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Post by Nvlutz »

Siberys wrote: "I was sucked into this whole ordeal and didn't really give a lot of thought to my comrades or what was going on with them.

Rahg'nuul proved to me he can overcome his heritage and all that it entails, and became a valuable ally. Azhag did as well, however it must have slipped past me at some point that he was a slave and you were the one to control that.

In that order to make up for my actions earlier, I would like to buy his freedom...with mine."
Azhag shakes his head and holds his hands up... "No no, don't worry about it, you helped me escape my dead-end life whenever we left Dorwick. It was one thing to help out and make my superiors look stupid. But to also let me tag along with you was fantastic!", Azhag explains, "I often wanted to leave Fort Helmlock but couldn't because I'd have to worry constantly about orcs trying to simply re-enslave me, or worse..."

After reminding Melkior about the vault he nods, "Don't worry, I found the vault once, I'm sure I can find the vault again. Besides it appears that the vault just simply vanishes at night-time anyways."
Melkior looks back at Rhag'nuul, "Our best bet is to regroup at Dorwick monastery and hopefully figure out a plan... Possibly rebuild and fortify the monastery abit, with your permission, in order to have a more secure base. There's also some individuals I need to contact...

"Before we make an expeditious retreat though," Melkior asks, "Any clue where the savages may have taken your gear?"


You tell the stable hand that you won't punish him for his slacker behaviour. You sense that he's more confused than intimidated now... so you add your final comment and he just begins sweeping again. He's not sure what the cryptic part at the end meant but you suspect he doesn't want to find out.

Currently in the stable, there's not too many people, pretty much just you and the stable boy, you know there's usually about 3 in the stable, whether the other two are far lazier and just didn't show up or are now helping with the preparation of the party is beyond you. Heck maybe the other two are taking advantage of the castle bustle to go out back smoking vern and getting drunk.
There are a few guards positioned around the stable outside, 2 who can see you at the moment from across the hall outside. Although very few guards go into the stables unless need be since the stench is most foul and stablehand work is fairly lowly work from the looks of things.
You are not too sure if any of the gaurds can hear you since they are outside and it's especially busy in the castle and they are more likely concentrating on suspicious behaviour than eavesdropping on a princess. You never know though.
The vast majority of the Workers and slaves tend to be in the central ball room, from a quick glance...


...You see a sea of drow and they only notable figure is a particularly dumb looking giant who looks literally clothed in manacles, like jewelry for prisoners. He has several chains around his neck and wrists and a few going down, presumably to his feet, all of the chains connect to each other in about twenty different ways and the chains are so plentiful and small (relative to the giant) that he needs to be hunched over in a crouch. Despite this the giant-kin seems to be reluctantly making himself useful by carrying a few suits of armor that appear to be more ornamental than practical.
From a rough guess you'd say that there must be about 100 some drow all shuffling about and setting up decorations.
The exact roles of these workers and their social status is really hard to tell from here, and you catch a glimpse every once and awhile of flesh belonging to another type of race, but can't really tell what it belongs to.

You attempt to head back towards where you followed the goblin yesterday.
Make a survival check, a spot check and a listen check.
The survival check & spot check is to see if you recognize any landmarks from the day before or not, the listen check is to avoid getting ambushed or to overhear goblins in the distance.
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Post by Siberys »

"Before we make an expeditious retreat though," Melkior asks, "Any clue where the savages may have taken your gear?"
"Not sure where their gear might be, I only had basic essentials so you don't need to worry about me.

I'll help keep guard while we grab anything you two may need," he says, motioning towards Azhag and Rahg'nuul.

OOG: Since we've started this game, Khannon's character sheet hasn't gained a single item as far as I know (aside from game related ones AKA Quest items). The only item he was about to gain was the staff, which he denied due to his beliefs on resurrection. So...I'm pretty much good to get the hell out of gnoll territory.


I take the slave to the side, far against the wall away from any of the guards and ask him the question I typed out before (I speak softly, not a full blown whisper but soft enough that it's sure to be a conversation just between myself and him)-
"It must be tough being a slave...but then being a slave to us would get you certain benefits compared to being a slave to say...someone else, at least I should think you'd be treated a little better than most.

Let me ask you...despite all that, what would you do for freedom?"

If they look confused.

"Hehe...I apologize, let me explain. I lost my memory a while back, and now I'm trying to get a perspective of myself in the world, where I belong, where everyone else belongs. A simple "Who are you" to everyone I meet wouldn't really do the trick, so instead I find it a little easier to understand everything by asking about what you do in the world, as opposed to who you are.

