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SoZ Wagon cheats available. (spoilers here)

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Obsidian Entertainment's Neverwinter Nights 2, the Mask of the Betrayer expansion pack, the Storm of Zehir expansion pack, and the Mysteries of Westgate adventure pack.
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SoZ Wagon cheats available. (spoilers here)

Post by Kris »

I was able to change the capacity of the wagon to 90, then to 990, and tested it to 70. It is simple. Let me know if you want it. It requires a simple edit with Notepad.

I also have the cheats for adding trade bard, etc, but I found those with google. I can repeat here if you wish. Those require a command entered to the console.

These make SoZ much less tedious. :D
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Post by Kris »

no response, but no mods attacking, so here is wagon size mod:

use notepad to edit I:\NWN2\Campaigns\Neverwinter Nights 2 Campaign_X2\nx2_wagons.2da (or wherever your NWN2 game is).


It willl look like this:

Code: Select all

2DA V2.0					
0	INVALID	****	****	****	****
1	WAGON_1	****	****	10	****
2	WAGON_2	****	****	15	****
3	WAGON_3	****	****	30	****
change it to this, or whatever you want:

Code: Select all

2DA V2.0					
0	INVALID	****	****	****	****
1	WAGON_1	****	****	990	****
2	WAGON_2	****	****	990	****
3	WAGON_3	****	****	990	****
(the forum editor has eliminated extra spaces so it will look a tad more spread out!)

rs ka_set_wagon SetWagon(50) did nothing because the max is set in nx2_wagons.2da above.

You could set all 3 to, say, 100 or 300 to minimize the incessant going-back-to-a-town-and-trading, as interrupting your exploring. It puts a very different slant on the game. I played it through that way and had tons of fun with all the little mini-quests, in a game that lots of folks seem to complain about.

I believe I am the originator of the above as I couldn't find it anywhere.
--- --- ---
However, the below is copied from at least 3 authors (the example is mine:
rs ka_give_bars GiveBars(#) X


# = Number of trade bars to give (to yourself)
X = PC's name
~ (to display command console)
debugmode 1
rs ka_give_bars givebars(100) Ephraela Blessed
debugmode 0
~ (to get rid of command console)

where Elphaera Blessed is the name of your character.

Note, all the cap letters you often see used in examples and commands are not necessary. It doesn't care. (though it may for the PC name - I didn't check)

Enjoy a fine gaming experience in SoZ !!!!!! I've only had it for a week and think it's a dynamite little extension! though I think I will call it HoM (Hordes of Miniquests) :D

(Let me know if you want the add-to-your-resources commands.)(or google for them under "givegoods". )
Game owner: || NWN | HoU | SoU || NWN2 | MOTB | MoW | SoZ ||
Joined Bioware forums 25 Dec 2004 ||| Also play Ultima Underworld I and II, Stonekeep
GA-EP45-UD3P, E7200/3.6ghz, 2x2GB, 465GTX Fermi 1GB (258.96), Hannspree 28", 650Wpsu, Win7
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