continue this conversation.
I think you should reread my previous comment because no where in that text did I see an explanation for your claim that Obama fixed the banking problem, all you wrote about was how the previous administration tried to fix it.
Obama is as far left as Palin is far right, if you can't see the similarities that's very sad indeed.
The amount of flip flopping and bribing going on in washington (which is nothing new just more exposed this time around) is very disturbing. I am quite aware of how democracy works thank you, I am only one of the many, so unfortunately I cannot vote them all out of office.
Obama has wasted his first year passing an unimportant health care bill that will eventually be destroyed in court. The constitution will have to be amended or we'll have a revolution. If forcing health care on business' in a failing economy is a good economic plan I guess I should go back to school, because that's not what they taught me.
Also, the claims you assumed I made are not in my posts so please remove them? Except for having an open mind
The 2 party system is flawed but so is every political institution, I fail to see your point. When you look at history every possible solution has been tried, no combination will ever create a utopian society.
I agree politicians come from the same gene pool; but it takes a very strange individual to want to go into politics. And I loosely quote ''only those who do not want power, deserve it,'' or something along those lines. I believe obama's dream job was to become President.
Please reply if you feel inclined, this is my last post on the subject.
After all, these are just opinions. Nothing we say holds any water.