So...I realize it's an odd question, but please, enlighten me. I'm not going to call the guards, not going to threaten you, I simply want to know what freedom is worth to you."

Since that's not even close to the real reason I'm asking them this, I'll include a bluff (not that it would really matter considering even if he/she thought I was lying, it's not like they could actually rat me out, they're slaves afterall)-

10+5 = 15
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
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Post by Shaggypichu »


Spot Check= 1-1= 0 -1 if lighting is too bright

Survival= 9 -1=8

Listen= 9-1= 8
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Post by Nvlutz »

I’m sorry for the half-updates that have been occurring recently and I want to thank you guys for having held out with me. Still looking for a job and trying to get as many hours in at my current one before I’m let go.

Belfore & Brauer

Brauer tells Soloman and Ariel to hide behind the bushes. Belfore decides to sneak around with Braur. Raz hides behind some trees near the shaman ready to strike when the time is right...

Since Belfore didn’t decide a combat order the order will be…

Brauer, Ariel, B.Captain, Soloman, B Soldier 4, B Soldier 1, Belfore, B. Soldier 3, B Servant 1, Raz, B Servant 2, B Shaman, B soldier 2

Due to the following rolls
Belfore: 8-1=7, Tie With Soldier 3, 14-1=13
Ariel: 20+2=22 Crit!
Soloman: 16+1=17
Raz: 2+1=3
Bullywig Soldier 1: 9+0=9
Bullywig Soldier 2: 1+0=1 fumble
Bullywig Soldier 3: 7+0=7, Tie with Belfore, 7+0=7
Bullywig Soldier 4: 12+0=12
Bullywig Captain: 13+5=18
Bullywig Servant 1: 4+0=4
Bullywig Servant 2: 2+0=2
Bullywig Shaman: 1+1=2 fumble

Brauer gets into postion and pulls out a dried lump of butter and tosses it under the shaman, the butter rapidly melts and spreads turning into a giant puddle of grease. This immediately Alerts the Bullywigs to the presence of most of the party, Raz attempts to remain hidden, being both out of the general area of interest and being camouflaged.

Raz: 9+8=17
B soldier 1: 15-1=14
B soldier 2: 6-1=5
B soldier 3: 19-1=18
B Captain: 20+1=21

But the captain and one of his soldiers easily spot him, despite his efforts. Ariel wastes no time by casting Bane. Being close enough to her enemies makes it so that her goddess Lolth can easily spot the filthy beasts.
All enemies Now make will saves vs Will 15
B Soldier 1:4+2=6 Fail
B Soldier 2:14+2=16 Pass
B Soldier 3:15+2=17 Pass
B Soldier 4:11+2=13 Fail
B Servant 1:14+2=16 Pass
B Servant 2:9+2=11 Fail
B Captain:8+2=10 Fail
B Shaman:5+6=11 Fail
All failed will saves get -1 to attack rolls and -1 will vs. fear for 6 turns and have a red upside-down pyramid to mark this.

The Bullywig Captain eats a mushroom and flings himself into a terrible rage, the rest of the bullywigs, cheer him on as the foaming madman charges straight at Soloman raising a large wooden paddle over his head. The paddle seems to have serated flint lodged into it in order to make a crude, but deadly, hacking and slashing instrument of death. As he charges at Soloman Ariel pulls out her dagger and tries to stab at the Bullywig’s ribs in order to kill it.

Ariel Attack: 10+1=11
19-2 (charge)=17 Fail!

Bullywig Captain Attack: 9+8(attack bonus)-1(Bane)+2 Charge=18!
12 Hit!

Damage: d12 + 5 = 11+5=16

Soloman -9/7 HP

You watch in a mixture of horror and amazement, but mostly horror, as the Bullywig’s crude weapon slice right through Soloman’s right arm. The limb flying off and landing in the grass below. The massive blood loss makes him fall to the ground, mere moments from death!

Soloman must now make a death save: 22%... -1 Hp

…and Brauer heart sinks.
A bright hope for the future. A prodigy maester and a young life on his way to the top. A friend and a younger generation he could confide in and be a part of. A possible teacher for future nobles, maybe even kings vanished. Soloman Winter is dead.

Pressing the advantage 2 bullywig soldiers immediately try to run into position to protect their priest. One of them steps onto the grease…

Balance Check
B Soldier 4: 19+0=19 pass!

But the soldier barely misses a beat, instead sliding nearby his religious leader and positioning himself into a tactical defensive position.

