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shadows-my situation is slightly different

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shadows-my situation is slightly different

Post by uglijimus »

encountered my first shadow the other day and the outcome wasn't favorable. Now, I know what everyone will say. Use your cleric to turn them. I don't have a cleric. I have a sorcerer, barbarian, thief and monk.

I also read that you need a +1 weapon at least to injure them. My thief has a +3 dagger that did nothing to the shadow. The only thing I was able to injure it with was magic missle.

Any other ideas??
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Post by rmemmett84 »

I hope someone else can be of more help because I havent played POR in a long time but I recall having alot of trouble with them as well. I seem to remember using a wand against them altho which kind escapes me. The only thing I can tell you for sure is that a cleric wont help much if u just began anyhow. I had some success turning them but it was later on when the cleric was a much higher level. Sorry for the vagueness. Mr. Sir where are you?!?
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Post by TwoHandedSword »

Shadows (and their big brothers, Master Shadows) are annoying. You need a +1 weapon to hit them, they're resistant to being turned, they have a lot of HP for their level, their draining touch offers no saving throw at all... and, being incorporeal, 50% of what would otherwise hit them, misses.

A low-level thief with a +1 dagger isn't going to be able to beat this creature alone. Your best bet is indeed Magic Missile, which will always hit; once your sorcerer gets to level 3, he'll get two missiles per spell, which is the damage equivalent of a +2 longsword, or a +1 dagger hitting twice.

There's also that +2 sling you should've found in the first room of the dungeon, which'll enable one more of your PCs to join the fray. In fact, finding magic weapons isn't a problem in this game; they're everywhere.

Hint: a potion of restoration will immediately restore all lost strength points to the character that drinks it; but if multiple PCs have been hit (or you're out of those potions) you're better off resting for a few 'days' in a row: each rest period returns one lost point to every drained character on the team.
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Post by kmonster »

The best way to handle shadows is avoiding them. You get hardly any XP for your trouble. You can mark the shadow locations on the map and return later if you want.

If you don't have a cleric in your team consider restarting. Half of the enemies in the game are undead and watching zombies crawl from one end of the screen to the other again and again isn't fun.
If you absolutely want to keep your party you could multiclass your thief and/or barbarian with cleric if the stats are okay, you won't be able to hire a cleric or paladin NPC for a long time.
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Post by uglijimus »


I went back again and gave it another shot (maybe it was the third time??) but I
finally made some hits that caused some damage. Before, I would hit and it would say that I couldn't damage the shadow because of my weapon which I thought was strange since most of my characters have at least +1 weapons.

I don't feel that avoiding them is an option; I feel like in this game you need every exp point you can get your hands on. And then, there is that issue with my pride :)

I am considering multi-classing my sorcerer to a cleric as well, so good suggestion. Just afraid of how weak he's going to become though...
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Post by rmemmett84 »

Im not sold on multi classing. As I said it is tough to turn these buggers until u have some levels under ur belt at Cleric which as u stated may weaken ur character.
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Post by uglijimus »

yeah, i know what you mean, but all these wands of resurrection and cleric scrolls are tempting me!
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