This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Black Isle Studios' Icewind Dale and its Heart of Winter and Trials of the Luremaster expansions.
Hi, need help with this!
Have installed (full) both Icewind Dale I & II and just started playing. My characters have gone up a level but there is no way for me to modify their stats (hps and such) ANYWHERE! It says in the manual that there is a button that's supposed to light up which says level up, but it's not happening. I have rested them and tried clicking onto all possible places on the screen but nothing happens. Could my game be bugged? Is there a patch for such problems? Anyone know what to do? It's so frustrating to run around at 1st level with 14hps when you're supposed to be at 2nd lvl and have a group of goblins just run you over
thanx for hints
They should have a star/cross on their portret. When you rightclick on the portret and go to the character screen (default key "R", I believe), there should be a buttom "Level up".
Thanx for your reply, GawainBS
aaaah, after trying, fidgeting and half going crazy, i found it. It was actually at the bottom right side of the whole screen, and the tip with the 'R' was good. Gosh, after playing BGI/II/ToB so many times, i was sure it'd be similar to that, but it's not. Oh well, i'm just glad i can continue playin!