+2 AC, -2 Attack

Belfore’s Turn
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Post by Nvlutz »


The reverse of Turn Undead is “Rebuke Undead”. The more you know * rainbow *

You pull out lodged ballista bolt, it doesn’t seem as crisp as it was before, but it seems far more usable than any improvised scrap your going to find in the church. Meanwhile, Cernd-ar runs over and grabs your crossbow.
Meanwhile the zombies shamble forth as the necromancer summons forth another one from the grave. Cernd-ar runs over with the crossbow in hand and gives it to you. The two of you then push the ballista into place getting you a clear shot.
You pull back the worn rope for the Ballista and Cernd-ar quickly loads another bolt as the Necromancer raises another zombie just a few inches in front of him like a shield.
Cerndar brings his flail to his head and chants the following prayer.

“Oak and Iron serve us well,
else we die and be doomed to hell…”

You fire the bolt, the tense aged rope snapping in two as it lobs the bolt on last time. The bolt launches through the air lightning blasts down from the heavens hitting the metal tip of the massive projectile. There is a blinding light. One moment the Necromancer is in the midst of summoning an army, a crack of thunder…

Reflex save: 12+2=14 Fail

… the next moment the foul sorcerer is pin cushion next to the entrance of the cultist’s hideout with one of his zombie minions impaled in front of him as well on the same bolt. The necromancer is clearly dead, while the zombie never was. All the other shambling corpses have also fallen to the ground lifeless.
“Hextor be praised!”, Cernd-ar Shouts, “Press the advantage. This cult shall know it’s end tonight.”
Cernd-ar rushes off without you arriving at the entrance of the temple of evil. The graveyard there is filled with muck and the heavy rain beats down ferociously. The entrance to the shrine of chaos is blocked by a wall with 6 circular holes. 2 rows of 3.
In front of the entrance there is a worn down bronze pedestal, caked with mud and tarnished by age. Cernd-ar bellows in victorious rage bringing his mace down upon the entrance of the wall, but his flail barely chips the door.
“Blasted Door!”, Cernd-ar shouts.
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Post by kozeph »

Arvall marsharness.

I hand cernd ar the box with the amulets while I check the necromancers body for anything useful.

he should try to fit each coin in their respective place
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Post by Nvlutz »


You examine the necromancer's body and find another amulet of tiamat and you also find a rusty copper dagger (appears to be ceremonial) and a tarot card labelled "The Justiciar"

On the card their is a picture of an knight in blazing gold armor with a flowing red cape making a last stand on a hill as swarms of skeletons arise from all around him ready to drag him down him down into the soil.

While you have this card on your person you gain a +1 vs. undead to your attack roll and gain a +1 damage bonus against undead. This card is a minor magic item, and radiates very small amounts of magic, not enough to make it's possession a threat to your well being.

Further examining both the dagger and the tarot card you notice a feature that both the card and the dagger hold in common, a silver flame adorns the Justicar's cape and a silver flame icon has been inset into the copper handle.

Another interesting element is the Justicar's weapon, a silver bow, it is a weapon that clashes colorwise with the golden armour he is wearing and from your experience you believe that skeletons would be quiet resilient against such an odd weapon choice.

You then look at the pin-cushioned zombie dangling from the burnt ballista bolt... Well first off it's a zombie and second, that's a really damn big arrow...

Meanwhile Cernd-ar is trying to put the amulet in a variety of combinations but nothing seems to be work. "We don't have time to try out every blasted combination...", Cernd-ar seems frustrated, "The ceremony will be a success and those bastards will have won by the time we get this right..." He stops and prays. "Hextor lend me your divine guidance once more to solve this mystery..."
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Post by Nvlutz »


You look around hoping to find some clue as to where the goblin hide out is… but to no avail. So you decide to just wander in the forest moving away from the road side path, hoping that some, anything will happen…

Mao-Ling Spot Check: 4+0=4
Jarrackt Spot:0

Make a reflex save

Mao-Ling Reflex: 18+2=20!


Just a quick note, I will admit treasure is very hard to come by in this campaign, that said I just realized. Yeah Khannon hasn’t received a lot of treasure. However, don’t forget you did receive a small leather bag with 3 cure light wounds potions from the star elves before you left. It was a sort of peace offering for the staff incident. Page 25 for reference.

Azhag points out that Ragh’nuul’s gear was taken by some really malshaped looking gnoll.
“Would the fist of Kord be with the gear taken?”, Melkior asks.
Azhag’ mouth drops… “Well it’s not like it ever did anything…”
“Perhaps, it’ll be helpful now.” Melkior then pulls out a small gem stone tied around a metal wire, he ties the wire around his finger and spins it around. The crystal stops and begins pointing at the belt at Khannon’s feet.
“Oh yes, almost forgot about that one… By the way Khannon, hopefully you can make some use of that.” Melkior says, he then spins the crystal around again, this time the crystal points elsewhere.
“I’ll be back in a second… or perhaps it’s safer to come with me… agreed?”


