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Sniper Shot + Speed

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Obsidian Entertainment's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II.
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Sniper Shot + Speed

Post by Solusek »

Does Sniper Shot actually benefit from Force/Knight/Master Speed? Some people say it does, some people say it doesn't so it would be nice to get a definite answer regarding this matter.

As to my own thoughts, I don't think Sniper Shot + Speed works simply because of the animation it has in KotOR 2. Both Sniper Shot & Power Attack have attack animations that are basically impossible to multiply during a single round without looking absolutely ridiculous.

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Post by sunsmountain »

Though the animation is singular, look at the damage floaters. They should be multiple.

I remember with Master Speed, getting 3 attacks using normal, 3 using critical strike or sniper shot, and 4 using flurry or rapid fire. The animations changed somewhat, but never to completely reflect what was actually going on for the special attacks (not even flurry).

If what i say wouldn't be the case, then it would make no sense at all to get any points in any special attack, since 3 normal attacks are much better than 1 special. Always.
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