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Could some one help me learn 3.5

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Could some one help me learn 3.5

Post by Alterack »

I am a new player of dnd and have been chosen to be a DM in my schools brand new D&D club named "The guild". I have been chosen as such because of my storyline creativity but I know slight of being a DM and the rules of the base books. It would be much appreciated if anyone could help a noob from failure and donate any old D&D books most perferably 3.5e.

Thank You
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Post by GawainBS »

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Post by kozeph »

I have a small collection of 3.5 books in pdfs if you like send me a pm and gime your email I can pass the ones you liked to have

this are the ones I have
book of exalted deeds
complete (adventurer,mage, scoundrel,arcane and warrior)
DM guide (3.5 version and II)
elder evils
examplars of evil
fiendish codex I and II
heroes of battle and horror
libris mortis
magic of incarnum
monster manual 3.5, III, IV and V
planar handbook
players guide handbook 3.5 and II
races of (destiny,stone,dragons and wild)
tome of battle and magic
unearth arcana
weapons of legacy

boy long list I also have a almost all pdfs for the forgotten realms setting :p

if anyones needs any they can PM me with their email and the one they liked to have, I can send it. :D

in case anyone wonders there absolutly no way to find a DnD book in my country, thats why I only have PDFs, I mostly use them for research material and only recently have come to enter the game (great fun!) :D
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Post by Siberys »

This is not something I would think anyone is allowed to request. I won't delete this thread due to the nature of wanting to learn the rules, but to be perfectly honest I don't think it's appropriate to request people donate expensive books to you.

Feel free to PM BuckGB though, and if he gives you approval, then no worries. For now though, I've deleted the address information (this should never be placed on the internet anyways, easy way to get spammed with junk mail in real life or the web).
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Post by ancientdm »

try this instead

I have had numerous problems grasping all aspects of 3.5 and to this day always seem to screw things up. Recently I tried Pathfinder which is a streamlined 3.5 and is so much better overall. I would suggest getting a pathfinder core rulebook and a bestiary and that should be enough for you to get going. They can be found on e-bay quite reasonable and are exactly 3.5 only easier. There are more pathfinder books out there but once you get the core rulebook and bestiary the rest aren't really necessary as you can adapt anything to the pathfinder system. I am an old school 1st edition gamer who currently is in a 3.5 campaign which alternates with my own Pathfinder game. Soon everyone in our group will be converting to pathfinder just because it plays so much better and allows for more role playing and not looking every skill, feat, grapple check, etc each time it comes up. Hope this helps you.
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Post by Renorien »

Haha, well First off, Your school has a D&D Club... I'm Jealous. Second, If you need any book let me know I have a 450 Gig harddrive with 432.8 gigs of D&D books on it.

Hope this helps you out.
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