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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Troika Games' Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura.
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Maximum Number of Followers

Post by notquitethere »

I guess everyone has their quirks. Mine is that I love having as many active party members as humanly possible. The [url=""]last time[/url] I played through Arcanum, I went through the stone circle with eleven followers, including two summons and an animal possession. If I'd had more spell slots, that could have been 13 followers, though only 8 would be permanent and one of those is the dog.

In case you can't make out in the[url=""]picture[/url], my party consisted of:
Perriman Smythe
Z'an Al'urin (yeah, I managed to persuade them both to work together...)
Franklin Payne
Weldo Rubin

My question is: have you had a bigger party? And is there any other RPG that you know of which would allow you to have more party members active?
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Post by doady »

Don't forget about Medical Arachnid.

If you really like having a lot of party members, you should check out Ogre Battle 64.
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