I’m assuming you mean the giant slave.

You walk up to the massive giant-kin, he looks to be a fairly uncultured type. His hair is unkempt, he’s covered in dirt and sores from where it appears he’s been whipped and beaten. You are about to ask the giant to come with you to talk for abit when a guard walks up.
“Mylady, While I may understand some fascination in observing such a brute, you must understand these things are uncivil and possibly feral, particularly this one.” The guard warns giving it a light poke with his spear.
The Ogre grunts and tries to back away, but can only do so slowly with all his bindings. The guard seems to want you to stay a fair distance away from the slave and the noise level makes it so you would need to yell for the ogre to hear you, which of course makes the entire situation very different.

+2 to diplomacy checks for drow of the Val’Illshareness clan seeing as that you’re part of the higher royality… if you’re wondering.

If this was not the person or course of action you had wished to have taken, then please ignore.
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Post by Siberys »

Just a quick note, I will admit treasure is very hard to come by in this campaign, that said I just realized. Yeah Khannon hasn’t received a lot of treasure. However, don’t forget you did receive a small leather bag with 3 cure light wounds potions from the star elves before you left. It was a sort of peace offering for the staff incident. Page 25 for reference.
Ah, thanks for the reminder. Adding it to my sheet now before I forget again.

Khannon picks up the belt and examines it closely-

14+1 = 15

Whether or not it reveals anything useful, after the search he shrugs and places it in his pack for the time being. "I've no idea what this does nor do I know the potential consequences of wearing it, I'll wait until we're out of this place and back at the monastery, perhaps there is a scroll or tome about this item still in tact. Many of the monks traveled the world and scribed their journey as a journal, and I've read many interesting tales over what wonders there are in the world...

Though, some are purely fictional as well."
“I’ll be back in a second… or perhaps it’s safer to come with me… agreed?”
"Indeed. Azhag, stay close by my side, I'm not letting anything hostile near you until we're back at the monastery. You too Rahg'nuul."

While Azhag doesn't want to let me trade my freedom for his, Khannon still feels responsible for his teammates injuries, especially Azhag's fearful disease from the rats. He refuses to let anything like what happened at Dorwick happen again, and while it may seem parent-like to order them around like that, it is only because he fears what may happen in this type of land, even with Melkior's help.


No, I meant the stable boy I'm alone with (If I'm alone with that is). I'm assuming the stable boy is a slave as well.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
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Post by Shaggypichu »


I will cast spectral stag on the bully wig cheif if i am close enough. if not i will get close enough and take a defensive postion in that spot till i can cast the spell.


Reflex save= 19+2=21
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Post by kozeph »

Brauer Drudoc.
I will take 5-foot step away from the chiftien and then cast schorching Ray on the Chieftain.
1d20= 16
4d6= 3+2+5+6= 16

Arvall marsharness.

I take a closer look at the stoneworks and the slots for the amulets.
knowledge (stonework 10+2=12)
search 9+4=13)

I hand Cernd ar the book I found at the Doctors place and have him look at it if he can read undercommon that is.
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Post by Nvlutz »


You pick up the belt and look over it closely. Aside from the very notable dwarven face made from the various metals discussed before you also notice that the belt latches on from one of the sides with 3 regular sized belt straps. This would make it look like some sort of giant belt, but on a person of your size it would cover most of your abdomen.
You also notice that all around the belt there are runes etched in the plating. You easily recognize them as dwarven. You recognize some of the names immediately from having read them in the monastary.
There had been a portion of your life when you wonderred about your place in the world and wished to know the history of your people. You managed to find a book detailing the history and culture of the dwarves.
The names on the belt all belong to Dwarvish thanes of legend from Grimnir the Golden, Garl Maraz the hammerlord and a bunch of other really notable names. You also find an etching on the inside of the belt, different from the rest. It has a logo of a smith, now long dead, an underneath the name
-Runelord Binwin Bronzebottom, son of Borris.
You don't know what the belt does, but you are sure that it's definitely an heirloom of the dwarven people and you are pretty sure if the belt is as important as it makes itself out to be it'll be in the tome you had back in the monastary.

