My biggest problem always has been that I got distracted by the various sidequests & factions, so that by the time I'm halfway through those, I've lost my intrest.
My character will be a Male Orc (or maybe Bretonian) with Medium Armour, Security Alteration, Mysticism, Speechcraft as majors and Alchemy, Illusion, Restoration, Spear and Smithing as secundaries. As for Starsigns, I'm doubting between The Mage & The Apprentice. The mods I'll use will be a Magicka-regen mod, and Sill's/Syph's Alchemy. (The one which makes healing & magicka restoration potions more frequent.)
- This time, I'll focus on three factions + The Mage's Guild, no more. Which ones do you suggest?
- Also, are there any decent Spears in the game? Is Medium Armour a decent choice, or does it pale compared to Heavy? Any other skill suggestions? (As for Enchanting, I'll just pay for it.)