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Advice on what order to install mods

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Advice on what order to install mods

Post by kiwidoc »

I've been reading, researching and playing mods for a few years now, and I've bashed out some general advice on what order you should use to install your mods. Remember this is just a rule of thumb that I've found works for me. Don't take it as gospel - and always read the ReadMe for each and every mod you use!

BG2 - official game
ToB - official game
ToB Patch - official patch
Fixpacks - Such as G3 Fixpack
Megamods - Mods that either change the entire game (like Epic Endeavors) or add lots of new areas and NPCs (like Never Ending Journey or The Darkest Day)
Kit Mods - that add new class kits
Item mods
NPC mods
Quest and/or expansion mods - Mods that add smaller new areas or quests (such as Dungeon Crawl); mods that add new romances, quests and/or friendship paths to Bioware NPCs
Banter mods - Includes mods that add more banter with Bioware NPCs, and ones that effect new NPCs like Cross Mod Banter. Be careful, as banter packs can override some important dialogue for some NPC and/or quest mods - CHECK THE READ MES! Also you can get too many banter accelerators at once.
Tweak mods - Mods that consist of optional tweaks rather than ones that have non-optional bug fixes, such as G3 Tweakpack
Artificial Intelligence (AI) mods like SCS II
Graphic mods
Voices and Portrait mods can be added at any time.

Any comments, disagreements and further advice would be most welcome :angel:
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Edar Macilrille
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Post by Edar Macilrille »

[url=""]This[/url] may be worth a look. Works all the time for me.
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