Azhag begins helping Rhag'nuul up so that he can weakly follow the rest of the group as they go in search of their stolen gear. It isn't long until you come across the gnoll group.
They seem to be trying to run off and escape. There is rouhly about 45 gnolls left, but only 5 of them appear to be warriors of any sort. The rest appear to be gnoll women and children. A few of the gnoll matriachs have young infants latched to their bare breasts. Traveling with them and sticking out like a sore thumb is the giant gnoll. Slung across the back of the giant deformed gnoll from before is the bag with your belongings. Behind his monstrous deformed hand their is a series of chains, they are latched onto a giant cage made from the re-inforced ribcage of some large beast. Underneath the cage the enclosement rolls along the wasteland ground on large animal femurs. As the cage rolls across and moves past a bone a gnoll at the back retrieves it and brings it to the front of the cage allowing the cage to contiually move across the wasteland without being dragged across the cracked earth. Inside the cage there are roughly about 15 elf-like figures and 5 halflings. Except you are surprised to notice the elves and halflings look vastly different...
The elves are actually quite tall, taller than a human, and definitely taller than any elves you've seen. They also seem to all have jet black hair and some of them look like they are fully bundled up, as if they are used to living in such conditions.
The Halflings are the most shocking, they have sharpened nails and sharpened teeth. They appear to be even shorter than regular halflings and unlike most halflings they all appear to be boney and thin... then again slave life probably doesn't lend itself to 5 2-course meals a day. Especially in this blasted wasteland.
Melkior looks at the deformed gnoll and clenches his fits... "A mutant... lovely."
The gnolls look thoroughly frightened and look like they are deciding whether to fight or fly. Azhag looks at the wizard, "Please... let's me try one thing before we do anything unnecessary."
The Goblin walks up and begins talking in gnollish, he points at the bag slung over the mutant's back and then at the bone cage he is rolling behind him.

Diplomacy: 6+5+2=13 (Melkior's presence) Fail

Whatever Azhag said doesn't seem to have done anything to the gnolls but issued a challenge. The giant mutant gnoll drops the chain and tosses the bag of gear onto one of the smaller regular gnoll.
The large gnoll waves the other gnolls away and they begin to move. The sores on the mutant gnoll's massive arm bubbles and boils sprouting a large shard of green crystal that radiates eerily against the night sky.
Melkior looks back at the gnoll and begins speaking gnollish as well, which is a shock. Melkior doesn't seem to be as diplomatic, instead choosing to threaten them if they do not comply.

Intimidate: 12+6+2=20!

The Gnoll stops in mid-grab in reaching for the jagged gemstone. The gnoll looks back and tells the gnolls to give him the bag and the has another gnoll go unlock the cage. Meanwhile the fragile gemstone still protruding out of the gnoll's back begins to crack and shatter pieces of it falling to the ground while the finer powder flies off into the midnight wind.
The Gnoll tosses the large bag at your feet and the Melkior quickly grabs the Fist of Kord, Azhag picks up Rhag'nuul's backpack, and his own small sack of personal belongings.
You see inside the bag there is a variety of other treasures. Namely a few blowpipes, javelins, a longbow of excellent quality. A jagged curved two handed blade that appears to be made for hacking rather than slicing, 2 punch daggers, A sling with three pouches rather than one, a hoop with hook and 20 some odd discs attached to it, and a variety of other exotic weapons. All the weapons seem to be made of bone, wood, a few from stone. However the jagged curved sword is actually made of steel.
Also in the bag you notice a pendant, you can't make out the exact details without inspecting it closer.
The elves and halflings look around suspiciously at the gnolls as the begin to leave, the gnolls back away and keep looking at their leader wondering if he made the right choice. The halflings quickly retreat off into the desert night without a second glance. Meanwhile the elves cautiously walk towards the bag, constantly shifting glances between you and the bag. Meanwhile the gnolls are slowly backing away from Mekior and the newly freed elves.


The drow stablehand looks around... "Well..."

Sense motive: 5+1=6 fails to sense motive

"I'm no slave, but I catch your drift... the questions I want to ask you are, 'What do you want me to do and what sort of promotion can I expect?' "

The stablehand has taken the bait, but he's no fool. You live in overdark long enough as a drow and you learn to be skeptical of any offer, but you also know a that nothing ventured, nothing gained.

"See, the way I see it, I may not be part of the creme de la creme of society, but unless you're going to offer me a gender change, a massive sum of money or manage to promote me up a caste, I'd say my life is pretty good. Not as cushy as yours, no offence, but not nearly as bad as the westerner there..." The stable hand indicates with a head nod through the wall at the general direction of the giant, who you can imagine in your head is either miserable or too stupid to know that he should be."

Belfore & Brauer

By Bullywig Chieften I assume both of you are trying to attack the captain.

