Top 3
Gorgeus Gary Golden. I love the sound of his voice gggrrrrr... everytime I got into the Warrens and speak with Gary it's like the first time. He just toys with you, he is having a lot of fun just speaking to you and you know it. IMO he is the greatest example of a dark, secretive and mounstrous vampire.
Velvet Veloure. This Toreador girl stole my heart. Her voice, her mannerisms... she really is a seductive vampire. She can suck my... blood anytime she wants. Or I can suck hers, I can make a good ghoul
IMO, she is the best example of a seductive and charming monster of the night.
Maximilian Strauss. IMO Strauss had to have more quests. The way he talks, and all, you can see you are in front of an educated vampire, full of mysticism and wisdom. To me, he is the kind of monster who you would go to in case of council or advise.