Yes, DS2 and its expansion are quite old as of this posting, but I loaded them up again for a fun trip down memory lane. I did so when I found out I can download a mod to get the camera, field of view, and fog of war work well with triple-monitor resolutions (ie: Matrox TripleHead2Go or ATI Eyefinity).

But the game mechanics annoy me quite a bit with left click to move and right click to attack. I prefer to have it all in one mouse button since I'm playing this game again for fun, not 'pwnage precision'. So I created an Autohotkey script for doing just that: combining the left and right mouse buttons in DS2.
But we need to either hold down or rapidly click the right mouse button to attack repeatedly. So I tweaked my macro. And we don't want to accidentally use the right mouse button on other things. So I tweaked it again and added a delay for when it's held down. It goes something like this:
- Left-click sends Left-click for movement
- 300ms delay if held down
- Spam Right-click every 16ms (approx. once for every 60FPS)
- Stop clicking if Left mouse button is released
Code: Select all
#CommentFlag //
// AutoHotkey Ver:
// Author: cipher_nemo
// Script Function: DS2 Hotkeys
// Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
// Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SendMode Input
// Limit number of keys sent per interval in ms
#HotkeyInterval 16
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 1
//suspend script when the number pad's * key is pressed
//activate when the left mouse button is pressed
SendInput, {LButton}
Sleep, 300
GetKeyState, LButtonState, LButton, P
If LButtonState = U
SendInput, {RButton}
Sleep, 16
Run this executable to use it. The Numpad multiply key (*) will toggle this script on and off (suspend/resume). Enjoy!