Belfore makes a triange over his religious symbol on his chest, the index and middle fingers touching at the top and the thumbs at the bottom and pushes outward sending a stab to summon forth from the fey realm and into our reality for a short moment to attack the Bullywig Captain.

Bullywig captain attack of opportunity: 7+8= 15
AC = 18

Please roll these

Roll to hit d20+4
Damage 1d6+4
Plus push back 1 space.

Seeing as to even with maximum damage and a crit you won't kill the bullywig, I'll move onward...

At that one of the bullywig soldiers also moves into place near the priest and assumes a defensive position.

+2 AC, -2 Attack

Next, one of the bullywig servants walks towards the shaman and tries to hoist him onto his shoulders...

Balance Check:4-1=3

But instead falls to the ground prone.

Prone makes the servant unable to move and gives a -2 to Attack rolls and Melee AC, while giving them +2 AC versus ranged attacks.

Next Raz charges out from the tree and goes to swing in for an awesome hook shot to the Bullywig captain's face.

16 fail.

But the frenzied bullywig dodges Raz's attack. Meanwhile Raz's camoflague can't keep up with his sudden shifting and jerking movements so he is actually quite visible.
During this time the other servant of the priest decides to try and lift the priest on his shoulders.

Balance:14-1=13 Fail

And falls prone himself. Brauer then cast scorching Ray.

Touch AC: 18-3=15


The Bullywig Screams in pain as his skin boils under the scorching ray as the massive heat wave dries his skin and makes his amphibious hide crack and peel. The Bullywig than screams out at you in non-sensical gibberish. Brauer's attack not killing it but rather just pissing it off.

I'm going to wait and see How Belfore's roll went since his spell determines whether Ariel or Brauer becomes the next notch on the captain's paddle.
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Post by Siberys »


"Before any brash actions are made today, I'd like my chance as well. And Melkior, I'm sorry for what I'm about to do but I could never forgive myself otherwise..."

Azhag, may I ask your assistance in translation please?"

If he says yes, or there's another way offered to translate to the gnolls (such as a tongue's spell or something), "To the gnolls, there is no sense in any more bloodshed. We are not your enemies and I have no wish to fight you,

That being said, I cannot allow this...slavery to exist, the elves and the halflings deserve their own lives as much as you deserve yours. I will provide them sanctuary, but know that if you must stand your ground, so will I. I've survived much worse than you," I say pointing to the Giant gnoll, "and if your path is to harm those twenty innocents, know that I will not hold back."

19+0 = 19


"I have no idea what you are referring to. I'm simply asking what you think of your position here, I have no intention of offering you a better life."

In truth, considering he's not desperate, I have no intention of using him or allying myself with him. The lack of desperation for freedom makes him hard to trust.

"Back to work!"

I head out of the room, and while I exchange pleasantries and make small talk here and there through the crowd, I inevitably make my way down towards the prison where the large creatures are kept.

Considering I've been there before, I'm wondering if I could have a map of that area, and the area right before it (if the area before is a huge area, I don't need it all. Just a small section of it, enough to tell me where all the guards are or should be). If I can get the map, I'll be giving a specific set of actions for that particular area before I actually go into or even near the prison.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
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Post by Nvlutz »


Reflex save=21+2 for riding!= 23

The ground beneath you, Mao-ling and your new steed collapses beneath you. Holding on for dear life the tiger leaps for safesty as Mao-Ling jumps back. You both land safely on solid ground, you even manage to drift on your pet as you land pivoting around to see what caused the sudden ruckus. You see that a sheet with some dead leaves had been placed on the ground with a spiked pit at the bottom. You're no expert, but you can almost be sure the goblins set up such a trap. Perhaps you're closer to their base than you know, you also wonder how often they arrive to check up on this trap.


You look at the 6 holes and notice the ridges around the edges of the 6 holes do indeed match the medalions but the smooth surface on the flat inner workings of the holes leave no clue of which amulet goes where, you only know that the symbols are clearly meant to point towards you and away from the door...

You hand Cernd-ar the book. "Gah, squid-tongue... I'm not to good with this... wait a minute..." Cernd-ar pulls out some soot and salt from a pouch he has and sprinkles it on the page with a quick prayer. Suddenly Cend-ar is able to decipher the language.

