doady wrote:
Anyways, is Gothic worth playing if I hated Morrowind? I have seen Gothic 3 Gold Edition box at bargain price at local department store. Not sure if I should get it.
Don't buy G3, it's full of bugs and generally considered a failure compared to Piranha Bytes' other games. Instead, I recommend buying [url=""]Risen[/url].
It's quite a recovery for Piranha Bytes from the technical mess that was Gothic 3
The problem is that the people with the most ridiculous ideas are always the people who are most certain of them.
If you go into options you can change the controls from the default gothic to the slightly improved gothic 2 controls. This will at least allow you to make an attack with simply one mouse clic.
As for the movement "issues" you talk about, it's just a matter of getting used to. There's no way of making it smooth. I got the hang of it rather quickly when I played the game the first time. Although I must admit, I almost gave up. But I'm glad I didn't!
Gothic 2 is considered a difficult game and it takes some getting used to. Especially how you and enemies move in combat. It is easy to get killed in combat and I would suggest you come to terms with using 3rd person, as it gives you a much needed extended view when facing several opponents.
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.