35 CA, Month of Azer

...I have found myself in this crazed city. All around me there are followers of Har'zack. I must admit, I never felt that they were a true threat until I arrived here to investigate this town. My only dealing with Har'zack's minions had been in my dealings with Inquisitor Gathais. He seemed civil enough if only abit too cocky for my tastes, I think his massive magical power has gone straight to his head. He thinks he is on equal footing with us. He is wrong. He just doesn't know it yet.
I'm terribly hungry, I wish I could eat some of these people's brains... but after encountering a few of the more fanatical members including some that transformed into terrible abominations I think I'll pass lest I get whatever disease they have.
I've been able to discover that Har'zack is a deity that can not create, nor can it destroy... it can only corrupt. The language of his minions for example, It is not a sacred tongue, and yet it's not gibberish. It is simply a perversion of common. The initial letter and final letter of every word remains the same only the centre is jumbled...
During the investigation I came across a cult leader, I easily dispatched him using my mind... Trying to read these creature's thoughts is a terrible mistake I won't try again, but imploding their limbs into their chest seems to work fine. On the leader I found a medalion and a book, the book had the same bizarre passage from before:

"...fsale 'gdos' subqaebld oevr the solpis, but we aiawt the ture mseatr."

It also had the rest of the passage, apparently the message in the box was merely a small transcript from.... Clearly the medalion and the book are one.

The sentence possibly translates to "... [and the] false 'gods' squabbled over the spoils, but we await the true master."

The full passage from their tome of idiocy translated is:

"The setting moon sunk to the west as the dragon whore retreated overhead. The firelord, now smothered, clings to the dragon queen's trail over the fallen corpse of lolth whose body lay broken in the centre of the broken battlefield below. Meanwhile Hextor fights in futility to fight the risen blood sun in the east. Yeeoghu, thinking he will find solace in a retreat to the east is pulled deep into the earth by his slain Nemisis of the Gnomish people.... and the all the while the false 'god' squabbled over the spoils, but we await the true master."

Even after translating this gibberish... I have very little idea as to what this means... But I noticed that the slipshod narrative makes use of many god figures and oddly enough specific directions. Is this a map?...

Cernd-ar tries to continue reading... but clearly the spell has ended. "Well...", Cernd-ar says rolling his eyes, "THAT was insightful."

Make 4 religion knowledge checks.
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Post by Shaggypichu »


I will look around and see what bushes, trees and rocks we can hide behind.

Search=13+2 (1 INT and 1 skill rank) =15

Once we have where we are gonna hide set. we will wait to see if the goblins come to check the trap soon.


d20=16+4=20 damage=3+4=7
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Post by kozeph »

Arvall Marsharness

religion: 1d20+2= 1) 11+2=13 2) 14+2=16 3) 7+2=9

I take a closer look at my amulets and try to match each with the gods from the book.. then arrange them in that order.
Have you seen my brain around here? No? well in case you see it its brainy and squishy looking. If you see it let me know
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Post by Nvlutz »

Sorry for the lack of updates at the moment, I'm up in ottawa at the moment doing possible job searching and visiting some friends. The internet is not as amazing as usual, I'll try to update tomorrow.. but I can only do a small bit since most of my D&D notes are back home anyways, but let's hope it works well. Sorry.
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Post by rustinpeace91 »

Nvlutz wrote:

Just as a quick heads up, while you added the proper amount to your roll for move silently, you actually get the +3 bonus from your dexterity. Each skill is effected by a different stat indicated in brackets. Not really a big deal but if you ever gain or lose dexterity for example it might effect skills like your move silently. That aside…

Listen check: 3+3=6

Also sometimes I’ll make rolls for you.

Silently you follow the duo using the combined cover of foliage and the thickening fog to your advantage. You stalk the wooden warrior and his armored companion you arrive on a forested pathway where they stop. Hiding behind a tree you spy on the two of them, bow at the ready. The Armored kobold seems to be searching for something. He then turns to his companion behind him and you recoil back behind the tree. You hear him say something about Goblins possibly… You really can’t be sure since your heart is racing so hard that it’s pounding in your ears. ‘Did he see you?’ You wonder…
Ill do another listen check

d20 19+3=22
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Post by Nvlutz »

I'm off for this weekend away from home, so I'll only be able to update a little bit without my full set-up of notes.


Your search is more of a hide check. Hide checks take into account both your natural ability to hide nd your ability to find something to hide behind.
Hide:13+6(I think)=19 Pass

You are in a forest dense with trees, and with many dead leaves and rocks on the ground. You look for the around and decide to hide both you and your steed in a giant pile of leaves making you completely invisible to onlookers, Mao-ling climbs up a tree and hides high above.
You lay still in dead silence for about an hour when two goblins run in... "Looks like we caught something!", A goblin yells, you then hear him say in a different direction, "We'll eat good tonight, Veerick shall be pleased."
Then the goblin walks into view and looks at the trap... "What the?" Nothing is down there... The goblin then gets down on his stomach and grabs a nearby stick as he begins to fish up the blanket.


religion: 1d20+2= 1) 11+2=13 2) 14+2=16 3) 7+2=9

You look at the amulets and figure out the ones you can clealy identify. You know Hextor and Tiamat well, the cultists said it when holding the amulets and Cernd-ar would go into a blind rage if you couldn’t identify the black plated fist as the symbol for hextor. You look over the remaining 4 amulets…
You quickly identify the spider amulet with the elf face to be lolth.
You know one of them has to be Yeeoghu… but can’t figure out which of the 3 amulets it is, and the other 2 have gotten you completely fuddled, but you think the one with the flames and the skeletal lizard head might be the flame lord… That leaves two amulets left, a cresent setting moon and a 3 star flail. Is that the nemesis? Is that the true master?

You try the following orders going top left to top right and then bottom left to bottom right.

Combination 1: Tiamat, “Flamelord”, Lolth, Hextor, Yeeghou (crescent moon?) ,“Nemesis/Master” (flail?)

Combination 2: Tiamat, “Flamelord”, Lolth, Hextor, Yeeghou (Flail?) ,“Nemesis/Master” (Cresent?)

Both of the combinations don’t work… you’re missing something. Cernd-ar uses his extensive knowledge of religions to see if he can sort out the confusion.”


Cernd-ar Is easily able to identify The flail amulet to be Yeeoghu, and he identifies the moon as Hecate, a secretive pagan goddess worshiped by druids living in various forests of Albion and a few giants cults in the western mountain front. Her Symbol is of a moon.

You then try the order,

Hecate, Tiamat, “Flamelord”, Lolth, Hextor, Yeeoghu

Also keep in mind the holes are set up like so:

[.] [.] [.]

[.] [.] [.]

The latest order doesn’t seem to have any effect either. Cernd-ar looks at the sky, “I hope we aren’t too late when we solve this… You keep fooling around with the medallions, I’m going to try and find a away to open up this blasted book, he pulls out the book the cultists has on them that was locked, you recall you have a second copy of the book also locked.


Azhag agrees to translate.

After translating everything the big gnoll sends the surviving forces off into the desert while standing his ground firm an old hobbled gnoll also stays back as he utters a few statements which get Azhag confused…

“He says”, Azhag translates, “The barren wastelands is where innocence goes to die, westerner. No living creature could move forward without crushing ants along the path. You know nothing of the world, ‘Mule’, and I hope that when all is said and done… I hope ‘Gorellick’s Fingers’ drag you deep into the pit of his belly.”

During this time the cautious elves have retrieved their gear, namely the weapons… Within a flash the elves spring back and begin to give chase to the Gnolls!

The elves clearly have been trained as some sort of team and are quiet tactically sound despite not having been fed for quite some time. The Elves charge the giant gnoll who sprouts a painful set of green crystal claws from his fingers, blood gushing out from the opened wounds. The Elves split into three groups, the central group begin whittling away at the giant gnoll with projectiles of every kind running in circles while the other two have begun diverging around the distracted giant. Off in the distance with your darkvision you can see clawed hands burst forth from the sand. The trip and rend the flesh of the retreating gnolls. One gnoll woman is tripped, and the gnoll youngling falls on the desert floor only to be dragged down by the hands in a matter of seconds.

For reference, the giant gnoll, the elder gnoll and about 5 of the elves are 45 ft ahead of you, while the remaining gnoll survivors and the claws of doom are 90 ft ahead of you, both of the other 5 elves squads moved 75 ft at 45 degree turns from the “centre lane” where the other two events are occurring. If that makes any sense.

Melkior looks around, “Well I don’t have the power to stop all of them… and even if I did, do I have the right?”
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Post by Nvlutz »


You listen intently and find that he hasn't seen you, or he's really good at bluffing. You continue to stalk them into the forest as them move about... They almost fall into a sort of trap as the blanket makes way. The Kobold then tells the wooden warrior that he plans on hiding and waiting for the goblins to appear. The armoured kobold hides himself under a pile of leaves with his steed as the wooden warrior impresses you with a feat of acrobatics jumping up into the foilage of the trees above.
You wait along, waiting to see if you spot the goblins. You then hear a shrill goblin voice say, "Looks like we caught something! We'll eat good tonight, Veerick shall be pleased."
Then the goblin walks into view and looks at the trap... "What the? Nothing is down there..." The goblin then gets down on his stomach and grabs a nearby stick as he begins to fish up the blanket.
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